Cataclysm Classic Launch Notes - Updated June 4

I do like all of these changes, but not allowing valor points the first monday night really sucks because I took tuesday off of work so I could powerlevel and do just that lol

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I also disagree with no world boss spawns on launch. Once the heroic versions of T11 die they have no use except as pre-raid bis. T11 normal drops 359. I’d like to relive the world boss days of classic era.

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Why delay the 5 unique epic items from world bosses? This is the first progressive itemization we’ve seen in classic and its on these 5 specific unique items. To what end?

Do you still need your vanilla rank/RBG rank to transmog the old pvp gear or not? Because if not, you just killed rated BGs.

That’s not entirely true, there were a bunch of items added to level 60 dungeons in phase 5 or 6 of Classic that weren’t there beforehand that were all really good prebis items.

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Fix our professions. This thread has nearly 300 replies and you’re still selling boosts that brick your character’s professions (making them unplayable) and have said NOTHING about it.

Fix our quests.

Fix the TOGC dailies.

You’ve already taken our money, now give us what we paid for.


It’s bad grammar due to how they structured the sentences.

Valor will be obtainable following the reset on 5/21
Conquest will be obtainable following the reset on 5/28

Basically they’re just stopping people degenerating day one and having a massive advantage by valor capping. 1600x3= 4800, which is 400 valor over what’s required to get 2 piece.


adding new items is not the same thing as changing the stats on items

still no transmog for warglaives tho?


Who cares about any of this stuff when glaives still cannot be transmogged!?


So does that mean all warlord/high warlord gear will be transmogable regardless if you originally got the rank/title? Because if so that’s kinda messed up to all the people who grinded for rank 13/14

Please add Glyph of the Stars. So many Druids would appreciate this now that Tmog is in the game. Would be so much appreciated


i get why these had to go, but i think killing these brackets is kinda lame

maybe no rank 1 titles for these brackets instead? feel like everyone loved 2s(even tho they were trash) because of the accessibility, finding 3s in cata is gonna be brutal


no 2s titles? way to kill arena for last 300 good players left lmao

soo… SoD dead, Cata dead, retail dead.

GGWP, it’s officially over.


Thank you for these changes!

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Think that falls under rewards, no ?

Why are you killing 2’s bracket??? ong lame changes


yes bro i agree


ikr 2s are better bracket


Yeah, its so bad for the game, how blizzard is killing cata, sad.