Demon Hunter: Glaivemaster

Add a 3rd spec and focus it around glaives. You can move Glaive Tempest and some of the throw glaive talents into this tree as well as new ones to better synergize with the spec.

Havoc can continue to focus on Momentum which can now be better tuned and synergized with new talents.

The community is clearly divided on which playstyle they enjoy and there is not enough room to really flesh out these builds in one single tree without creating too much imbalance in other areas. The best option, in my opinion, split them out and build around them.


This sounds vaguely familiar to what I suggested in the feedback thread.

Glaivemaster sounds interesting, with our big spender being Glaive Tempest. Add some new talents for Throw Glaive, not to mention that needs to be our source of generation. Like a Talent that gives our glaives the ability to consecrate the ground in chaos. It can summon a elemental.

IDK just throwing ideas to the dart board. We’ll never see a 3rd spec, they cant even get our main two balanced

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Only way I see us getting a 3rd spec is if Illidan comes back and is a major player again in the storyline. I don’t see them just randomly dropping a 3rd spec on us without a reasoning behind it even though I would love it.

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Yeah, this is very true. That’s about the time we’ll get other race options as well.

Khadgar: “Something something something Illidan has returned and is training new Demon Hunters to take on Something!”


Anyways paranoid schizophrenic delusions aside what blizzard should do is look at that failed game Kingdoms of Amalur which had this like glaive throwing short-mid ranged class and it was pretty cool.

Demon Hunter definitely should have a glaive throwing spec that is in the same vein.

DH doesn’t need a third spec, it needs the two specs that exist to be polished. When the existing specs have glaring design flaws, lack a niche, defining utility or any reason to bring 1 to raid beyond the debuff, adding another spec into that does not help with things.


They should make a third spec that’s just about boosting the advantages we get from borrowed powers, seeing as that’s what this class revolves around by the end of every expac. :clown_face:

DH is never going to get a third spec. There is little to no reason for it.

If we’re gonna get a glaivemaster I want transmog for the Krull glaive.

100% the third spec needs to be a hybrid ranged/melee spec like survival. Throwing little fel bolts and using daggers. I remember something similar in the Illidan book

man yes, this would be soooo nice, a semi ranged spec. demon hunter’s lore is soo extensive, blizzard could cook up a new unique spec concept like they did for aug evoker.



That’s all.

2 specs and we are on the bottom, and worst raid utility dps besides maybe rogue. yeah rather have a dps spec thats always somewhere in the top half than 2 at the bottom but blizz will not do either /cry since none of you guys look this up on your own I will have to link this in every post from now on

Your reply only feeds into my point.

In a 2 spec class where the DPS spec is near the bottom, neither spec brings sought after raid utility besides being a debuff bot and both specs need an insane amount of polish, how does adding a third spec to the mix help anything at all?

It doesn’t. It will just further worsen the problems by adding another spec that needs attention. Fix the two that exist, don’t add a third for the sake of adding a third.

Not happing too much time is taken to develop a 3rd spec for evoker. We will be the only class with 2 spec

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only was both our 2 specs can be on the bottom is that they don’t care they made that clear for years, we was accidently op for a week at the start of the expansion but they made sure to kneecap that rapidly, they were not thinking that was an accident, when it fell to near bottom that’s where they wanted it so that’s where it will stay

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It’s completely arbitrary. Blizzard isn’t buffing numbers or bandaiding mechanics, that’s why a spec won’t get better, not simply because three of them would make it worse. A 3rd spec doesn’t occupy extra space or “saps” the numbers and efficiency from another spec.

The class also needs a revamp and some polishing. If something, a 3rd spec will help define what is the core structure of the class. Specs are supposed to have their identity on top of that. Right now, DH feels really strange when compared to other classes.

Designing an entirely new spec from scratch very much does divert attention from fixing the problems with the two existing specs on that class

yall need to understand that a 3rd spec wont fix the issues dh has as a whole. if anything its a side fix for havoc cause “ohhh another dps speccc” but ya know, screw veng i guess

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If devs have no interest in actually changing the class mechanically, all they’re going to do is boost numbers. That’s like zero effort.

And nowadays, “an entire new spec” is just a playstyle, specific abilities, a mastery and some utility. The work is more about deciding what to do than doing the thing itself.

I mean, just look at Havoc. So many talents have little to do with playstyle and most of it are damage buffs.