[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

blizzard we need a response to this post. please


I too am having this issue.


can we please have a solution to this? bumping every 30 minutes

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ā€œI understand from your ticket that you boosted your character but the professions didnā€™t boost.ā€

No, I actually donā€™t think you understood anything from the ticket.

ā€œRest assured that I have completely understood your issue.ā€

From the rest of your reply it is confirmed that you did not, in fact, understand the issue.

Iā€™ll add as an aside that I have been there for every single expansion pre-patch and expansion launch. There have been some bad ones. There have been some good ones. But there hasnā€™t been, as far as I can remember, a WoW rollout quite as bad as this Cata-Classic pre-patch. I come to that conclusion based on three things: 1) The sheer number of features broken; 2) the fact that a number of things broken are core features of the game (like guild chat, FFS); and 3) the fact that, judging by the responses on the forums, a lot of these issues were present from day one of the beta testing, and never got fixed.

and then you add in assinine GM replies like the one above, and how can one be anything but disappointed in Blizzard?


Bump for visibility.

Can we please have some assistance here?

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I had a GM try to gaslight me and tell me it was a UI issue but this is way worse lmao


we need assistance please!!

I am experiencing this issue on 2 separate boosted characters aswell, cant unlearn my professions aswell as them showing 0/0, customer support told me to reset my UI and it did not resolve it :frowning: attempted to gather and i can gather starter herbs/ore but anything that requires higher skill does not work, my original profession levels were 300-375 before boosting aswell

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I too am having this issue on my shaman xxizk, alliance on grob. I had 375 JC and LW but after using my boost this morning I have 0 skill in either of them. My First aid is also 0, but I can not honestly recall what it was before. I have put in a ticket, but it has not been replied to yet. If they can not figure this out, I would rather them reset the state of my toon back to 70 and I will just level by hand.

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Experiencing the same issue. Both professions showing 0/0 and cannot do anything to remove them or increase skill level. This needs to be addressed or at least acknowledged asap.

I got a gm response saying,

Thanks for reaching out to us about this. I checked into things, and I can see that our Devs are already aware of this issue, and they are working on it. Alas, we do not have further information we can provide at this time. I do recommend reporting the bug through the bug-report forums as well, so our Devs can be aware of how many players are impacted by this issue. Unfortunately, it is not something Customer Support can fix on our end.


Yeap, I am suffering the same issue too, adding my voice. Thanks for sharing Barvil, pity they canā€™t say anything - even just generally about the poor state of Cata in general!

Glad you got an actual response, at least now we know that they are aware.

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bump, we need communication from blizzard on thisā€¦ this is becoming wide spread and is going to present a HUGE issue come cata

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bump, happened to me too

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same with me, not a UI issue - tried relogging, disabling all addons, reloading, etcā€¦

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Iā€™ve also tried doing profession tasks that only require 1 skill to see if it would fix itself. It WAS able to craft the item, but it didnā€™t fix anything. Still 0/0 and cannot do anything that doesnā€™t require 1 skill

im having the same issue as well, has my proffs leveld to 350 each boosted to 80 stuck at zero and cant even unlearn to re level hope they fix this fast

So I made a ticket and it said 7 days and 13 hours for a response. To my surprise I got a response this morningā€¦very generic and does not address the issue that I explained.

My submission:
Boosted my character to 80 from 64. My professions say 0/0. I have skinning and mining. Prior to boosting my skinning was 350 ish and my mining was 349. Please advise.

I shall elaborate; I had quite the difficulty with submitting a ticket - seems very buggy and hard to navigate. So on 05/01/2024 or the wee hours of 05/02/2024 I boosted my level 64 hunter - Ishtenari on Pagle to 80. My professions are Skinning and Mining. Prior to boosting my skinning was 350ish and my mining was 349. I trained my skinning to be able to max at 450 and I was going to farm a few nodes to hit 350 mining and was unable to in Zangramarash as my skill is not high enough. there has been a post made by another toon on the forums; but no blue/blizzard response. My professions are showing as 0/0. Please assist. Thank you.

Their Response:
Professions and specializations may be re-learned from profession trainers.

Re-learning a profession will not restore previous skill points, which must be re-gained through crafting and gathering. Most missing recipes can be obtained again from their original sources or purchased at the Auction House.

Customer Support does not assist with restoring professions or specializations for any reason.

I just resubmitted with ā€œI still have an issueā€:
I do not need to relearn my professions. I already have professions; when I boosted them it marked them as 0/0 even though skinning was 350/450 and mining was 349/375. Please look into this issue with it showing 0/0 for players. I only boosted this toon so that I could CONTINUE to level my professions and easily get to higher zone. I do not wish to relearn and start over, this defeats the purpose. Thank you.

/eyeroll at not even reading the detail to the issue at hand.

EDIT: Was probably AI generateā€¦