How to open a ticket

It’s still there for me. It probably depends on which category you pick because that could change what you see.

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yeah! i just tryed a bunch of them…my actual problem is not possible to open a ticket since is token related, and there is nothing in there…i will try to open a ticket in the “item” category and see, how it goes… =/…but there again, thank u very much for you time!!! may the great spaguetty fill your life with joy (lol)

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That’s one of the reasons I’ve canceled my subscription. If people don’t play, then Blizzard can lay off all their staff and close down all those offices. Apparently that’s their goal.

Only 9 months? Weaaaak

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TYVM you are awesome!

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Updated for the new website!

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Sad thing is, they’ve now fully made it so even this doesn’t work.

Thanks for the heads up. I’ll check it out and update it.