[A&H-RP-PvP] The Scarlet Reclamation - THE OLD CRUSADE


Scarlet Paramilitary (Military + Navy / Holy / Town / Social) themed RP


COMMUNITY LINK = https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/4DOyDYMioAg?region=US&faction=Alliance if you want to join our community where ALL SCARLET RECLAMATIONS FROM ALL SERVERS HAVE CROSS SERVER, CROSS FACTION RP!

“At our finest, we have always been the salt of the earth, rising up to take back our homes from the filth of the Scourge corruption, to return our Lordaeron to its former glory. To a time before the Scourge. Before Arthas and regicide… before the Lich King.” - Abbendis’s Diary

Guided by the Grand Crusader’s vision, the Scarlet Reclamation became a beacon of hope for a realm scarred by darkness. Their rigorous training, honed combat skills, and mastery over exorcism techniques made them formidable opponents against the infernal forces that plagued the land. They erected strongholds, trained new recruits, and ventured into the darkest corners of the realm to root out the remnants of the Cult of the Damned and any other malignant threat.

Led by their Grand Crusader, a figure shrouded in crimson plate armor and bearing the symbol of a Scarlet Flame, the order’s members see themselves as the last line of defense against the encroaching darkness. Their belief is that demons and the undead are a blight upon the world, a corruption that must be purged at all costs.

With fervent devotion to their cause, the Scarlet Reclamation has taken upon themselves the duty to seek out and confront demonic and undead entities wherever they may manifest. They are known for their formidable skills in demon exorcism, wielding holy artifacts and incantations passed down through generations. Armed with blessed weapons and imbued with divine magic, they strike fear into the hearts of their supernatural adversaries.

The order’s headquarters is the Scarlet Monastery, situated upon the north of Tirisfal Glades. The monastery’s spires reach towards the heavens, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that plagues the land. Within its hallowed halls, the knights of the Crusade undergo rigorous training, honing their combat skills and mastering the art of exorcism.

However, their zealous determination has also led to controversy. Some view the order as extremist, willing to go to any lengths to achieve their goals, even if it means crossing ethical boundaries. The Crusade has been known to clash with other factions, including those who believe in a more diplomatic approach to combating infernal forces.

Despite the criticisms, the order remains steadfast in their mission. They have a strong presence in regions ravaged by demonic taint, establishing bases and strongholds to protect the innocent. The sight of their crimson banners fluttering in the wind is a sign of salvation for those in need, a promise that the infernal forces will be vanquished.

THE SCARLET RECLAMATION is a guild concept created by Kormed (Moon Guard - US), and since our origins as the City-State of Alterac on March 12, 2013, we have been dedicated to the concept of bringing steady roleplay to our members and on an In Character level, bringing back order and the culture of the Scarlet peoples that were scattered following the destruction of it! Our goal became that of creating a functioning Scarlet RP community, and over the 13 years we’ve existed, we learned to almost perfect our craft and quality of our concept. Embellished now with the current lore, we have had huge changes for our guild and its concept. We will now be even more lore abiding than we were from 2016 and onwards and hope to provide a quality driven and immersive roleplay experience about the Scarlet Crusade’s last vestiges and how our beleaguered characters will overcome insurmountable odds in an effort to develop and otherwise build our characters.

Links of interest:

Scarlet Crusade = Last True Silver Hand: Scarlets = the Last True Silver Hand & Silver Hand Now Are Heretics!

The Scarlet Crusader’s Almanac: The Scarlet Crusader's Almanac - #12 by Kormed-moon-guard

A Scarlet Crusade upon Gilneas: A (Scarlet) Crusade Upon Gilneas

The Scarlet Compendium (Who Scarlets Are in Lore): The Scarlet Compendium - Greatest Resource of All Time

[Alliance | Lawful Evil/Villain RP] The Scarlet Chapter of Stormwind | A Call To Arms! (Th Scarlet Chapter of Stormwind)

tinyurl .com/ScarletScripture (remove the space)


WEBPAGE: tinyurl. com/ScarletReclamationInfo remove the space; Google Doc about us)

Guild OOC Application to join: no application for now IC-OOC interviews instead.

IC DOCUMENT: As you’re wondering through the Northlands or somewhere in Stormwind, you come upon a peculiar parchment posted with Scarlet propaganda clearly visible… if you decide to read it, it says ((with in lore citations added with brackets [ ]):


“If you do not shy from righteous slaughter, then perhaps your path lies with us...” Brother Anton


> Table of Contents


> II. IC/OOC information and Joining

> III. Active Story Overview

> IV. Scarlet Lore, Stories, and Documents

> V. Scarlet Info Tabs

> VI. Scarlet Miscellaneous Info


Recruitment Status: OPEN and actively recruiting!

> ▬ An old (founded on 3/12/2013 as the City State of Alterac and 11/04/2012 as the Scarlet Hand), server notorious, constantly growing and logical Scarlet guild that has proud and rich roots as the first (successful) Alterac guild on MG that most Alterac guilds trace their roots to (the City State of Alterac). Since 2012 (with the Scarlet Hand’s founding,) we have been striving to perfect our quality of roleplay and provide a homely atmosphere where everyone is welcomed - rather that roleplay is Scarlet as it is now, or Alterac as we did before.

> ▬ Emphasis on Scarlet/Northlands cultural, heavy Scarlet and medieval lifestyle roleplay, character progression, skirmishes, RP-PvP against the Horde, and simple characters with humble beginnings hungry for character development and a friendly community.

> ▬ ‘Paramilitary’ RP with emphasis on creating/observing Northlander culture and traditions, as well as a mixture of Scarlet warfare, training our forces against the Forsaken threat, helping our fellow humans and subhuman allies combat the Horde, as well as settling down, developing a town with shops, trading wagons, politics, scouting expeditions, pilgrimages, character progression, immersive guild events, and a plethora not listed… because the limits are infinite! We welcome and cater to helping you bring your ideas for your character to life.

> ▬ ‘Continuation of the Silver Hand’ Our characters take pride in being the last true contiuation of the Silver Hand. What do you mean, Kormed? In quest: Annals of the Silver Hand, it says “Do you know who the Knights of the Silver Hand were? They were the original paladins of the Light, and from their ranks came knights who would later join the Argent Dawn or the Scarlet Crusade.” Saidan Dathrohan was one of the first Five Silver Hand along with Gavinrad, Uther, Turalyon, and Tirion. Out of all of these fellows, Tirion was excommunicated by Uther and during Uther’s lifetime was NEVER REINSTATED IN THE SILVER HAND but in quest: In Dreams he says “the death of my son at the hands of these monsters will not pass without incident. Take solace in knowing that the Order is reborn. I now take my place as Highlord of the new Order of the Silver Hand.” Saidan Dathrohan, possessed by a Nathrezim or not, was Lord Commander of the Silver Hand and second in command to Uther and Tirion’s superior (Of Blood and Honor Book). So there’s no way a heretic of the Silver Hand could have reformed the Silver Hand. Thus, unless Turalyon remade the Silver Hand, the only true continuation of the Silver Hand was Saidan Dathrohan and the Scarlet Crusade. The future Scarlet Crusade (Saidan Dathrohan, Fairbanks, Isillen, High General Abbendis, Arcanist Doan) also forged the Ashbringer which Tirion wielded to DEFEAT THE WHOLE LEGION AT BROKEN SHORE and is the most powerful Paladin artifact of all time. So the Silver Hand are wielding a heretical blade of an order that supposedly isn’t devout in the Holy Light which is completely contradictory to their foundations. In the Scarlet Monastery there are a healthy mixture of Dwarves, Quel’dorei, and Humans of all the human kingdoms and thus while the Scarlet Crusade is not endorsed by the Church of the Holy Light, and yes, you could argue they are zealous, they are still the only true continuation of the Silver Hand as it was originally intended to be in Warcraft 2-3 days.
““Esarus thar no’Darador—By Blood and Honor We Serve.”” - Silver Hand Quote

> ▬ A unique Scarlet Crusade faction because we adhere to canon lore by Blizzard canon and RPG inspiration and strive to prove we are different than any other Scarlet guild before or after us.


Basic Information

GUILD NAME: The Scarlet Reclamation

GUILD LEADER: Grand Crusader Kormed Wolfheart

UNOFFICIAL MOTTO: *“Have you not felt it when you fight the Scourge? Have you not thought of your fallen brethren and been filled with holy wrath? Wouldn’t any man react with righteous fury to an evil that threatened his loved ones? We fight hardest to protect what we love the most.” * - Grand Crusader Saidan Dathrohan

FACTION: Alliance, Scarlet Renegades & Scarlet Crusade (this means we are friendly to the Alliance and backed by the Alliance unlike more Scarlet factions)

RP: Heavy

PVP: Casual; occasional RP-PvP will happen

PVE: Casual, working on getting ready for BFA content


GUILD MASTER: Kormed (Grand Crusader of the Scarlets)


OFFICERS: searching for more!

JUNIOR OFFICERS: actively searching!

NPC OFFICERS: Quartermaster Newlem, Crusader Alrick (Scarlet Champion), Huntsman Scorborgh, Inquisitor Fairbell (all survivors of the Forsaken retaliation on the Scarlets for besieging Capital City from Fenris Isle); formerly Scarlet Commander Forsythe but was KIA against Lillian Voss in Fenris Keep.

Discord = scarletgrandcrusader
Btag = Kormedism#2645


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II. IC/OOC Information and Joining:


” Knowing that our dear Princess Calia was…"

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TIME OF ACTIVITY: Still figuring out our timezones and best times of activity. However, if you are very invested in the Reclamation’s idea and we’re not in your timezone, we offer all members the opportunity to create their own RP events so long as they are within reason (meaning you do not need an officer’s permission) to entice roleplay rather it’s promoting character/guild progression and storyline or helping find roleplay at a time that suits your needs.

MATURITY: While we’re not going to say “18+” on our tag because we’re not going to ask you about your age, our guild is based on sometimes ‘mature’ themes. We ask that no matter your age that you have an 18+ mentality in the sense that you’re an adult and if you’re not, you act like it. If you are mature, that means you also won’t be childish OOCly - antagonizing your guild members unnecessarily, using racial/homophobic slurs, or whatever else prevents being inclusive as an OOC community. If you are a bigot, we do not want you.

ATTITUDE We understand your character might be a diabolic Cult of the Damned acolyte in disguise or innately rebellious, but please don’t take this as an opportunity to quip up at every possible moment and be a perpetually edgy character… or an edgy person OOCly for that matter). A good balance of such an attitude if your character possesses it is a story key; on the same coin, a good balance of your attitude as an individual helps go a long way, too.

OOC ATTITUDE: 4-chan or passive aggressive attitudes, social media negativity, etc. won’t be tolerated here; being snarky, sexist, hateful towards who or what someone is, racist… WILL NOT be tolerated in this guild. We don’t want to be your parents, we want to have fun roleplaying. End of story.

GUILD RP ATMOSPHERE: The atmosphere is made to be hard, gaudy, and “blue-collar”. We are some of the last of the Scarlets in existence; we who have lost our homes or likely had loved ones affected by the Plague or something in its aftermath and likely many of us who are not characters that went to Argus and stroll around in our Lightforged armor or the armor you got when you solo’d Deathwing or whatever great storyline follows character’s appearances in big, electric, bulky, cartoonish looking raid gear. With that, keep in mind we want your character to have the right appearance for their role… so we do not encourage ridiculous uniforms, Cataclysm raid gear, or any gear that is gigantic, blocky, excessively lighted or appearing, especially of it has special effects like lightning, magma, ice, etc. We’d prefer you to wear things like hoods and fur cloaks or fur shawls and platemail armor as our characters and people likely would do in medieval times. While you in real life may not get sick, cut yourself, get bruised up, eat (hehe), etc. we invite you to challenge your character’s everyday life and their most realistic portrayals. Try to “feel” how your character is and express it in your content! Maybe your character’s stomach growls when they’re on the campaign march and supplies are thin - these are all just ideas and tips!

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We are notoriously antagonists in Azeroth. We will be looked at as villains and as such you are highly advised not to wear your Scarlet Tabard around Stormwind or things that would identify you and get you into trouble, although our order is trying to go back to the Original Crusade’s ideals of having Quel’dorei/Sin’dorei, Humans, Dwarves, and now Worgen as apart of our ranks. Our base of operations is the Scarlet Palisade but we do use the Scarlet Monastery on special occasions.
Here are some in-lore documents and rules we follow as Scarlet Crusaders:

  1. Cultivate a fulsome beard, for it conceals the imperfections of the face from the Light.

  2. Purify your hands in the milk of the mare, that they be soft and supple when handling the offertory.

  3. Bathe in the rivers, allowing the glorious natural gifts of the Light to cleanse your skin.

  4. Replace regularly your holy raiment, that your appearance and odours not offend the servants of the Light.

  5. Maintain at all times an upright posture - let not fatigue nor sloth curl the spine.


"The topic of indulgences is a difficult one, but at times in our lives, it becomes a necessary evil. A lapse of judgment, a harsh word too quickly spoken, a punch of kick thrown in anger - all these things are failings of mortal men, and the Church must acknowledge that.

However, such acknowledgment does not come without a price. For sins of harsh words, a mere handful of silver will cleanse the soul. For sins of physical force, a handful of gold will expurgate the failings of mortal flesh. For those other sins, a full confession and a more generous contribution will be necessary.


Punch to the Face: 2 gold
Punch to the Groin: 3 gold
Punch in the Chest: 1 gold 45 silver

A detailed list of prices and sins continues for pages…" (Turning the Other Cheek)

"Purify the body with labor. Purify the soul with prayer. Purify your enemies with fire. Pain is not an enemy, but an ally to be embraced, held close, and delivered to unbeliever and believer alike.

Resistance to the ways of the Light is a sign of impurity, and should be excised from the flesh of the community." (Musings of the High General)

We also wear Scarlet Armbands which Initiates or Converts are given.
(Vanilla Item: Scarlet Armband)

“I will leave most of the Crusade here to continue mopping-up operations on the undead in our backyard. I imagine that once they have finished what we began, most will disband and go back to their homes to live in peace.” (The Diary of High General Abbendis)

"From the desk of High Abbot Landgren:

It may seem that in dark times of strife and turmoil that one must turn inward, protecting family and loved ones to the exclusion of all else. But these feelings are false - without the beacon of hope that is the Church, despair will quickly inundate the very pores of your family’s soul. All the full stomachs, warm toes, and happy smiles that worldly goods may purchase will not save your family from the creeping inner emptiness that shirking your fiduciary responsibilities to the light will induce.

Give to the church. The hardships endured through lack of worldly goods act as a forge for the soul, burning out impurities and raising you up to a higher plane of being. Be not ashamed at the rumbling of an empty stomach, the bite of a sharp rock upon your bare foot, or the chill of the winter wind. These are but means by which the Light communicates its inspiration to the soul. These sacrifices ensure that the arching, gold-appointed paeans to the Light which so inspire you at worship are well-maintained.

Eschew the comforts of the flesh, and come ever closer to the Light." (Item: Give to the Church and the Light Will Provide)

"Entry 1:

The High General’s fervor is ablaze in the peasantry! The Crusade’s fleet grows mightier with each day and our ranks swell with able men. At our bow, a mighty sword sits poised to strike at Northrend and free us from this endless battle. Our stern is unsteady, though. With the Scarlet Bastion in flames, I cannot help smelling death on the wind at our backs.

Entry 15:

Abbendis has lost her senses. She seeks to form a schism within the Crusade and attack the Lich King’s very citadel with but a fraction of our most faithful! Does she mean to leave New Avalon and Tyr’s Hand to burn as she sails over the edge of the world with our last defenders?

Entry 23:

The morning is bright, pick and plow glinting as the men and women labor in the mines and fields. A shadow has come–a necropolis. This is not Naxxramas. The Scourge make camp nearby, and Abbendis has ordered that we fight to the last man. Have I sworn fealty only to cast myself beneath the juggernaut behind Abbendis’ retreat?" (Unknown Crusader’s Diary)

"His name brought Light to darkest Azeroth.

His valor tore the walls of mis’ry down.

The Silver Hand would ne’er do better more

than give the world the knight who’d give himself.

His fame was not that which he sought to grow,

nor was the lordship over his own kind.

Instead he chose to fight for Lordaeron

to hope his kin would have to fight no more.

The tragic tale of this most holy knight

will never end with his unholy death.

We honor him, and we shall give him thanks!

Uther always shall know glory and Light!" (For the Light! poem about Uther)

This guild will also create and observe any teachings and traditions created by Blizzard that involve the Scarlet Crusade and the various lands that form the Northlands; rather it’s Scarlet inquisitions or doing small things like wearing Scarlet Armbands in order to show faith to the Flame or even having priests bathe their hands in mare milk before offeratory, we will participate and use ideas Blizzard has implemented in game to make our roleplay more accurate and as canon as possible.

We will remain inclusive, not exclusive. You (except trolls and lolrpers) are welcomed to RP with us! I don’t care who you are or what your guild tag is.

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III. Scarlet Active Story Overview:

“ At our finest, we have always been the salt of the earth, rising up to take back our homes from the filth of the Scourge corruption, to return our Lordaeron to its former glory. To a time before the Scourge. Before Arthas and regicide… before the Lich King." - The Diary of the High General

“THE STORY SO FAR” (modern day Scarlet Brotherhood)


  • Rally the devout for the Northlands. ✓
  • Set sail for the North. ✓
  • Link up with the Scarlet Crusaders at Fenris Isle. ✓
  • Recreate the Grand Crusader’s blade, Demonshear - which will be known as New Demonshear, and bless the blade like the Silver Hand did the Ashbringer. ✓
  • Set siege to Capital City and retake the Capital City for the Scarlet Crusade once and for all! ?
  • Reform the Crimson Legion. (Grand Crusader (Kormed), High General, Scarlet Commander (Scarlet Commander Forsythe the NPC until he died), Scarlet Champion (Crusader Alrick the NPC from Fenris), High Commander, Highlord (Rolanduss), Grand Inquisitor (Kordeli), Grand Admiral, Archbishop, High Abbot, Chief Assassin, Cannon Master(Alemed)) ?
  • Unite with other Scarlet Crusade sectors that adhere to the Truth (true zealots). ?
  • Ally Gilnean and Worgen mongrels in the fight against Sylvanas. ?
  • Take an expedition to Stratholme to steal some of Fras Siabi’s tobacco. ?
  • Pilgrimage to Uther’s Tomb. ?

  • ๑۩๑▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬†:fire:†▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬๑۩๑
    ACT TWO: ??

  • For those reading the Active Story Overview, it lists major events we’ve had within our Acts, which are essentially major chapters of the guild. When these events are completed, they get a ✓ mark. If they are failed, they get an X mark.

    IV. Reclamation Info & Miscellaneous Tabs:

    ”Too long hae those monsters polluted the hallowed lands of our people. No more. Today, we will reclaim what is ours and purge the stain of the unliving from the world. " - Scarlet Commander Forsythe

    Crusader’s Newsletter

    We lost the Siege of Capital City from Fenris Isle and are regathering our forces and licking our wounds in Gilneas. We also have a secret Stormwind Scarlet Chapter and ANY SCARLET RPER IS WELCOMED! We are trying to take the fight back to the unwantable races that we believe are stopping the Crusade from being apart of the Alliance; from Man’ari (Eredar) to San’lyn (Vampyrs), witches, Forsaken and more!

    We have also gotten the Crimson Onslaught to merge and will become a divison within the Scarlet Reclamation’s ranks! (worldofwarcraft.blizzard.c om/en-us/guild/us/moon-guard/crimson-onslaught) Thank you Crusader Alecksis! (worldofwarcraft.blizzard. com/en-us/character/us/moon-guard/Alecksis)

    We have also brought [The Scarlet Empire] into the fold! Praise be the Light!

    Did you know…

    - . . . that the Scarlet Reclamation is a unique Scarlet holy military guild that welcomes Humans, Quel’dorei, Sin’dorei (Horde side), Dwarves, Worgen, and Scarlet sympathizers?
    - . . . that our roots began in 2012 with the Scarlet Hand & 2013 with the City-State of Alterac?
    - . . . that we welcome ALL nationalities of humans, dwarves, and Sin’dorei or Quel’dorei?
    - . . . that any classes, even warlocks who can hide their aura (no demonologists or blatantly summoning Dreadlords) or secret villain characters are accepted?
    - . . . that we’re looking for potential officers and active, dedicated roleplayers?


    Well then, good thing we Argents aren’t the Alliance.

    Purge the heresy!

    In all seriousness though, this looks pretty cool. Good luck!

    Thank you for the support. =) Looking forward to starting our first campaign in Act 1, RECLAMATION OF THE NORTHLANDS!


    I’ve been interested in making a Scarlet Crusade remnant character for some time but haven’t run across any groups or guilds with a grounded concept. I’ve seen either entirely ‘evil’ portrayals, where characters have not adapted to changing times at all, or entirely ‘good/redeemed’ portrayals where the Crusade is going strong as if it hadn’t been nearly decimated in its entirety.

    This concept looks like it falls in a happy middle ground between the two and (in my opinion) is one of the more believable iterations of Scarlet Crusade RP. I’m definitely interested.

    I have a 110 boost to use and i’m between a Mage or a Warlock, although either class would simply be RP’d as a Flameweaver/Pyromancer in similar fashion to Koegler. Do you have hard class restrictions?

    It’s often forgotten that before the Crusade’s upper echelon devolved to shadow it was a very powerful assembly of Silver Hand remnants and Lordaeron citizens that waged guerrilla war on the Plague of Undeath throughout the kingdom.

    Good looks.

    I settled on a Mage after all so that whole angle is a non-issue.

    It does and then some. Thanks a bunch! I’ll reach out in game. :cowboy_hat_face:

    Edit: grammar + shameless Scarlet history plug.

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    Bump for updates. :slight_smile:


    I have a Scarlet alt that I am low key looking for a new home for. When can you guys normally be found online?

    We’re figuring out what the best times are at for everyone and our schedules but because we’re so fresh I can’t guarantee a timeframe. For myself though, it could fluctuate from noon all the way to 4-6 PM server time and beyond. Please don’t hesitate to whisper me, mail me, or seek me out in game! I don’t bite. :^)

    … I do purge people with the taint of the Scourge though so hopefully you’re not one of those types of people… :flame:


    Bump. We had an awesome event following the Siege of Capital City by the Scarlet Crusade during the Forsaken Heritage Questline. We safely slipped through the last portals back to the safety of Duchy Wolfrun (Kormed’s duchy in Alteraci) and watched Lillian Voss plunge her daggers into Scarlet Commander Frosythe while we ran for safety. A martyr that will never be forgotten!

    This time we failed to take Capital City back for humanity but we have stung the bee hive, the queen bee, and when we return we will have twice the forces and twice the zeal! UNDERCITY WILL BE OURS! And upon our blood, sweat, and tears we will put the Last true Menethil on a Scarlet Lordaeron Throne!


    Glorious Scarlet bump. Get ready to see us in Gilneas!

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    Bump for our Scarlets. Kordeli should be the next Archbishop, just have him go bald and screech when he’s preaching the good word. Always a blast seeing you guys.

    DID YE HARKEN? :^) <3

    Thanks for the love lol.


    Why do y’all make me defend a guild mine should be directly opposed too ic?

    An ooc attack on any rp guild because they don’t do things the way you tell them too should get you banned. That post is ignorant and shows you blur the lines between real and fiction. Everyone that liked that post should be ashamed of themselves because by doing so, they broke one of the only two rules with rp. Has anyone asked them, without being a douche about it, if they’d do their get togethers somewhere else?

    If you want to complain they aren’t following lore, what about their reason, in character, for gathering anyway? Or do you really think demons and undead would gather in front of the Cathedral, or in it, to hang out and talk about their adventures in Goldshire in the lore?

    (Deleted the first bc it was meant as a reply)

    What about the blatant dishonesty that goes on OOC? On the forums Kormed will tell people this guild happily accepts non-humans and that they are trying to return to the Crusade’s noble beginnings, but in DMs he says this guild is the most radical Scarlet guild on Moon Guard and alternates between telling me non-humans are only loosely accepted as a means of working with other Scarlet guilds because said Scarlet guilds accepts them, or that they are at best fodder to be used akin to how how Garithos used Kael’thas.

    The lore thing is an issue I don’t care much for beyond Kormed’s seeming inability to decide on how he wants this guild to be - be it radicals, renegades or what have you.


    It might be frustrating, just don’t take anything in rp personally. DMs are private business and that’s about rp, not him committing a crime. It’s too easy to just move on and ignore someone if their presence doesn’t fit with the stories you want to tell.

    Malphur thinks Kordeli is very old and most definitely senile so to him, it’s kind of hilarious to see the equivalent of Herbert from Family Guy screaming at the top of his lungs.
    That is how easy it is to not get frustrated or offended by someone else’s rp. Perceive it in a way, in character, that makes it ridiculous and funny.

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    It’s pretty obvious this is Kormed’s alt I haven’t not said that in fact if you look in the Reclamation’s Officer Notes you will see “Kormed’s Alt” so lol. How exactly is the lore wrong? It’s all copied and pasted from in game sources. The Scarlet Enclave documents, the Scarlet Brotherhood’s BFA propaganda and more. But I would love for you to write your own forum about your own guild and put all the thought and detail to it that I have. Or is all you’re capable of is being OOCly toxic and have nothing but crap to say while you are doing everything you are accusing me of. Go educate yourself on some Scarlet lore and then you can decide if you know what we’re doing is lore abiding or not. I cite nothing but lore sources I don’t use my own headcanon for anything we do. All the sermons I do on Kordeli come straight from the Scarlet Enclave’s documents such as Turning the Other Cheek or Musings of the High General or Give to the Light and the Light Will Provide.

    @Olfwenn You don’t have to agree to anything I believe because I do understand the Scarlet Crusade was formed by human supremacists such as High General Abbendis and Brigitte and Renault Mograine who said it was their (human’s) Light-given right to not let in the other races when Tyronsus Maxwell (future Argent Dawn founder) said the Silver Hand right on the brink of becoming the Scarlet Crusade should recruit Night Elves and Dwarves to which he was shunned by Renault and gang. But that was because Balnazzar was manipulating them. He told Saidan Dathrohan when he possessed him in Stratholme as the Lord-Commander of the Silver Hand still that HE WOULD MANIPULATE AND CORRUPT ALL OF HIS LOVED ONES BEFORE HIS VERY EYES. How corrupt could that go? Like, I don’t know, only letting humans into the Scarlet Crusade. (All in the Ashbringer comic books 2008)

    The Scarlet Crusade was the continuation of the Silver Hand. Renault Mograine was christened as the Scarlet Commander which was his reward for murdering Alexandros Mograine with the Ashbringer by Isillen and Saidan Dathrohan.

    This was all so Renault could become the Scarlet Commander of the Monastery. And here was the founding of the Scarlet Crusade from the Ashbringer Comicbook (2008). They recite the Silver Hand ritual.

    Isillen: “In the Light, we gather to empower or brother. In its grace, he will be made anew. In its power, he shall educate the masses. In its strength, he shall combat the shadow…”

    Isillen: “Lord Commander Dathrohan, if you deem Renault Mograine worthy, I ask you to place your blessing upon him.”

    <Saidan Dathrohan, possessed, put the blue Silver hand shawl over Renault’s neck.>

    Saidan Dathrohan: “By the grace of the Light, may your brethren be healed. By the strength of the Light, may your enemies be undone.”

    Isillen: “Arise and be recognized, Renault Mograine. Here in Tirisfal, this Monastery will serve as your sanctuary and our stronghold. Do you vow to uphold the honor and codes of our new order, and to cleanse the world of corruption, wherever it may be found?”

    Renault Mograine: “I do.”

    Isillen: “Then join me, brothers, in welcoming Renault Mograine, the first commander to be promoted… within the ranks of the Scarlet Crusade!”

    In Cata the Crusade figured out Balnazzar was manipulating them and it was too little too late to go back. Abbendis already set sail for Northrend, manipulated by Mal’ganis to die. So now we’re what, 5, 6, 7 years past Cata?

    I mean wasn’t Garithos just as racist as those Scarlet Crusade founders were and yet he still had the whole Lordaeron Remnants which composed of Blood Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes?

    There are elven and dwarven and human statues because at the beginning of the Scarlet Crusade, albeit already infiltrated by Balnazzar, they were pure.

    "I once served the Scarlet Crusade with honor, loyalty and pride. I believed their cause to be a noble one: to rid Azeroth of the undead.

    But as I spent time at the Monastery in Tirisfal Glades I realized that their grasp on reality was slipping. They now think everyone is plagued who doesn’t wear the tabard of the Crusade. Innocent men and women were tortured because they were supposedly plagued." - Raleigh the Devout

    The Hall of Champions statues are real, there’s no sources stating they aren’t canon nor legit. It wasn’t some Blizzard oversight.

    “Ferren Marcus’s Fervor” Why is that a paladin spell from Legion as well as " Tyelca, Ferren Marcus’s Stature" which are leggings in Legion? Who are they named after? A. SCARLET. MONASTERY. STATUE. So ALL those statues must be canon because why would Blizzard make an item of an item or a gobject about something that, say, was an oversight that wasn’t supposed to be in game? You can’t argue that when I can spec that in my Paladin talent tree right now on Kordeli.

    So like I said we are a unique rendition of the Scarlet Crusade post-Balnazzar. That is why we let in Quel’dorei and Dwarves and Humans and have Worgen as allies. Why are Worgen our allies? The Scarlet Brotherhood said to ally them in BFA!

    “Once we get rid of the Undead we will bring down the Worgen (who will be our allies until this point) and ensure only pure-blooded humans hold Lordaeron.”

    “But do not worry, brothers and sisters. Greymane is NOT a long-term solution. We will follow him only until the undead are wiped out. Then we will bring down Greymane and turn our blades upon the rest of his cursed kind. Once Lordaeron is free of undead filth, the Scarlet Brotherhood will FINISH the job and ensure that only pure-blooded humans hold this land!” (The Cursed Old Wolf)

    So even if you say that Quel’dorei and Dwarves aren’t canonically in the Scarlet Crusade because of the Ashbringer Comics, you can still argue that hey, they could be let in as allies for the very same reason the Worgen are. We have bigger problems dealing with the Undead and once we own the Capital City then we could worry about, say, cleansing the Crusade’s ranks of all non-humans. The elves, the dwarves, the worgen.

    So that is my in-depth, lore abiding explanation for why we let in Quel’dorei and Dwarves and Humans. These races fought with Lordaeron and the Silver Hand specifically and make a lot more sense than, say, Kaldorei or Dracthyr or races that Lordaeronians never had their help, especially the Silver Hand at the point Saidan Dathrohan was possessed and Uther died.

    And not that this is an excuse to do it, but all the other Scarlet guilds let in Quel’dorei and Dwarves but I don’t think they have all this justification and thought for backing up in lore for why this could be a possibility other than knowledge of the Scarlet Halls of Champions statues which had all those races.

    Kormed also personally has a justification. He is a half-elf (that nobody knows ICly and never will know) who fought with Stormpike Dwarves for Alterac. And he was at the start of the Scarlet Crusade because he was of age by then. So he would have been around a Crusade that, even if it was as long as a snap of your fingers, had Dwarves and Quel’dorei. Fought with them in the trenches in Alterac. He might think to himself, wow these guys would be even better fighting for us than against us. And his days of xenophobia and human supremacy are over. His grandparents were of elven and human lineage. Balnazzar’s gone. There’s nobody corrupting the Scarlets to believe that ONLY humans should be apart of the Crusade. It’s his rendition of what he believes is the values and traits of the Scarlet Crusade.

    If you had your own Scarlet guild then by all means you can be as human supremacist and zealous and Saidan Dathrohan was a great guy as you want but it is pretty common knowledge even to the average Scarlet at this point we went a bit left field and Balnazzar manipulated us. So if we got beat up as the Crusade for being human supremacists by being manipulated by Balnazzar, got destroyed in Northrend as the Onslaught for human supremacy again by Mal’ganis because of the great xenophobia and racism, maybe Kormed thinks to himself, hmm, we seem to have been getting our asses whooped for the last 20+ years and LOSING A LOT so why not, say, try things different with Quel’dorei and Dwarves and Humans with Worgen/Gilnean allies and do something DIFFERENT to see if it works? Just food for thought but you could figure these things out from RP.

    And Blood Mage Thalnos is a Blood Elf because only Blood Mages can be Blood Elves. He wasn’t in the Scarlet Monastery when Brigitte Abbendis and Tyronsus Maxwell went in there in the Ashbringer comics so he came after. From where? From the Scarlet Crusade. Oh, the horror! Why do I say that? In the Ashbringer Comics the only person they found was the Troll who learned the Light while reading the Monastery’s books. Only confirmed person in the Monastery or they woulda found, you know, Blood Mage Thalnos the Skeleton. Oh, the horror!

    And the final proof… the Scarlet Crusaders weren’t zealots and crazy! That was FORGED from the Forsaken to get the Alliance to stop supporting us with our Captain’s Scarlet Signet Ring! (wowhead.c om/classic/item=208086/forged-scarlet-memorandum)

    “An outrageous collection of human-supremacist musings that are sure to alarm Alliance leadership.” (Flavortext)

    :^) Like what I did there?


    He’s already said to be the leader of a growing number of human supremacists even before the Third War breaks out.

    You’re quite missing the point of what my post was, which is the sheer difference in the things that you say on the forums and the things you’ve said to me in DMs. It has nothing to do with the lore of the Crusade, and like I said, I don’t care about your RP. It’s your guild.

    Especially this when you have repeatedly told me you guys are the most radical Crusaders.

    His name was Bloodmage Thalnos, which generally in WoW refers to literal blood mages as opposed to the felfire wielding blood elven Blood Mages. After MoP it’s a moot point because he’s Thalnos the Soulrender now.

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    Do you have proof of this or is this your way of trying to get banned by slandering someone?

    Also, it is AN actual brain… Good job trying to act superior to someone while using absolutely horrendous grammer and punctuation.