The WoW Classic Shop is Now Open

I’m a new WoW player as of Wotlk classic phase 4. I don’t have the “conventional wisdom” of 2 decades of experience of interacting with Blizzard.

When I worked as a support agent for a company and we submitted form letters, we took the time (aka <2 minutes) at a minimum to put the recipient’s name in the address and our name in the signature. A form letter with no personalization submitted by a human is indistinguishable from an automated reply.

I think your suggestion I’ll get action taken against my account is out of touch.

Me: I’d like this situation reviewed.
Ticket: Go online and see if your situation falls under one of our frequently asked questions.
Me: It does not, please review my situation.
Ticket: Banned for harassment!


This move reminds me of the guy panhandling on the corner. Has a sign that says “Need Food, God Bless”. At the end of the day, he walks down a block and gets in his BMW and counts his cash.


Its what the modern Classic playerbase deserves. You guys wanted the falsely so called expansions to repeat, you deserve a mount shop and all the other garbage they feed you.


Cash shop is about the only feature that works in Classic :skull:


I…. just don’t even know what to say. Speechless. Insanity. The disconnect here is unparalleled.

It’s almost like they are fully committing to becoming a meme company.


Fix our professions.

Fix our quests.

Fix the TOGC dailies.

Fix the Guild Vaults we paid for.


would they sell troll crates there by any chance? im willing to buy around 20k fragments to see if i can get the sword

You can already buy relics from other players to boost your digging. They are all over the auction house.

Fix Dungeon finder it’s bugged again once you level 17 Deadmines is gone.

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dont care about those, need the panda crates

I hope before cata release that won’t be the case. Realllllly hope

You are of course welcome to put in as many tickets as you want - I personally don’t care…but was just a fair warning that if you keep putting in tickets on the issue what one of the possible outcomes can be.

2 minutes x thousands and thousands of tickets across multiple IPs is either a lot of staff or lots of wait times.

I’ve put in 1 ticket, and the automatic form response was set to close the ticket for being “replied to.” You can, as I’m sure you know, reply to the same ticket to return it to open status.

Yes, I am talking about multiple different tickets.

Don’t engage with Radalpho. It’s a perma-contrarian in the forums and you’ll gain nothing from having a discussion with it.

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Sad part is, enough players are buying the stuff that it justifies Blizz doing a classic shop.


Meh this company just sucks lol. They can’t provide a permanent wrath classic experience. And they can’t even provide a non buggy expansion experience either. Good lord cataclysm classic is still bugged to heck and back.

Broken company and broken game. Private servers do a better job than blizzard. Blizzard is essentially a indy dev company now.


The Shop was added in Wrath of the Lich King in 2009 sweetheart.


It was. And then you look at how retail is now. And it’s like, what is the difference between classic and retail now. There are no differences anymore.

Heck. I can see them doing this a 3rd time. 10 years from now, hype of classic wow again. Add vanilla. Add bc with boosts again. Wrath with wow tokens again.

Kind of crazy if you ask me.


Imagine being wrong in such a blatant way.

You sound unhappy with WoW, consider moving on from the game for a bit.