Intentional misgendering (Transphobia) and off-platform harassment

Not by that character it wasn’t (since you were claiming to not be the person who had that history at the time). And we can clearly see that your edit to include it there was made after you put up the CS thread.


Yes there are several ones that keep doing this. I wonder why they are not banned and keep harassing others.

Customer Support does not take feedback or suggestions. You would need to post in General Discussion.


Liked a post I didn’t mean to here, but yes I wish Blizzard would crack down harder on transphobia and other things.

Put them on ignore and move on. Unless you have them ignored they will not consider it harassment.


I’m just going to quote something from Orylia on what to do when someone is being transphobic:

And also, ignore. If you don’t do either, and engage, depending on how you engage, it can all fall back on you too. If someone is being transphobic, or is trolling just in general, report, and ignore. If it is a thread, mute the thread too.

Sorry Orylia for quoting this several times around the forums.

Blizzard can not do anything if it is not on any of the Blizzard owned platforms, such as if it is happening on Twitter or Discord.


Blizzard would not be able to moderate content on sites they do not own/control.


I don’t agree with intentional misgendering, but I don’t think there is anything Blizzard can do about what people engage in off their owned websites.

Best to block them and move on.


Is this a Pawser thing all over again? If so I put that character on ignore because they were trying to pick fights and accuse me of things that were blatantly ridiculous and untrue. I don’t even engage with them at all. The drama levels and references to outside sites were confusing and not helpful.

I have like 3 people on that list and it takes a lot to get there. I just want the people on it to stay ignored no matter what char they swap to.

Blizzard is NOT going to penalize anyone on the WoW forums for what they say or do on other platforms. If someone does not want their comments post on reddit, Twitter, or somewhere else, don’t post them on the Blizzard forums. These forums are not secret. They are publicly viewable and the content we post belongs to Blizzard, not to us. We have no expectation of privacy for what we say here, or on any other Blizzard platform.

For harassment and abuse on THIS platform, it should absolutely be reported. Blizzard does not support transphobia and harassment.





Do not engage. Do not engage. Reverse engine thrust. Maximum reverse! Get us out of here Mr. Scotty!


I have a target on my back with them. Meh.


They tried it with me too a few years ago. It was bizarre. I decided that it was not my circus to play in so decided no engagement was the best option. Which is hard to do when I see someone creating drama where none exists just to accuse people of things.

Then I remind myself that emotional labor and stress is NOT my job to carry around. I really do want Account wide ignore.

offers coffee, tea, cocoa, snacks

:coffee: :teapot: :bubble_tea: :cookie: :croissant:


they seemed to have one on me now too have no idea why
but hey easy fix time for me to take a social media break


I’m actually not gonna comment about it here. The reason was kind of stupid and it snowballed.

1 Like

well happy friday other wise /salute


If the rain let’s up, planning for yard work. Just bought a gas powered weedeater and backpack blower. You know, big boys and their toys.


I usually don’t do this because I tend to stick to someone’s word in the thread they post, but I opted to look at your post history.

To say you are ‘a bit argumentative’ is a vast understatement. The ‘hide my name’ thread comes to mind recently. Most of your posts are going in guns fully blazing and mowing down folks under the guise of harassment.

Not to armchair mental health specialist here but if 90%+ of your posts are going after other folks, maybe it’s time to take a step back and take a bit of a break from online interactions.

Now as for your topic at hand, just because accounts are linked does not give GMs nor Blizzard the right to manage their account. Twitter/X already has support staff and a way to report content. You’re also able to block those you’d like to not hear from again. You already have the tools you need for the very thing you’re asking.

That’s too many sweet drinks! Do I have to mix all three of them?


No no no. Also I don’t put sugar in coffee or tea! I let others decide that for themselves.

Points at sugar bowl, nutmeg, cinnamon, and other drink accessories


I normally don’t chime in on these kind of topics, but this rediculus. First off welcome to an MMORPG, where anything can happen. Now blizz has taken it upon themselves to make it a PG community and put rules in place to enforce that. However they rely on us to report toxic behaviour. Now quite frankly I don’t care about a persons gender choice, but I don’t want to see that while I’m playing. Blizz has even intentionally not put that in the game with its NPC’s because it is not needed to advance the story. Please keep it out of game and talk about it in the appropriate places, an MMO or its forums is not the place.