Ladies Lounge and Megathread

Oh I’m peachy. I find it comical a grown adult is having a tantrum lol

It’s quite amusing.


Yeah, that’s a good point haha I don’t remember anything else about that movie though.

Oh, I see :thinking:

By the way, here’s that video if anyone is interested. It’s quite interesting:

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“No. They. Did. NOT!!! They were not even talking about, or to, you.”

Why would I want to not touch wild animals. How else are us Aussies suppose to get around if we can’t ride a Kangaroo?

cyndi hes just trolling.

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Please, place them on ignore. Engaging with them is not helping.

EDIT: Famous words from Orylia


“I know. I’m just bored.”

That’s what I’m saying! Like, I love animals and I KNOW it’s dumb, but if I saw a tiger in front of me I would try to pet it and feed it and tell it what a good boy it is :sob:

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What would they do without us ? :joy:

Men? They would starve because they don’t know how to make sandwiches :stuck_out_tongue:

(I’m joking, no one murder me)

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What would they do without us ? :joy:

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looks at name.

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Hey, I would not go into the tiger cage without atleast having a couple hundred kilos of pepper steak with me.

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Yeah , someone knows exactly how to work it.

I’m definitely going to vote for Carrie for that one.

There are some very traumatic scenes in that movie.

Stephen King is good at what he does.


what are kilos? what is the magical measurement?

“I think it’s the equivalent of a Imperial Pound.”

Us Aussies like to shorten everything.


you people and your inferior measurement system to the mighty imperial system. come at me metric system.

That’s the best part, getting to feed them! They’re just so cute and majestic :sob: I love them.

When I was younger, I always wanted to run one of those rescue orgs. Ya know, they rescue abandoned baby animals and raise them, helping them before releasing them back into the wild.

Didn’t he also make the children of the corn movies? :thinking: I forget.

Fahrenheit is freedom units. Change my mind.

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