Is there something going on with forum moderation?

I am thinking it could be more of a forum software error rather than a human error. I was beginning to think mods could’ve been the problem, but realizing there has been problems with the forums lately as well as updates, I think forum software might have an issue.


At this point, this is on par for blizzard and I may just cancel my sub at this point. I have all my portals for season 4 and I don’t need to be told things like this and the forums just keep people like that around.

It’s not a good environment and even in game you see people just being toxic to the point of “why is nothing being done about this behavior?” but I digress.

Idk I may keep it I may not…

We did that. There were at the bare minimum 10 reports in that thread that were real life threats.

So you’re saying I instigated being what I was told regarding self harm? That’s 100% the way that comes accross and I"m sorry but I’m going to go utilize the CS feed back email regarding this.

We did and I only have so many flags before I run out of em. Being told to just report and don’t engage, it feels like I’m being told like I was in school of “just ignore and it will go away.” Yeah that only works when the teacher actively does something about it when the teacher is told.

I’m just frustrated because in addition to the limit of flags for some reason when sticking this person on ignore, the ignore doesn’t stick and they go back to a mute even when putting it on forever.

I have no idea why it is doing that either.

I’m typing up a email and sending it to the so you all should be receiving that shortly. Feel free to email me back when I send it because this is a very serious issue.


They really should not be back in that case… At least not for a LONG time.

See your Bnet messages.

I am not sure if it was meant to come across this way, but it comes off as telling people that real life threats, suggestions people kill themselves, and the like are not important. Those ARE important and always have been to Blizzard. While petty squabbles and a few curse words are not critical, there are things that should be prioritized and acted on. Real life threats being one of them.

I am thinking maybe you missed that part of the description of the offenders from the past day or two when responding? I know that is not how you, or Blizz, deal with those kind of horrible people.


Most reported posts get deleted if they were reported correctly.

One report by itself, doesn’t usually surface. Most players get the hint if their posts start poofing.

Egregious behavior, yeah, they get forum vacations or even permanent bans.

You may also get posts deleted if you replied to one that was - or if a post doesn’t seem civil or constructive and starts spiraling down the drain.

If you see someone trolling or breaking the code of conduct - you don’t have to reply - in fact, I’d rather you didn’t. Just report and move on, /ignoring the player is also a useful function.

There are simply far more of you - than there are us. To be perfectly frank, while part of our job is to keep the boards clean…there are other things we can be doing with that time that are more beneficial to players. Please - report and don’t engage.


That isn’t what I said at all. I said - report, and don’t engage.


Of course they are Mirasol. I don’t know who may have handled those reports - but it wasn’t me. We take those VERY seriously. My point was responding to posts like that are counterproductive. Report and don’t engage. While rare, it’s not impossible for someone to lose their game licenses for an egregious enough offense on the forums.

So yes, we take them seriously.


Ok so now that I can speak.

You have a very strongly worded email from me in that email mail box.

That’s all I’m leaving it as. That wasn’t right.


If they were taken seriously, this would not be allowed to continue. It would have stopped the very first time there was an offense.


Exactly and how many people could have read that and actually acted through with it from that person? Why is someone like that allowed to keep running around?

Normally I’m w/e I just click report let the forum mods do their thing w/e but there’s gotta be something done and I feel as though this is the tipping point.


That may be but we weren’t directly accusing you but it still does not change facts. It still doesn’t change how absolutely dangerous this is. Even if people report him and don’t engage this persons words are still there. And can still affect those who are vulnerable. And while taking the threads down is good, allowing the behavior to continue sends the message that they can just keep getting away with it.

Then please, have a talk with your fellows, and do better. Because things like this are potentially very very serious.


We get 5 flags a day and it is VERY upsetting to see someone tell others to un alive themselves over and over but keep posting. The community uses their limited flags to say something is very wrong and needs the Mods to take the worst of these seriously.


Sends a message I don’t think you meant to send.


One can hope not at least but this situation could have been handled a lot better than it was.

Now people are even more angry. I know I am and if I’m feeling it, I’m sure some others are too.


My point is - that responding results in even more reports to wade through - and more wasted reporting points.

It’s counterproductive.


So my issue comes in I try to ignore this person but it goes back to mute for an unknown reason.

We report things and it gets flagged for a mod review… but instead whoever reviewed it just deleted the thread and when they did it just deleted everything else.

One of the trolls in the thread even stated that they know why would get away scott free with what they were saying which means… IT HAPPENED BEFORE. Idk if that particular person got off scott free but that other person? The thread was 404ed and they just went right back to posting after saying some of the most vile and horrible stuff that was reported and greyed out.

Doing things the way it’s being done is encouraging harmful behavior and that’s the issue we have.


And when we report this person, don’t engage and they keep going into threads and doing the same thing over and over, and over again with no sign of stopping, what message does that send? What message does that send to players?


Why are people who are telling others to self harm allowed to keep posting after that? It is not enough to just delete the posts. That should be a perma ban.


I do not envy the job of any forum moderator. Seriously, I don’t. It would drive me crazy. But it’s not our job to make yours easier. We are asking you (and whoever else is doing the moderating) to do their jobs. There are potentially real lives at risk because of the words of a few, for crying out loud.


The messed up part is the person that spurred all this on did it before and were allowed to come back and they did it again.