Buff warrior - remove titans grip penalty

why am i high 99 parsing and still at the bottom :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

the fact that frost mage is higher should be enough said
even with the titans grip penalty removed warrior still gonna be middle of the pack at best, just get it done. feral got buffed to giga tier atleast buff the competiting class to become relevant in pve, we aint asking to be god tier just enough that a high skilled player can compete with other specs, idc if warrior was good in vanilla or tbc, didnt play that expac and we are in wotlk were #nochanges is irrelevant.


Because you’re a warrior


You are relevant in pve…

Most raids are bringing 1… Even your evidence says that.

Fury is the 8th most played spec.

You’re consistently towards the top of your guilds’ damage meters.


But warriors are not good enough to give them uncontested Shadowmourne priority as was expected at the start of the xpac. And that’s the entire reason warriors are asking for buffs.

Warriors are still a great option for your guild’s first Shadowmourne. but a Ret will be almost/just as good of a choice thanks to the ret buffs.


^ This.
And if they ever fix the DRW bug, blood will also be in the running for Shadowmourne.


mmmm no thanks

Damage across all bosses in Ulduar is simply not a good way of evaluating a spec’s performance. Frost, like every caster dps spec, is better than every melee on Hodir and Vezax. It’s one of the top specs on Vezax (which utterly bones warriors) even though we all know it’s not a good spec. Those two bosses skew the numbers significantly in favor of casters, and warrs are particularly bad on them because they don’t do any magic damage at all and suffer massively from a 20% attack speed debuff.

A 99 parsing warr isn’t going to be bottom on most fights, even in a strong raid.


You aren’t though…

Taking your latest Ignis kill for a single target check


You are pretty mid-tier relative to your raid, which is all highly performing and you are only about 6% under the top in performance that fight.

Your own logs discredit the “warriors are terrible” narrative. They show quite clearly that in a highly performing raid group when played properly, fury warrior is more than fine.


Always the same damn forum posters defending warrior’s trash PvE nature.

Never mind different warriors keep coming to the forums to complain about their trash nature. We have 3-5 different posters who will constantly nay-say the potential for deserved warrior buffs.

I mean, when a 99 parsing warrior in a good guild comes on the forums complaining that they are “at the bottom” when they very much are not, it is correct to dismiss the complaint.

The guy is in the upper half of his guild’s DPS, and it’s not a lack of skill on the other raiders’ part that’s letting him do that well.

At this point the complaint is just “I’m a 99 parser and feel like I deserve to be on top. Bring near the top isn’t good enough for me!”

He goes on to list how the aggregate average of fury is doing, while including fights that are heavily skewed against fury and in favor of casters, in order to make a point that his own personal logs refute.

High performing fury warriors really don’t have any kind of performance problem, and a large buff to them would be equally as uncalled for as what feral got (which blizzard admitted to be a mistake, so I wouldn’t bet on them repeating it just to be “fair” to fury warriors over every other spec).

Fury is fine. Calling them trash doesn’t make them trash. They also get better in the next phase, which should be spinning up on the PTR soon enough.


Smeetologist: Says what can be said in about three sentences across several paragraphs.

Look up “Brevity” in the dictionary please.

Warriors deserve a buff more than ret paladin ever did.

They’ll probably do it when the evidence is too overwhelming to deny and everyone has already finished playing for the xpac.

be honest though, are you upset at the ret pally buff because now they have a good shot at being given prio for Shadowmourne over warriors, or because you think warriors should be competitive?

youve already had 2 expansions where you got priority on legendary weapons (thunderfury, Sulfuras, Glaives, and while not prio’d you could still use Thoridal if you didn’t have multiple hunters that needed it)


Yes, because you demand that it be spelled out explicitly and thoroughly. Otherwise you just try to dismiss the entire argument on a tangent.

Drop warrior’s DPS by more than 10% and you’d be right!

As it stands, ret will still be near the bottom in full ICC gear until we get Shadowmourne, where we graduate to mid tier!

Warriors don’t need a buff or shadowmourne to get there, so I’m going to have to disagree that the class needed a buff.


Paladins were OP before they were buffed.

No amount of five forum posters claiming otherwise in every single thread will convince me. There are far more players saying warriors need buffs.

Yes, we know that you have bad game design ideas and believe that a class should be bad at one role if good at another.

Put whatever ad hoc reasoning you want to it. Paladins as a class were OP before they were buffed.

In fact, they were the most OP class by far. The only reason they were buffed is because they have the largest player volume and Blizz wanted to inflate their numbers.

It’s the same reason Blizzard buffed feral, the druid playerbase is very large and they wanted to bring back players.

Stop pretending it was deserved. I can name probably 10 balance changes that are more appropriate than rets being buffed.

And none of the buffs made them better in the areas they are “OP” in.

Your complaints are ridiculous in that respect. It’s like having a meltdown over a theoretical destro lock buff because affliction is top tier. It’s irrelevant.

And they are empirically incorrect by every available measure of current and future estimated performance.

Being wrong in large numbers doesn’t make you right.


You’re ridiculous. If balance was the issue Blizzard was tackling, they’d have nerfed prot paladins months ago given the metrics everyone can readily see.

I’ll say again, you are ridiculous if you think this buff has anything to do with balance.

They buffed the most OP class in the game to bring back players, nothing more. You didn’t deserve the buff but your playerbase is in a major portion of classic so you received one.

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