Buff warrior - remove titans grip penalty

Its literally only you and 1 other dude.


Yeah it’s ‘literally’ not though.

Sorry, and your alts to make it look like more people are doing it.
Don’t worry, Blizzard can see if you’re using alts.


Reported, come back with some evidence if you seriously think I’m running alts to make these threads.

Seems convenient given you don’t want warrior buffs to just chalk up everyone posting about it as “Bladetsar’s alts”.

I’m not running multiple 80 warriors on multiple region servers.

There really wasn’t a large portion of ret paladins. Most paladins are holy/prot. Most players didn’t roll paladin to do DPS because the meta sheep all pick the class that carries them to the top of the meters.

So nah, it definitely wasn’t a population thing. The buffs did nothing for the vast majority of paladins, nevermind the player base.

Nice try though.

Eh, the other tanks also look perfectly useable. The gap between tank viability is far smaller than the numbers suggest.

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Reported me for what? lmao
For calling out your spam? I don’t need to prove anything. My job is not to prove it. My job is to bring to Blizzard’s attention for them to investigate.

I think you’ve made enough threads.


Again you’re trying to deflect by acting as though rets and prot/holy paladins are separate entities. It costs you 50g to change into two very OP specs. I don’t care that you want to play a divine crusader in WoTLK. That’s not what was intended in classic.

You are an OP class, you were OP before the buffs and the decision to buff you was not a balance decision, it was a business decision.

Well numbers seem to refute your opinion. Given prot paladins in proportion are so much ridiculously higher than the three other tank options.

Tesalyn: All those threads have different topics, the theme may be warriors sucking but they all have different premises. You may not like the frequency, but in no way am I saying exactly the same thing in any of those.

However, you slandering me without proof of alt running to create threads is reportable. You also didn’t prove it in the least, most obviously because you can’t.

Maybe you’re right, ret gets like 600dps vs a warrior over 1kdps from smourne? Something I read a few weeks back, cannot find source right now.

I mean, each guild will do it they way they want. But if they were going off just pure weapon damage scaling you’d want the first one going to war.

Yeah the difference is 300 dps.

Warrior gains 1300 dps and ret gains 1000.

This may change once tiny abom in a jar mechanics are confirmed to work for ret’s seal attacks or not.

Warriors are currently simming 1250 dps over ret in phase 4 gear,

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Because they are. Just like prot warriors are different than fury ones, and feral druids are different than resto druids.

They don’t play similarly, they require fully different sets of gear, and the purpose of the specs don’t even overlap.

That’s cool, the developers of wrath did intend it though, so that’s really all that matters.

I’m glad you aren’t designing the game.

Yes, paladins are arguably OP at tanking and healing. That’s not what ret does though, and ret can’t do those things well, so it doesn’t matter than it could respec and regear to play a role the player isn’t interested in playing.

Your argument here is basically “you should reroll instead of us making the balance better”

They are, yet there’s nothing preventing the other tanks from being used, nor are the other tanks a noticeable handicap. They each have fights that they do best on. I’d be fine with a prot pally nerf though. I’ve said so repeatedly. It really just needs to lose the cheat death to drop to basically on par with the other tanks.

A huge portion of that number is just the perception that pally tanks are OP, which led to mass rolling of protection pally, just like we saw overwhelming numbers of bear druids in TBC, despite their advantages also not mattering.

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my talent spec deserves more representation/abilities/dps than your entire class

repeat ad nauseam

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Good news! Ret doesn’t have 2 of those 3 things.

It doesn’t beat Fury’s DPS.

It doesn’t even beat Fury’s representation, nevermind the full class.

I guess it has more abilities, but that’s not really a useful measurement.

#3 represented pally spec
needs to beat warrior #1 spec

okay bro

It doesn’t need to, nor does it now, nor at any point in the future.

Fury is comfortably ahead of Ret of you play and gear properly in basically every metric.

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351,333 fury parses
vs 334,622 ret parses

oh sorry, how rude of me, 16,711 more fury than ret, what a huge difference…

457,103 warrior parses
1,271,707 paladin parses

huh…814,604 more…

you shut up, and be patient and wait for your Shadowmourme and Deathbringer Will to arrive, so leave us alone Arpen fan, you chose that class, and you’ll hang in there when ICC opens.

by the way do ToC 5N, there is a nice arpen trinket for your class, if you want to improve your Top DPS.

(see in WotLK WoWhead)

you shut up

how about…no? :^)

wait, wait, anyway in ICC the warriors proudly go top 1 with their huge DPS right…

You were the one who made the easily verifiable false claim that ret was doing better than your entire class.

It doesn’t even beat the one spec you are complaining about.

And yes, it’s not news that raids use holy and prot paladins a lot. That didn’t make ret OK. “Just change your role” is basically the same argument as “just reroll.” It’s admitting a problem, but refusing to fix it for an unrelated reason.

is that what I said? let’s see…

hmm…no…looks like I was mocking how you and many others argue in bad faith.
Straw-manning me is hardly your first argumentative fallacy. Good try? (not really)
Ret was in a bad spot, but that doesn’t mean paladin’s #3 spec deserves as much or better representation as warrior’s #1. And yet there’s only, what, 5% fewer rets than fury? And you’re somehow still upset?
The number of warriors is nearly as low as a third of the number of paladins.
Now that’s a problem.