Unveiling Cataclysm Classic Zones, Dungeons, and PvP Season 9

hmm well I guess that bothers you which is fine. I couldn’t care less I suppose.
As you were.

I mean, i dont raid on a schedule anymore, but tues/wed have historically been the most popular NA raid days, so its likely a very wide spread issue, all so they can have a global raid launch that barely anyone cares about

Well I hope you and the others who do find resolution and don’t lose any hair due to week 1, that would be tragic, you all maybe bald by MoP.

(friendly sarcasm)

Resolution is blizzard dropping this silly global launch thing in classic lol

but is it really classic… :stuck_out_tongue:

thank you for sharing, but seems a typo: Deadmines: boss:5 ?, Vanessa VanCleef got removed/canceled?

Probably a typo since shes only the final boss in heroic mode iirc. Normal is Cookie.

she is only in the heroic version

it’s been thursday for classic for most of classic you’d think after 5 years you’d just figure it out

Because needlessly screwing people over is fun? If you can only raid tues/wed you always miss a lockout for no reason

just because its been that for most of classic doesnt make it any less stupid, dont need the hostility

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Yeah, and we’ve hated those Thursday releases every time.

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Are you sending out all the beta invites for this weeks raid testing?

Ah I see, thank you. I guess that’s why Sinestra was not listed either.

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got it, thank you.


Fix our professions.

Fix our quests.

Fix the TOGC dailies.

Fix the Guild Vaults we paid for.

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2024 and Wintergrasp still cross-spawns factions leading to an AOE damage fiesta in the waiting room before the match starts.

Can’t wait for Tol Barad.

I like that minigame though.

How high can I run up a new damage high score in that 2 minutes.

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if releases have been thursdays in classic for nearly 5 years…it’s on you for not adjusting.

Sometimes you can’t adjust, tues wed are your only days.

If those are the days you can raid, you’re being screwed out of a reset for zero benefit, for nearly 20 years raids have released on reset in retail, and its worked