not including Scarlet monestary feedback as Ive already posted about it but other general feedback for holidays: (this is mostly quest related as thats my area of knowledge)
honestly barely noticed the changes to this, we got a couple neat breadcrumb quests to lead to brewfest from new locations, Id say the only note on this is we have no way of knowing if these are going to reset next year or not,
Hallows End:
The new headless horseman questchain was quite fun, really nothing negative to say about it at all, little specialty questchains are are really neat in general, hope to see more in future patches,
My only downside to this revamp is the inability to access the original headless horseman fight, I created my WoW account in BFA, and the questchain surrounding the original fight was still in game, but bugged so you couldnt start it, so I never got to do it, it was a lot less exciting than the new one, but I really would have liked the chance to do it.
Trial of style: the quests all around dragon isles to do various emotes was very entertaining, I had a good time running around to all of those, and also it was a fun hunt for the collecting communities to find all, we were a bit perplexed when a few weeks after the event we all lost credit for the quests,
In general:
We could really use a tag on the yearly quests, there currently is zero way to tell which holiday quests we can collect and which we can do every year without just waiting the full year to see if we lose credit,
Future holiday hopes:
-option to do the old headless horseman fight and questchain in hallows end
-Man on the inside quest for both factions in Love is in the air to return, they arent removed from the game but you cant currently accept them, causing a gap in the questchain
-Ahune, The frost lord, and Ahune is here quests for the midsummer questchain to be offered again, again neither is removed from the game, but you cant accept either, I think this is a bug relating to the npc Numa Cloudsister not spawning, it would be great to see this fixed/changed for next summer