Couple of serious long term DH friends are out?

3rd spec could be simply a different playstyle. The class is “too mobile”, so it could less mobile and more “casty”. Perhaps completely oriented towards Meta, with metamorphosis becoming like a druid form and giving unique abilities.

As for lore, it could just more Legion stuff or some unique stuff. Here’s a thought I like: the Nightmare. There was no Nightmare back in WC3, only legion, but it’s a big deal for Nelves and satyrs are basically demons. Doesn’t take much to think of a certain kind of DH that focused on fighting them instead of the Legion.

If there’s something about DHs is that the class have so little, and the little it has is so generic, that there’s plenty of room for improvement.

Uh oh. Now I’ve gone and done it.

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The lore surrounding Demon Hunters really wouldn’t lend itself to that IMO. Maybe post the defeat of the Legion there could be a story hook for what DHs are up to now, but I’d recommend watching Platinum WoW’s DH video because it highlights the fanatical nature of those who choose to blind themselves to become DHs.

what would a third dh spec even look like? they don’t need it


The Nightmare is an extension of the Void, is it not? Definitely off base thematically speaking.

I think a healer spec for DH could work if it worked by converting souls into healing for the group. I doubt we’ll see a 3rd spec without the Legion being front and center though.

First time hearing someone want a 3rd spec for demon hunter?

Just last couple months just on their forums. I could keep going but I would hope you get the point.

wow, truly ridiculous.

I think putting friends in quotation marks like that is worse to be honest. Just really hateful and rude to someone who was just asking a question, and a common one at that.

I think the lore argument is kind of done for right?


There should be a megathread at this point but I really like reading these ideas. I wish I was that creative lol.

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LOL at the thread links. ty :slight_smile:

Something Evoker was likely gonna get before release but Activision’s WoW team is so horrendously slow at their job it got delayed.

What kind of 3rd spec do they want? Do they want the exact same 3rd spec?

Did this conversation really happen, or is it a Tumblr “and everyone on the bus stood and applauded” conversation?

If true, that’s a silly reason to quit, especially going back to if your DH friends don’t have the same wants for what the 3rd DH spec would be. Also weird that they didn’t quit over Druid having 4 specs.

Very sus.


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Doesn’t even have to be post Legion. New lore can be added in the past too. Evokers are an example of that.

Fun fact, there’s a demon hunter from Legion on DF, I think she was a flight master? Idk. But she’s on a vacation and focusing on pet battles now. I think that’s all the narrative they got after Legion.

Idk, I don’t really see this as a problem. There are 39 specs in this game. That’s already too many. I don’t think we need more.

This is so weird! I looked up the definition of “entitled” in the dictionary, and this was the EXACT example they gave! What are the odds?

Time to make some new friends (imo, of course) …


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard today. Tell them I said, “Bye.”


No, you are wrong. I am not being hateful at all. I don’t hate this person. I just don’t believe the story his friends are quitting over something like this. Hence the quotation marks. I’d rather just imply I think it’s made up than flat out start name calling someone who I think is fibbing to make a point.

Remember when all the other classes quit because only Druid got a fourth spec?

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It was a downpour of cancellations!

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There is no reason why demon hunters need a 3rd spec

“Glaivemaster” is already in the havoc tree, you only have what 2 spells that “throws” glaives and you somehow want it to be a spec?

People been crying for 4 specs/more specs ever since druids got their feral spec split into tank/dps

But Andy’s didn’t understand that feral druid had to be split into 2 specs

Demon Hunters don’t really need another spec and if people want to quit their DH/game entirely because of it, please do

It’ll be one less rant to see


Yea, we don’t have to add more. It’s just that DHs don’t even have the bare minimum, which is 3.

I play Demon Hunter

We don’t need 3, because for starters if they ever gave demon hunters a 3rd spec, then we’ll be treated like every other class: expected to play the meta spec and be benched for the other spec

You can’t bench a demon hunter because raiders need one, liquid had a havoc dh in their world first completion


Yeah, the downside to having multiple DPS specs is that only one of them will be good at any given time. It’s much harder to leave a DPS spec in a bad state when it’s the only option for that class. But ask survival hunters what happens when other hunter specs are good–you drop to the lowest priority for tuning.

This really feels like something people think you want.

One of the DH in my guild is sad they can’t tank on an evoker. But that’s about it.