Option to hide transmog

It’s what they do here and irl. /victimcard even when the proof shows otherwise. Anyway, we are derailing the thread.

I agree with OP.


Yeah, Ok… Cool Story.

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They flip out about everyone else having opinions, etc. Yet they’re over the top hostile in ways no one else has been.

The one who constantly swaps characters to hide from people? LOL yep.

The only reason to hide a profile is so people can’t watch you typing a response. Everything else is so insanely easy to find.


Like removing spiders for the single digit amount of people who can’t deal with video game spiders?



yeah…i was on the fence until I remembered the Xray goggles.
Likely an easy start to make what the OP is asking for.

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Everyone, please, do not feed the trolling.

As Orylia would kindly say:

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Reason why I’ve actually have my profile hidden because someone was actually following me through into threads to report post of mine. As soon as I hid my profile, it actually stopped.

They don’t always make good decisions, but I’m sure there’s some sort of evidence to support an arachnophobia setting for them to implement it. Would be interested to see those statistics.

Probably is also easier to implement since we already have things like the corgi and murloc glasses. They turn a toy into a setting. Going into personal settings to over-ride every other players’ settings would be more complicated I imagine.

I’m guessing since it was one dev who “took the initiative” it wasn’t well thought out.

I don’t know what’s happening with the folks they are hiring, but I have a feeling it’s like the producers/directors who don’t read the source content and then brag about how they will add their own vision to the franchise.

“I don’t play mmorpgs or games really, but I’m afraid of spiders and this is really important to me.”

Blizzard: What the heck are … Oh hey look we’re doing accessibility things guys check this out…

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I 100% would rather see so-called “Fortnite” skins on my fellow players than rainbow random gear if they didn’t have transmog,
I like seeing other people transmogs.

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and you do have to wonder if they made it a toy…is it gonna be something on a vendor for 50 gold…or some month long bliz-0-grind that makes you want to bang your head on a desktop, lol

Feels like IF they did it, a box in the settings would just be be the way to to, like accessibility options or something, so they dont get tempted to make a grind of it.

A lot of people just want to be unpleasant to look at.

Yep. The accessibility surveys and research panels that they do. I’ve been part of some of them. With the implementation of an expansion that has such a large emphasis on spider-like creatures, it only makes sense to do such research. Back during Wrath, they didn’t have an accessibility department like they do now that did all of these surveys, panels and research.

Just like if they have an expansion that focuses on snakes, they might come up with a toggle for that, too.

And to go along with your point that the coding was already there, due to the toys… what everyone also needs to remember is that the arachnophobia toggle was implemented by one person. Not an entire team. That toggle was an accessibility option done by one.

yeah…I love seeing mogs players have put together. Often whisper to compliment them when its something really outstanding. But then, mogging IS my ‘end game’ so I notice lol

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You would still have this option with the implementation of a transmog toggle option.

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Hmm. Instead of a no mog option what if there was a mass mog option? What if you could make it so everywhere was wearing murloc pajamas or inner tubes or just the same type of mog? Let’s say…raid tier sets? That would be cool.



Pretty sure WoW is just over 30 fortnite.

Because yeti and murloc onsies break immersion… which is a better reason than having yeti and murloc onsies in the game… that serve no purpose…

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I wouldn’t care. I mog the stuff that I like.

OP, are you aware that the character you are posting with is also currently transmogged? :thinking:

Let’s get back to talking about mogs. I want a mass mog option!

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