Split Havoc in two?

Looking at the multitude of playstyles Havoc has had over time: demonic, non-demonic, momentum, no-momentum, direct damage, dots, multi-window management.

There have even been discussions about which style is better, more satisfying to play, and the truth is that this depends on the type of player, and considering that all these styles of play have been part of DH at some point, I personally think that no one is wrong. when defending your favorite style of play.

So, do you think Havoc should be split into 2 specs?

Personally I don’t think it’s a bad idea and it’s not hard to imagine two melee specs with different combinations of the aforementioned styles, for example: One based on Demonic focused on direct damage, and another non-Demonic based on Momentum and with multiple window management (maybe even with some sigils of his own)

Cool idea but I doubt it would ever get implemented. We’re barely getting tuning passes as it is, the likelihood of us getting a full rework is pretty slim.

Pretty sure that’s what ret was saying before their rework was announced though. Maybe we can get a rework soon too with a change like this so we can also be fun and OP :thinking:

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oh! if it happens I not count whit it for this expansion, but maybe for the next one if peaple are okey with it and they have time/interest. :man_shrugging:

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There are already so many melee in the game now. Give it a ranged spec while keeping the tree we have now with some tweaks maybe?

It’ll happen whenever they decide to bring Illidan back in most likely. I suspect thats also when they’ll allow other races become Demon Hunters. So, my guess, in the year 102026.


I enjoy ranged spells like sigils, fel lance (rain from above - pvp talent), throw glaive . As Havoc, now we can use sigils and apply more talent points into it, which is cool but the build is weak
I wish we had a build which talents like Quickened Sigils and Elysian Decree were more meaningful for havoc (ps: my experience is mostly pvp)

Also, I am curious why DH can equip a intelect off hand weapon even though the only thing I get from it is the transmog appearance.