Yeah I have literally never head anyone complain about gold spammers. I’ve never received a single message the entire time I’ve been playing classic. I’ve never been invited to some random chat channel.
It has nothing to do with gold spammers.
They simply wanted to break the census addons that people have been using for over a decade now. Suddenly now, why?
Why did they have to break these addons? It seems so insignificant, but it’s honestly infuriating.
You never had any problems? Just because you never had the issue happen to you doesn’t mean that this problem didn’t happen to other players .
I even took screenshots and I was going to make a thread about it. But it was my 1st time trying to post a link on the forums in over a year and I kept getting a forum message saying “can’t post links”. So I sent a support ticket with my screenshots directly to Blizzard instead.
Here’s my screenshot I made 2 or 3 weeks ago.
And don’t just take my word for it. Here are other complaints on the forums.
While out questing earlier I got a request from someone to join a channel, I won’t give the particulars of the name but it was obviously labeled as a gold seller. After looking up the character with /who I saw he was a level one in the human starting zone. There doesn’t seem to be any way to report him for this in the game right now as going to “report player” in the menus shows I need to right-click on his name in the chat window (doing it in the /who menu doesn’t work). As I didn’t join his…
**In the past few days I have been getting hit with channel invites with a gold seller website as the title. Blizzard are you aware of this issue and taking action. It’s simple for me I just cancel the invite. Feels like getting them Robo calls from fake numbers. Anyone else been having this happen? **
Just had two random players try to invite me to a channel which had the gold seller URL in the name. How does one opt out of having other players being able to invite you to channels?
I just wanted it to be made aware that currently gold sellers are using the channel invite system to try and contact players. This method leaves me with no way to report their activity and offence. Just looking for a way to forward these reports to be handled
So the gold sellers have found a new way to advertise by inviting people to “channels” (I assume voice channels? I’m not so sure I’ve never used the system). When they do this it shows up as grey text in the chat box with their name and the name of the gold selling website as the name of the channel (I won’t post screenshots because I don’t want to advertise them).
The thing is even though their name appears in the chat box I can’t right click and report them. I tried /who ing the name and repo…
I keep getting gold sellers inviting me to their website via "Soandso has invited you to join random voicechat channel www(insert gold selling website addy).
How do I turn this off? Or can it be?
You can’t report them since you can’t right-click the name. Sucks to see this already popping up in Classic.
Hope Blizz fights this with a stronger hand than in Vanilla days.
Please stop the gold seller spam!
I am getting very annoyed with them creating channels that are URL’s to there websites!
I get there god dang spam evry 5 - 10 min!
This needs stopped NOW!
We can NOT report them from within the game as we do not have any way to right-click their names!
I have countless screenshots of the many user names they are creating…
this happens once again on an hourly basis.
again thank you blizzard for another problem that could have been fixed long before launch.
wow and you guys really did flag a post exposing a gold seller and one of the many boxes doing the spamming… are you guys that desperate to see gold sellers and to be able to not play with others?
1 pc = 1 client. problem solved but money > the rest so enjoy your own in game stds
I started playing on the new server Netherwind when it came out, and not even 12 hours after the server opened up I started getting spammed with people inviting me to join chat channels called ‘wwwMYWOWGOLDcom’. I have blocked chat channel invites but it still gives me 2 messages when they attempt to invite me.
"Name-Server has invited you to join the channel ‘gold selling bot name’.
“You have blocked chat channel invites.”
There is also no way to report them without either making a ticket fo…