Can we get an ignore feature back already?

Then it was a money saving choice for a feature few utilized. :man_shrugging:

I thought this was going to be about the ignore quest feature we had for a little while. that was nice, eh

If they wanted an ignore feature, that few people were even using in the first place, they would have paid for it.

How much effort does it take to scroll past a poster you do not care for?

And Vyi if they wanted to retain the ignore feature, they wouldn’t have gone with this system.

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If I’m not mistaken (can’t seem to find the blue post on it but unless the Mandela Effect has taken me I am almost certain I saw one) the ignore feature was something they claimed to be “working on” shortly after the new forums went live.

I can find a ton of greens mentioning it back in late '18 in response to the plethora of threads that popped up about it at that time but not sure where the blue post on it went. As long ago as December of 2018 it was “Coming Soon™” so maybe they have just been held back by all of the long weekends that our $$$ have provided them.

I would ignore every person who uses the term snowflake while acting like one.




All they said was its not part of the discourse offerings…

However they are using a modified version of it, and clearly say that they “have a story in for this feature development”.

A story in for this feature development.

For this feature development.

Feature development.


Yeah and then they told us the story why it is not a feature. It’s worded in a very strange way but if you want to interpret it that way, cool.

You are most trustworthy in my eyes, so I would say yes. :smiley:

It was a feature on the old forums. For people to ask for it should not be a surprise. Especially since no one was really asking for an update to old forums.


You can ignore reason as much as you want. They absolutely implied it is something they are developing. Being willfully ignorant wont change that.


Ignore : We do have a story in for this for feature development. It’s not part of the traditional Discourse offering, but we’re using a modified version that our Web & Mobile team has been partnering on with the Discourse folks.

All i see is an explanation for a missing feature from the old forums. Nothing that says it is in develoment and we are coming up on 10 months later.

I’m done with you. You are obviously here to be contrary with no regard for the facts presented. Have a wonderful day. :slight_smile:


To me it says they immediately put it on the top of the list of things to be fixed when they added the new forums.

Are you in some way impaired? Can I haz some?

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/offers a…
/looks around

@$%!^!! There’s no brownie emote!

If you are confident this feature is coming then why make a new thread about it?

only… it’s not Blizzards software, so it’s a fair assumption that they’re limited to what they can do with it.

Only…it is a modified version of that software that they are partnering with Discourse to provide us. So really it shouldn’t be limited by anything more than what THEY want to do with it.

“It isn’t a part of the traditional Discourse offering, but we’re using a modified version that our Web & Mobile team has been partnering on with the Discourse folks.”

If you don’t understand how the word “but” and the following sentence modify the statement that it isn’t a part of the traditional discourse offering then I don’t honestly know what to tell you.

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This is the most abhorrent and narcissistic thing I’ve read all day.

Thank you for that.

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No one is debating if we are already using a modified discourse system. You need look no further then our in game avatars next to our names to see this.