Can't Start Dragon Isles on level 70 characters

It has been two weeks so let’s recap what we have learned. Let me know if I missed anything we have learned.

This is the issue. This is the bug that has been reported. The entirety of the beginning of the Dragonflight campaign is unavailable.

Going and completing the war within the campaign doesn’t help.

That’s right folks Drac’thyr because they start on the isle are just fine. Also on another forum we have found if you did draogn flight pre patch you can get access to the Waking shores. Remix, normally leveled, or pre-patch leveled characters are excluded from the Waking Shores questing area. ALL OF THEM.

I’m not sure any of us have enough free boosting for all our level 70’s but this is really important information for this bug.

So we have a breaking point when the characters deny the quests.

Can’t go to Chromie if you are PAST LEVEL 60!

We have confirmed that you can’t magically unlock the Dragon Isles intro or Waking Shores quests if you completed it previously. It’s still missing from the game if you are above 68, 70+

I don’t think any of us have had any success getting acknowledgment for this BUG.

None of us have found the secret. I wish I could add a screenshot to show the missing quest givers from the Waking Shores area.

Can anyone think of anything else to try?

How can I start the Dragonflight main quest

Can’t access Dragonflight starting quest at level 71

Quest To Begin Dragonflight Disappears Upon Reaching Level 70

[Dragonscale expedition quests missing for Level 70 after War Within release]

Quests disappeaing on a number of my 70s+