how does one open a ticket for wow? there used to be a submit ticket button but now i just cant figure it out and have been having to delete max level characters and start from fresh because i cant submit tickets to fix the characters and im on my 6th arcane mage this expansion already… how do i just submit a ticket without all the excess going to different web pages or needing to attach some kind of profile ect ? im also realising that im having problems even submitting this to find help on subbmiting tickets for help… please help ! and hope i can figure out how to check replies!
When in game, hit the ESC key. Click on “Support” (first option) and boom. There you be.
It is kind of confusing if you’re not used to navigating the website. I’ll break it down for you:
Step 1.) Click your name and open the drop down menu. Hit “Support.” Wait for it to open; it takes a minute
Step 2.) Once you’re in the support page, click on WoW. It also takes a minute to load.
Step 3.) Click on the topic you want to open a ticket on. I’m going to use “In Game Issues” for this example.
Step 4.) You’re going to see a bunch of garbage and you’ll want to ignore all that and click “Contact Support.”
Step 5.) This page is going to make you pick which game again, for some stupid reason:
Step 6.) Now click on “I would rather categorize this issue.”
Step 7.) Now you’re right back where you started but it’s not really. It just looks that way because navigating their ticket page is horrid. Anyways, once again click on “In Game Issues” (since that’s what we’re using for this example.)
Step 8.) Now we can finally start telling Blizzard what the hell is wrong. Again as an example, I’m just going to pick “Character Problem.”
Step 9.) Clicking on “Character Problem” will open another window. I’m picking “Restore profession” for this example.
Step 10.) They’re going to try to trick you by saying “try this” or “go to Wowhead” but you want to ignore all that and click on “Contact us.”
Step 11.) YOU MADE IT You’re finally at a point where you can submit a ticket. I know it was a long and dangerous road but we got to the end which is all that matters. I hope my guide helped.
Wish there was a way to give someone an award or something for posts because this is one of the most helpful things I’ve seen posted in a very easy to follow way. Absolutely ridiculous it takes so many steps to just open a ticket.
Thanks for the post!
Yeah, that’s on purpose. The ticket interface used to be very quick and intuitive; the redesign has only one possible objective, which is to discourage people from opening tickets so they can save money by laying off customer service staff.
Welcome to the Kotickonomy!
Convoluted would be a generous way to describe this.
Good on you for posting it.
Did you just make this or have you had it off hand just waiting because this is great and you should post it everywhere.
I just made it, what, an hour ago. Whatever the time stamp is on my post.
Actually, I’m not sure how I wandered into the WRA forum. I don’t have a character here lol.
Well you seem helpful and nice so you should stick around
Omgosh, Tovi, thank you for breaking it down. I’ve been playing WoW since vanilla, and I’ve never had such a hard time trying to submit tickets as I have in recent expansions. It used to be a lot more user-friendly and simple. Sometimes I think they do this on purpose just so people will give up and not submit things.
Welcome to the WrA / tech support forums! Tell us about… uh, how can we help you today?
Wonderful guide by Tovi.
Posting here so I don’t forget it!
Hiii Maggle. It’s your plural here.
Sadly this is exactly what’s going on, and each time you hear or see “activision-blizzard massively laying off staff”, the way you want to talk to an actual human through support becomes more complicated.
It makes perfect sense that the executives would do this as they have a heart and soul for their employees at the support, and don’t want to overwhelm the very little few of the people that are still working there.
So it’s a great thing you posted this info but at the same time it gives more work to the few support staff members trying to answer all the issues.
But hey, clients are paying for the whole package, and they don’t just pay for the one-time fee for each expansion… clients pay a subscription in addition to that so that they can have a smooth bugless, experience… without issues.
Although at this point I’d like to say that the superiors over there will suggest to their superiors that they need more staff members back so that they can answer all the issues quickly, I’m afraid that the new people who come as a replacement of those in charge, especially marketing, will suggest that the company lays off even more… which is the worst thing for the company.
Absurd. Terrible service. Shame on you for cutting staff with all the money you make from your loyal customer base. The rich get richer and customers suffer the consequences. Don’t bother trolling this post. I won’t be back to see.
Aitilim welcome to the Wyrmrest Accord realm forums please tell me about your roleplay character. What’s their past? What’s their inspiration? What are they up to now?
Hey, Dalaran’s a server I’ve not seen before.
Still though…Hefts tools and pieces of wood clearly we missed a hole with how they keep getting in here.
We all agree with you! Honestly.
Man…thank u!! unfortunatly i guess they got a wind of this and already changed…there is no contact us from step 9 anymore.
Hmm I’ll check it out and update it. Forgot this thread existed
the only word that can describe you is love…thank u!