Gold sellers spaming

I keep getting gold sellers inviting me to their website via "Soandso has invited you to join random voicechat channel www(insert gold selling website addy).
How do I turn this off? Or can it be?


Im getting that too. Fix this.

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Report them and ignore and it won’t happen .

How do I report them? I need to whisper them so I get a chat, then click their name? Won’t they just make a new character tomorrow and continue? This is not something I want to see popping up in the middle of my screen EVER. So and so has invited you to channel “buygoldnow. com” or whaterver. I think its fair to ask blizzard to take care of it. This wasn’t a problem in Vanilla.

gold sellers already? wow that was fast

Yep, and it’s a pop up in the middle of the screen, like a guild invite. Very obtrusive. If they think a pile of skeletons spelling a word in some random location is a problem, I don’t see how this could be ok.


I have gotten this quite a few times tonight. Pretty annoying.

They where selling power levleing on ebay about a week before launch

The problem with the channel invite is it become difficult to report them. So I had to whisper the gold seller then use the name that pops up to report