Do NOT buy boosts if you currently have any professions

Since Blizzard seems to purposely avoid making this announcement, chooses to not put it in the known issues list, and refuses to take down the boost from the shop (because it would cost them money), I figured I’d do the players a favor.

If you boost while having any professions, your professions will be completely bricked. This has been an issue since the pre-patch and GMs will not do anything other than tell you to wait, or gaslight you into thinking it’s a UI issue, or simply respond with something completely irrelevant. You will not get a refund or a fix, you will get told to kick rocks.

Don’t forget what Blizzard thinks of its paying customers, and prioritizes making money over delivering what you paid for. They don’t care as long as their pockets are full. They are doing their best to pretend this issue doesn’t exist because it hurts sales, and has not made a single acknowledgement of it despite threads with hundreds of replies.


11d old, game breaking problem, no answer from Blizzard. Makes you wonder why they even have a bug report section.

Edit: Looks like the mountain of other threads aren’t getting any answers either, but this is kind of a serious one. It’s not some minor annoyance like pet skills not saving in the bar. It’s entire professions being bricked.


just happened to me. was gonna level professions with the time i saved from the boost. :frowning:


Same issue, GMs have no solutions yet. My cooking, first aid, tailoring and engi all 0/0. So screwed

None of the bugs are being addressed from bug report forum, and there’s hundreds.

They’re too busy focusing on SoD.


Strangely, my Paladin was unaffected, but my Mage is borked.

Bump to avoid giving blizzard more suckers.

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Not true they did get them store mounts in you know the important stuff

To the top to make sure people are aware.

Oh look its a known issue! Meaning they have publicly addressed it and are working on the fix.

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hahahahahahah good one

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Ignorance is bliss I guess. Easier to stay mad than it is to see the problem being recognized.

Why still pay money to a business you don’t like or trust?

Bump it up

Professions are such a timesink, this really is a huge problem. If you level professions while you’re leveling it is manageable but trying to do it from scratch after a boost? Oof, hours and hours and tons of gold to recap

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Oh right I didn’t see the * of Professions will be unusable if you use the boost under the $75 cata bundle

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How was that going to save you time?

Meanwhile Phase 3 SOD is hemorraging players like crazy. No one wants to play it.

Can you level up professions if you haven’t done so yet? I have a level 20 mage I’d like to boost and I have no professions. If I boost…will I be able to start my professions or will they be locked?

If you have NO professions whatsoever you are fine. DO NOT even learn it before boosting, even if you are at 1/75 you’ll get dumped to 0/0.

Same thing happened to my druid. I meant to level her professions before CATA launch as I will not have much time once it lands. Because of this, I have not played her since. Feels like a total waste of money.