Congratulations Evokers

We get a 3rd spec in 10.1. 5

YAY :slight_smile:

I feel bad for DH who have been asking for a 3rd since legion.

I stand with DH. Well I have an idea… since Evoker gets a support ranged DPS spec… sounds like the game needs melee based support. Or a melee DPS support spec that primarily helps healers/tanks might be a neat idea.

No thanks. Mid range fel slinging dps spec please and thank you. 15 yard range, no interruptible casts, focus on fel/chaos damage with an actual tool kit :slight_smile:


enhance and ret players in shambles

they died so evokers could rise from their ashes

Honestly, I am okay without having a third spec. I enjoy Havoc. :o:

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bottom of the chart in raid (source: warcraft logs), no other option but to reroll…“fun”


Overhaul our two specs and then a third spec 2 expansions from now. Evoker came out of the gate pretty solid so it’s fine adding a third spec.

We dont need a 3rd spec.