Can we get an ignore feature back already?

People flag posts for a plethora of reasons.

Besides actually engaging in conversation with a person, these forums have no other way to disapprove of a post. Also, it’s easy to flag and it is/has been abused… especially when the forums first went live.

Without an ignore feature the only option is to advert your eyes. It’s nice we can mute threads and notifications, but every once in a while there’s that poster who just crawls under your skin. They’re in almost every thread you click on. You wish their words would stop popping up into your world, but nope for the sake of conversation and a crappy forum software you have to at least register and have that ugh kinda want to puke feeling with no recourse except closing your browser.

I’ve personally have had (what I feel were) two unwarranted suspensions and the funny thing is I never received one until the new forums came along. It’s not a coincidence.

These forums can sometimes be a very ugly representation of our player base and we’re not even given the basic tools to censor things in the way the user wants. It would be nice to give the flag happy cranky pants another option as well.

This is about customizing my forum viewing experience and giving others the chance to ignore me… as opposed to being triggered and flagging my thoughts for no good reason.

A reminder: We had this feature on the old forums and they said this when the forums first went live.
