[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

Boosted one my characters that had 375+ Engineering and Tailoring, but it is showing 0/0 as my current skill level for each profession. I still have all the patterns and recipes, and am able to craft them. However, I am unable to train new skills or get the benefit from lightwave embroidery.

Let me know if there is a fix. Id rather not have to re-level my professions…


I’m having the same issue, I also tried to drop a profession to see if i could level it back up and it wont even let me unlearn it.


Same here. i was over 400 eng now i cant use eng items and it says 0/0


Same here commenting incase anyone gets an update


I am having this issue as well with herbalism and first aid after boosting. learned them before i boosted, had 1/75 skill. Now shows 0 skill, picking herbs or making bandages rewards no skill points, and when i click the red circle to unlearn, and confirm on dialogue box, nothing happens. Hoping for a fix soon


Yep, same here.


same, following for update.


still not fixed after update.


having the same problem on my druid


Would love a response from BLUE. Having the same issue. Fresh boosted lvl 61 to 80 and I can’t delete or increase professions. They show 0/0. and all my old recipes are orange.


Same issue, except I also, inexplicably, have recipes learned that I never acquired. Boosted my warrior to 80. Professions showed just fine. Dropped Alchemy for Mining. Prep-patch drops and both herbalism (which was 300) and now mining both show 0/0. But for mining, I have 2 recipes available: “smelt copper” (obviously), and “smelt enchanted elementium bar.” Never learned it, never had mining on this guy.


I also have the same problem. Herb/alch/first aid all stuck at 0/0 after boosting from 70-80.


Same here, had leveled professions, boosted my leveled shaman. Mining, Skinning, and First Aid all are 0/0

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Having the same problem

Maybe I should visit the bug forums before doing literally anything in this game.


same thing for me with 450 eng and JC… it needs fixing

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anyone figure out this problem or will we be screwed for dps profs come cata?

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is there any fix to this?

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it wont even let me un learn the bugged professions either

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Same; also the boost took longer than normal. I would also love to see a blue post about this and for it to get fixed. As well as fix the children’s week bug with the ridin’ the rocketway

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I submitted a ticket and this is the response:

I boosted a toon from 70 - 80 and now my professions are 0/0, cannot be deleted, and nothing new can be trained.

I need assistance because my character is basically broken now.

20 minutes ago
Greetings xxxxx,

This is Game Master Nomilocoel, thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment, and for your patience with our wait time. :slight_smile:

I understand from your ticket that you boosted your character but the professions didn’t boost. Rest assured that I have completely understood your issue.

Kindly note that character boosts do not boost professions. Please note that boost only includes weapon, skill and apprentice riding skill.

Should you have any other questions or inquires, please feel free to contact us anytime, day or night. :smiley:

Happy Gaming!
GM Nomilocoel

Looks like they don’t even read or think, just copy paste into their automated FAQ :skull_and_crossbones: