Prot Warrior Buff

Hey just adding a thread since complaining gets us buffs apparently.

Same logic applies to prot warriors, even moreso than paladins. We either have dps or tanking, no heals available. So us being the lowest tank has more impediment for a buff than ret paladins, who have two other, extremely viable specs to choose. Neither fury nor prot is sought after in raids so ideally one or both would be buffed.

I propose AD equivalent to prot warriors and/or remove the 10% debuff from titan’s grip.

Paladins are the most represented class in raids and warriors are the least.

Do the right thing Blizzard.


Ferals are the lowest represented Tanks.

I still would advocate for Protwarrior buffs tho, aswell as Feral Tank buffs.
Im a protpally and i support your cause.

Every Tank should have something like AD, i support this.

Blizzard staff hate the warrior archetype because it represents toxic masculinity to them.


blizzard needs to get off their butt if their gonna buff ret pallys then prot wars and feral tanks need some type of buff to make them even with the pally tanks


This is why making a big hoopla out of buffing Rets and the reasoning was horrendous. You either balance or you don’t.


I moved from prot (since level 10) to fury because prot isn’t viable. Hoping ICC pulls through

Fury is less viable than prot…

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We either play an non-optimal tank or a non optimal dps, but it’s not okay that paladin has a non optimal dps spec even though all 3 of our specs arent optimal. Thanks blizz.

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