Is there something going on with forum moderation?

Like, I am wondering what is happening? These is this person, who has well, lets just say, not been the best to interact with. In fact, they have been quite homophobic towards the LGBTQIA+ community in the General Discussion forums, harassing people, and even going as far as making real life threats. They even went as far as also making a thread requesting for something which no video game creator would ever do… Some people will know what I am probably talking about, some don’t, but I am not going to go into any full details about this as it is inappropriate.

Now, I’ve been reporting them, some of their post get removed, but that is it. This person is still posting and causing the same drama, and it is like, reporting is now pointless when no action is getting taken on this sort of behaviour apart from the post getting removed. Like, we’re expected to do the right thing and report this sort of behaviour, but it does nothing when someone goes through with this sort of behaviour within the forums, to only have a post removed, to continue with the same behaviour.

So, I am wondering, is there something going on with forum moderation that the community is unaware off. Because I know for a fact if this was me carrying on like this person, I would’ve been dealt with accordingly, and not just a “your post have been removed.”


I know what you’re referring to and being told what I was told last night is very disheartening… especially since I’ve been on a suicide watch before.

I know we aren’t supposed to discuss forum moderation but there has to be some way to report this stuff other than just right click report. It feels like nothing is getting done or anyone is really doing anything other than just removing the posts only because the thread was 404ed.


I certainly have more than a few concerns about how this forum is moderated, because there are certain bad actors who could cause actual real life harm with their words. That is a problem. A big one.


That’s exactly what it sounded like. Let’s be real here. I, too, will be taking this up with email support. Perhaps some Youtubers would like to see this mess as well.


Well, there isn’t much can be said - given the fact the blues here can’t talk about 3rd party accounts - we can only say to report posts that ya feel like they’re breaking the rules. Beyond that, any account action, or accounts amount, isn’t something a blue can speak about.

Given the things I have been through in my life I know first hand just how harmful words can be. I know the posts you’re talking about. And things like what that person is doing are NOT okay. And should not be allowed to continue.


Entire threads are being deleted due to two different people harassing others, making real life threats, two threads last night were hidden so fast they were unlisted, one thread got to over 600 posts with the threats in it and both of these people are still posting.

I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t understand why stuff is just deleted and these two haven’t been sanctioned for the horrific things they’ve said.

I keep being told, “Just flag it” and that’s clearly not doing anything.


Well, if they can’t say anything, I just want them to listen.


A person only has so many flags and there’s no way to say “hey this person was in a thread last night that it was just 404ed and not actually combed through like it’s supposed to be still spewing CoC breaking stuff”


No it ain’t and that’s the issue it’s almost like someone is just going “oh it’s that person again remove” and not even doing what they are supposed to do.


I know any member from Blizzard is not allowed to discuss any forum action taken against any account. That is not the point I’m getting at. My concern is people getting away with such behaviour when they shouldn’t be getting away with it in the first place.


If you or I said anything even remotely close to what they said (which I would never do that) we would be banned probably for at the bare minimum 3 months… minimum if not perma banned.


It’s insane to me that one of those people even said they knew they were gonna get away with it because the thread was going straight to 404 and they knew since they’d done it before. What kind of moderation is this?


Oh 100% and the bad part is my first thought was “The sad part is he’s right…”

And sure enough… he was right.


This is distressing to see. I did not see the threads in question. Sounds like repeat offenders and that the forum penalty system is not being utilized.

Not sure if this is human error or forum software not working correctly to remove people.


I’m thinking it’s both tbh.

It’s stuff that if you get a notification in your inbox saying “this was removed due to these words” from an automated system you should be able to go “oh ok yeah that person is not allowed around here anymore”

The thing is this person was banned before for doing similar things and their entire posting history was scrubbed out.


I am thinking it could be more of a forum software error rather than a human error. I was beginning to think mods could’ve been the problem, but realizing there has been problems with the forums lately as well as updates, I think forum software might have an issue.


At this point, this is on par for blizzard and I may just cancel my sub at this point. I have all my portals for season 4 and I don’t need to be told things like this and the forums just keep people like that around.

It’s not a good environment and even in game you see people just being toxic to the point of “why is nothing being done about this behavior?” but I digress.

Idk I may keep it I may not…

We did that. There were at the bare minimum 10 reports in that thread that were real life threats.

So you’re saying I instigated being what I was told regarding self harm? That’s 100% the way that comes accross and I"m sorry but I’m going to go utilize the CS feed back email regarding this.

We did and I only have so many flags before I run out of em. Being told to just report and don’t engage, it feels like I’m being told like I was in school of “just ignore and it will go away.” Yeah that only works when the teacher actively does something about it when the teacher is told.

I’m just frustrated because in addition to the limit of flags for some reason when sticking this person on ignore, the ignore doesn’t stick and they go back to a mute even when putting it on forever.

I have no idea why it is doing that either.

I’m typing up a email and sending it to the so you all should be receiving that shortly. Feel free to email me back when I send it because this is a very serious issue.


They really should not be back in that case… At least not for a LONG time.

See your Bnet messages.

I am not sure if it was meant to come across this way, but it comes off as telling people that real life threats, suggestions people kill themselves, and the like are not important. Those ARE important and always have been to Blizzard. While petty squabbles and a few curse words are not critical, there are things that should be prioritized and acted on. Real life threats being one of them.

I am thinking maybe you missed that part of the description of the offenders from the past day or two when responding? I know that is not how you, or Blizz, deal with those kind of horrible people.


Most reported posts get deleted if they were reported correctly.

One report by itself, doesn’t usually surface. Most players get the hint if their posts start poofing.

Egregious behavior, yeah, they get forum vacations or even permanent bans.

You may also get posts deleted if you replied to one that was - or if a post doesn’t seem civil or constructive and starts spiraling down the drain.

If you see someone trolling or breaking the code of conduct - you don’t have to reply - in fact, I’d rather you didn’t. Just report and move on, /ignoring the player is also a useful function.

There are simply far more of you - than there are us. To be perfectly frank, while part of our job is to keep the boards clean…there are other things we can be doing with that time that are more beneficial to players. Please - report and don’t engage.