Can't start a ticket anymore?

Right again

No, they did not. Last big cuts were 2019 and they did not lay off any of the CS team. The cuts were to the esports, publishing, community management, marketing, etc.

What is the issue? GMs are not able to help with all the things that customer might want. Some things are out of their hands.


They don’t allow GMs to complete quests for you, except in very very rare circumstances if the Devs permit it. Even if it is caused by a bug.

If the quest can be repeated, they will have you reference a site like Wowhead to learn how to do the quest, or work around any glitches.

Then they should tell me , sorry, tuff sh====

They would not put it that way. They would politely refer you to outside references.

The best place to figure out if they can or can’t help is the Customer Support Forum. It has no GMs, but serves as an Information Desk. It can save a ton of time by helping folks know if the issue is something a GM can help with, and if so how to best put in a ticket.

They also have a helpful article on what GMs can and can’t do.

Mirasol, are you a employee of Blizz ? Sound like it.

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Nope. Colored Text are other players. I am a Customer Support/Tech Support MVP for Blizz across games. It means I volunteer when free to answer questions as best I can and point folks to resources like the knowledge base articles, recent Blue posts, etc. I have been doing that since 2013. I am also old so tend to talk that way.

I am also on the Community Council for 2022/early 2023 hence the gold text. That is just about feedback to Blizz on game topics.

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Small sanity check: are you in beastmaster spec?

Of course Eternosus, I am. Or I wouldn’t have been able to tame her. Or even see Gara.

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It’s almost impossible to report someone talking about suicide or self harm now, which is shameful.

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Just had to ask because that was one of several head-cramps back in the day. (I haven’t done it since void elves were added so my memory is getting fuzzy)

OK im out, this post is getting weird. Totally off subject.

Welcome to the General Discussion.

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As is mentioned on a number of posts regarding this quest, it is bugged. Apparently its hit and miss; sometimes it works and other times not. You may be able to convince some kind GM to reset it for you but otherwise it appears that it bugs out on you and isn’t able to be repeated.

It’s unfortunate but there are any number of times we see bugs in the game that last for years. Apparently there is a pet with the same skin, as per a comment on the wowhead page for Gara which says:

Lost Netherwolf.
It’s in the Void Realm - which is accessible by clicking the sword in the dead tree at THIS location: 60.2, 38.5 It’s a giant, dead tree that looks totally out of place for everything else. Inside there are several hollows and in one of them there is a clicky. Turn on your “Beast Tracking” but it will be near the walls at THIS location: 65.1, 36.7. (I believe there is only one of them?)

Good luck!


Please be sure to use the “real life threat” option for that. It is a priority issue.

If it can’t be repeated when it bugs then that IS something Blizzard GMs should be able to help with, assuming Devs let them. That “not able to repeat” thing is one where they can get permission to help. Just be sure to tell them that the quest bugged and is NOT repeatable. You need it reset.

last time i tried to submit a ticket i fell into an eternally spinning revolving door, once i ran out of automated options it placed me back at the start page. In the end i had to just give up. The issue went unresolved.

I’d prefer an honest, polite answer. Just saying something along the lines of “I’m sorry to say but I’m not knowledgeable/don’t have the power to help is this regard. There are 3rd party sites that appear to have resolved your issue like (insert link here). I would recommend seeing what helped them.”

You can still have good customer service while admitting you can’t help.

It’s not there anymore.

I reported two of these last year. One I used the real life threat option and it was dealt with immediately. The other I had no such option, and after a couple days cancelled my unanswered ticket rather disgusted.

I would contact the police and then maybe they would get to skip the line with Blizzard.