Gold Sellers

I just wanted it to be made aware that currently gold sellers are using the channel invite system to try and contact players. This method leaves me with no way to report their activity and offence. Just looking for a way to forward these reports to be handled

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None of them have tried to invite me.

I feel like George Costanza with the carpet cleaner cult.

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Can confirm. I received a few invites the other night.

every 2-5 mins i get another invite from gold seller dammit if you put them on ignore they will get on another gold selling character and still do it…ive given up putting them on ignore it doesnt matter i still get spammed by a new 1 everytime

interface options > social > block chat channel invites

it’s a feature 99.9% of players wont use anyway.


I know of this feature, that is not what i want. i want to report them. They are going to ruin the in game economy with gold selling and frankly it is bothersome. I just want there to be a system in which i can report them, if blizzard does nothing with the report then oh well but i want to stop as much of it as possible

Old news, umpteen threads have been created over many days about this, kind of surprised you haven’t seen even one of them.

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wanna buy gold

Gold sellers will always be a thing.