Make arms into a healing spec

You read it right, make Warrior arms spec into healing.

Why the hell not, Paladin gets S tier tank, S tier heals and for some reason gets a ‘viable’ dps spec which now competes with fury.

Spread it around, give Warriors a third PvE option since we only get two. That was the justification for buffing Paladin after all.


This already exists. It’s called a blood death knight.


While we’re at it, can we create some sort of nature-based shape-shifting class that can have all three roles? It would be cool to see that sort of thing in raids too!

Four-weapon wielding. I mean, it’s called Arms, right?

Serious answer: just like Taste for Blood was fixed an expansion early, have Rend applied by Mortal Strike and let it deal full damage regardless of target health.* Factor in PVE glyph switch to Bladestorm for ST and that’s 9-10% damage right there; minimal impact to PVP. You know you want to, Blizzard!

  • Plant deep in Arms tree. Salt to taste.

While we’re at it, I want an actual heal spec on my mage, and a tank spec for my priest, Thanks.

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Can we get a tanking spec for Shaman too?

Does bandages as a multi-shot…

Because arms is the greatest DPS tree. Make the Fury tree Holy, and we’re good :slight_smile:

Glad we’re all in agreement and the thread hasn’t been astroturfed by apologist Paladins yet.

Make it happen Blizzard.


just wait for cata

Just like ret paladins had to wait for ICC right, RIGHT?

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You said the P word, you know that draws them here.

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Just complain as hard as rets and they’ll buff you eventually.

Or just ask for Classic FRESH where warriors are gods.

Make a talent deep in Arms tree, bandages are instant cast with an extra 50% effectiveness. Leave the cooldown though so Paladins don’t cry too much. j/k sorta

melee healer, sure why not sounds fun. Would 100% try it out.

You are literally a paladin… You are already literally a melee healer… Smfh

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didn’t know I had to be in melee range to heal as holy, or that holy in no way heals through damage done via my direct auto attacks onto my healing target.

Your comment is rude for the sake of being rude. Be constructive.

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To this day I’m still hoping Survival hunter becomes a tank spec, retail or otherwise :pray:

Idea for something fun, Survival hunter merges with pet and takes on the attributes of Ferocity, Tenacity, or Cunning depending on pet.

In LOTRO, the Captain class has a spec where you can gain the individal abilities and bonuses of one of your three pets, depending on which pet you have out. Reminds me of that.