Regarding Mark Kern getting “fired” from his own company: I recall another (now deceased) prominent and creative person who lost his position at the company he co-founded.
Betting that a large number of those currently reading this could look down and see the logo of that company.
Really dude. Classic is here because the masses want it and Blizzard sees potential value in that want. The keyword there is masses. Fifty people could have marched back and forth in front of Blizzard HQ for months calling for Classic with it culminating in self immolation and it wouldn’t have made an ounce of difference. As it relates to your ROI, I could not possibly care less. If Blizzard can make 1.5 and it doesn’t inconvenience me in any way, congratulations and have fun. But if a single second of development time is taken away from some other part of the game, then the 1.5 crowd can kick rocks.
Show me the numbers. Show me statistically significant sample sizes and data that proves that the demand is high enough to justify Blizzard overturning the 1.12 decision. I’ll bang the pro 1.5 drum as loudly as anybody. Until then, I respect the passion, but I find its expression sorely lacking.
Like what? The polls that clearly show a preference for early AV over 1.12? Polls that people dismiss since they are not every person on earth? Like the threads and discussions that have been a thing since AV was originally changed that show an overwhelming preference for early AV?
I am not going to argue that it is a make it or break it scenario for Classic as a whole, that’d be laughable. But I will say, for game longevity, it does matter for some people. I cannot and will not try to predict exactly how effective it would be in the case of numbers, again laughable for someone like myself to try, but I will say that sometimes a simple setting of the way a battleground plays out can be the one thing that keeps someone playing.
How do I know this? Personal experience.
WoD was a pretty bad expansion, but Ashran, played properly on a prot paladin with the right talents and gear, was one of the most fun things I ever did. Every single night I would log in, get on my paladin, go straight to Ashran, and then be in there for hours on end! I’d be in Ashran for up to 7 hours a night.
Outside of that the expansion was meh. Legion came out and that expansion was the one I least played most of all. And with BfA, well lets just say I can only post on the Classic forums and I believe the report ones too.