Is there a way to "ignore" certain posters on the forums?

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, no way to ignore a poster is a deal breaker for me :frowning:


Seems to be bugging a few people. Below is the post I was referencing if you want to go read more info

Oh cool no way to block users that’s hilariously bad


That is a good question. I loved the old ignore for the white knights and ultra trolls. You know the ones I mean.


click top character portrait in the top right hand corner
click preferences
go to notifications
put in a person to mute

Doesn’t fully solve your problem, but at least if they ever try to talk to you, you won’t be notified.

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It’s being worked on, if I understand this right.


That is good at least.

Definitely needs to be an option.
Not having to see infantile crap like “troll thread” just because someone isnt intelligent to come up with a relevant response gets kinda old.
Yes, I can ignore it, but Id prefer being able to ignore the PERSON entirely, problem solved.


Please don’t ignore my posts :frowning:

It brightens my day when you read them.


Excellent news, hadn’t seen that yet.

At least it’s in the works. Not being able to ignore users is a terrible fate.


Tried it, not seeing anywhere to ‘put in a person’ at all.

Awww. You secretly love this white knight I’m certain!

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As you brighten all of our days with your snuggles and happies!

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Yes, I believe you were one of the many that form the white knight unpaid squad. There were a lot of “female” blood elf pallys on that ignore list.

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Well, I hope you don’t hate me too much. I am actually quite sweet.

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Sweet like what they try to do to bad tasting medicine I’m sure.

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Nah… I have a big heart. That’s why I am not even mad at you. I bet under your gruff you are nice too!

p.s. This “female” belf is actually… female. :kissing_heart:

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Just @ me next time

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I don’t believe you at all.

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Nah, this isn’t reddit my dude.