(CS LOUNGE):Happy Halloween

Gah, trying to get these notification settings fine-tuned, but apparently the default was to set any thread I looked at to ā€œwatchā€. Now Iā€™m having to, one by one, switch threads back to ā€œnormalā€. (I changed the setting to ā€œneverā€ do that automatically, but everything before I found that setting ā€¦ there doesnā€™t seem to be a list or way to find them other than wait for a notification.)

Ok, got the avatar thing fixed, and it seems to have changed the background a little. Had to turn off the adblockers. =\

I can at least see which character Iā€™m posting on at a glance, rather than having to mouse over the exact spot in the corner and read the link.


Well, ugh. Looks like the lack of Ignore is probably here to stay. (Specifically, from a thread in General, Blizzard is using a forum type called Discourse, and the founder of that believes ignoring people prevents communication via the ā€œnuclear optionā€.) See Ignore feature? - #38 by Slant-drenden posts by Slant-drenden

:heavy_sigh: Between that and currently being unable to post on the only forum Iā€™m really here for ā€¦ these growing pains arenā€™t feeling good at all.

I was up till 4 this morning playing it. It is like crack, but more addicting. I also accidentally killed my horse last night when I ran into a tree. Thank the gods I got the CE so I can get a new race horse, it just starts over at trust level 1.


Also, it seems we only have a certain number of likesā€¦ That is a bit weird. Anyone know the number we have? I just got a warning that I only have a few left for today.

Good morning! Happy New Forums time, everyone. :slight_smile: Weā€™re still working out a lot of bugs; make sure to include them in the Website Bug Report Forum so we can smoosh em.

Iā€™m following up on a few things already, but I can answer a couple questions:

  • Ignore: We do have a story in for this for feature development. Itā€™s not part of the traditional Discourse offering, but weā€™re using a modified version that our Web & Mobile team has been partnering on with the Discourse folks.

  • Likes: This is limited based on Trust Level at first, but grows exponentially as you continue posting on the forums.

  • Avatars: Weā€™re currently pulling all characters above Level 10. This should be pulling Armory data (exactly like the old forums), so avatars should update with those. Blizzard Avatars will be back Soonā„¢ļø.

  • Notifications: You can choose what level of creepinā€™ you want to do on a specific thread. The levels are detailed below:

  1. Watching: You will be notified of every new reply in this topic, and a count of new replies will be shown.
  2. Tracking: A count of new replies will be shown for this topic. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name (disabled currently) or replies to you. Threads you read in their entirety will default to this state.
  3. Normal: You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you. Default for all threads.
  4. Muted: You will never be notified of anything about this topic, and it will not appear in latest.

Edit: Speaking of quirks, working on fixing my post styling. :wink:


Thanks, hopefully you get your avatar back quickly.

Morning folks! Just popping in to check out all the shiny new stuff :slight_smile:

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Gā€™morning, all! ā€¦At least, it still feels like morning to me. Sadly canā€™t use my other Jodariel for stuff, so hereā€™s New!Jodariel Poster Character.

Druids have a nice advantage with the Dragons of Nightmare Classic, heh heh. We can just use the portals.

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Glaxi! You donā€™t have an avatar!?

(Side note: Uuuuuggggh, canā€™t do my actions in * * anymore. Just italicizes them. >.< )

EDIT: Sooo, neither does Glaxiā€™s post have the Blizz tracker badge.

EDIT EDIT: Nope, the button just doesnā€™t pop up if itā€™s the last Blue post. >.<

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Happy 14th anniversary to all WOW players


I can like a blue post though. So there is that at least.

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This might be the best choice of words Iā€™ve ever seen you use, Glax.


So it says Iā€™m out of likes for the day, yet still shows my like on the post. :man_shrugging:


LOL, I actually posted on the Website Bug Report forum - Iā€™ve been adding multiple likes even though Iā€™m supposedly out and need to wait, originally 8 hours and now it says 7. I liked your post in spite of that message.

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Iā€™ve been using :put my action in here: (using colons) which is common for the emojis (and sometimes I find a funny emoji for what I was about to say). :gasp:

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Going back to pack up my apartment in LA. Moving back to SD to take care of him. Really loved LA but excited to be back




It works and my daughters love Ariana so you get a like for posting it. :heart:

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