ALERT! Census data now useless!

A worthless addon that doesn’t take result limiting into account somehow gets it wrong?!

Shocked pikachu face.

If you accepted the idea that they’re just trying to hide population counts (which is again, a bit of a stretch) why would they be doing it to sabotage classic rather than to make classic seem more popular than it really is to its players?

Now people can keep spamming their “Look all the servers have queues!!” threads even though they’ve slowly been reducing the scale of layering to keep with their phase 2 promise which in turn lowers realm pop cap.

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Blizzard does an awe inspiring amount of brainless stupid stuff. I don’t understand anything they do, and I don’t pretend to understand them.

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This sentence doesn’t make sense.

What are you talking about? The addon, when faced with a max limit result, performs the search again with more specific parameters.

If /who 35 returns fifty results, it will then do
/who 35 human
/who 35 night elf
/who 35 gnome

if THOSE are maxed out at 50, then it will do
/who 35 human warrior
/who 35 human paladin


Under no circumstances should the above level/class/race search output more than 50 results, not with realm population caps in place.

Weeeeeeeell it doesn’t matter now, does it? seeing as all the data is useless.

Then why bring up your flawed viewpoint in the first place if you’re just going to say “well it doesn’t matter anyways” when someone disproves it?

For personal use it was fine. I was resetting daily data for daily averages. Now I’m a sad panda

It was exactly accurate.

It showed who was online, how many, what race, what class. Do this multiple times over a week and you’ve got a rock solid piece of data.

But I’m sure you have no idea how statistics and data analytics work.


Man, this is a woosh. The person you responded to was implying that the census addon is a contributing factor to people not wanting to move.

You never had any problems? Just because you never had the issue happen to you doesn’t mean that this problem didn’t happen to other players.

I even took screenshots and I was going to make a thread about it. But it was my 1st time trying to post a link on the forums in over a year and I kept getting a forum message saying “can’t post links”. So I sent a support ticket with my screenshots directly to Blizzard instead.

Here’s my screenshot I made 2 or 3 weeks ago.

And don’t just take my word for it. Here are other complaints on the forums.


Wonder why they broke it… Oh, I know, because they don’t want to play on a server with 700 people.

Guys. Blizzard didn’t specifically set out to break this addon. The hotfix was to disable some functionality of the Classic LFG addon, which also may have broken some other addons that rely on the /who function including the Census addon and RP addons.

Which was exactly the point…

I’ve received 2 so far while in Stormwind this morning. This was not it’s main purpose. It was to break Census addon

No it wasn’t. They broke that addon 1.5 - 2 weeks ago. They just broke Census around last Thursday night

Looks like a troll thread from someone unhappy with the server transfers.

/who still works just fine when you’re looking for data across all layers.

What Blizzard has broken is the ability to use /who to determine what characters are in what layer. This ability was previously used to better exploit resources across multiple layers, and also to circumvent the raid lockout. Blizzard wants to cut down on those exploits, which is why they have disabled layer specific /who.

Census data doesn’t depend on the layer breakdown of the server population, so census addons will be fine. At most a slight adjustment might be needed to current addons, but even that might not be necessary.

Imo this has nothing to do with server transfers relating to classic… And everything to do with people getting overall population numbers for the game itself.

They stopped reporting numbers when the game started declining because they didn’t want bad PR about it, and people to realize it was in fact in fact declining…

Then just about a week before they broke this functionality, peopled reporting pretty disastrous numbers for overall retail players vs classic players.

That isn’t a coincidence… It’s a PR move to try and pretend that retail isn’t dying and/or dead. Blizz is just desperately trying to protect their flagship, but it’s been taking on water for years, and classic itself appears to have peirced retail’s hull and dealt a terminal blow.

This has nothing to do with people moving servers, and everything to do with blizzard wanting the numbers to look good on the next quarterly so people keep buying stock.

edit: as an addendum…

There’s a reason too, that classic is tied to retail accounts… on the next quarterly blizz is going to pretend retail participation is up, via the subscriber boost from classic.

They’ll likely also talk about character services (like transfers) getting a significant boost in volume this quarter, on account of all the FREE transfers from overpopulated classic realms (rather than reporting pure paid service numbers, they’ll lump the paid and free services together as just “services”).

It’s all just window dressing to make the reports look good for potential investors who don’t know any better and didn’t dig any deeper. “Oh WoW’s sub numbers and character service metrics went up this quarter? The game must be doing great then!”. They just need investor confidence to remain until Blizzcon, when hopefully a new product can then take over from there (rumors are D4)

Blizzard doesn’t have a CEO anymore.

Blizzard did state that, but then someone explained in another thread exactly how to do it, and it was replicated by multiple players. As usual, it turned out that knowledgeable players know more about the game than Blizz does.

Blizzard then fixed it (that is, broke the ability to do layer specific /who).