Where does an "extremist" belong?

I’ll send you my tag on one of my alts on a mail message (i’m on a priest atm) so maybe we can get together sometime to write!

I mean, if your up to roleplaying redshirt toons in Stormwind… but truth be told, we just wear disguises while in the city. Hell, I was just on earlier quietly putting up propaganda flyers throughout the city.


See that used to be the standard for villains, and spies.

I miss those days. Now people see the TRP and be like oh they’re X.


Those were the days…

I am All down to playing the antagonist! I have done it in the past. Plus I was in at many points in a few antagonist type guilds. I would be down for some long term build up for something like that but at the same time it’s difficult establishing something that works out for everyone. Even back then when the old guilds were around and still things turned out embarrassing and terrible at times.

It is 100% okay to be an unreliable narrator in your TRP. I know several people who utilize several profiles on the same character for disguises, to prevent people form taking that knowledge IC.


I don’t think a character who has “some sort of tension” with demon hunters, warlocks, and eredar could even be considered an extremist. We are less than 10 years out from the last demon war on Azeroth. People probably have Eredar marching around in Westfall, burning their fields, and killing thousands en masse fresh in their memory.

The type of light “extremist” you are describing would probably be considered to be fairly forward thinking for not immediately spitting on a demon hunter if they saw one walking around Stormwind. This isn’t modern day earth we are talking about, this is Azeroth, a world with a history of wars with demons and their cohorts, on both sides of the faction line.

Think about it, your paladin/priest would have probably grown up hearing stories about glorious battles against demon-crazed orcs who literally tried to wipe out all of humanity. They would realistically hate orcs, and hate demons even more for manipulating them. Demons, shadow magic, and anything to that effect would be a taboo. Anyone who gives you crap for having “mild tension” with open fel users are just bad roleplayers.

People who don’t hate warlocks/demons in the WoW universe would probably be the exception, not the rule. There is a lot of worldbuilding from Classic pointing to this, but it gets drowned out by there being a literal fel chariot in the middle of the mage quarter for the warlock quest (because modern Blizzard probably doesn’t even think about worldbuilding and minor details like that anymore). But in classic, Warlocks were never like, stomping around the city with three fel crystals floating over their head. You found warlock trainers hiding in covens underground, like the one in the Lamb, or hiding in graveyards like the one in Northshire. Probably because most people in universe have a very biased perspective against demons or any dark magic whatsoever.


This explains it so much better than I ever could. Thank you!

See… In the ideal Moon Guard Stormwind that really would be the case.

Unfortunately that is not what is happening in Stormwind City right now if this is where you want to RP your zealot.

In current times, Stormwind City on Moon Guard is more like this:

Any paladin/Light/or ANYONE being even remotely mean to any, and I do mean any, dark-types in public gets lambasted for being racist/prejudice/zealot and is pretty much universally spat on by everyone within listening range real quick. Whether you are in the middle of the Cathedral District or Mage District or Lion’s rest. You will have people rushing to defend whoever the demon hunter/warlock/undead is.

Somewhere, somebody is going to say “We/they are welcome in the Alliance deal with it” or “So-and-So signed papers to gives us permission to have our demon/undead pet out you can’t do anything to us deal with it” and any further hostility will have a chance of your character being called some level of ‘traitor’ or ‘criminal’ and chances of your character being attacked increases with very, very few willing to back you - not even in Cathedral District, nevermind Mage/Rest.

We currently RP in the very very weird “Moon Guard Stormwind” universe where right now, if you RP hating man’ari for literally being man’ari, saying death should be their ‘redemption’, you will have somebody calling you a racist, prejudice, some sort of ‘evil’ IC.

And… that is the reality in Stormwind City open world RP right now.


Wow that sounds horrible…ugh. I was afraid of that. I just really like conflict RP. :\

I mean…those are also valid things for characters to think, IC.

I imagine that a lot of people might figure that the heads of state made a call, so they’re going to back whatever Velen/Turalyon decided.

I imagine some Draenei are being reunited with repentant friends and family who took the Man’ari path.

I imagine that the residents of Stormwind have seen influxes of strange new populations including dead Elf rangers, Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Pandaren, Dracthyr, Dark Irons and a bunch of other things that someone above their heads made the call on letting in on a regular basis for decades. It’s not at all an unusual chain of events for the average citizen just trying to live their lives.

With this character here, she’s Draenor-born so she didn’t have as many direct negative experiences with the Man’ari, the Legion mostly used Orcs to do the real dirty work and it’s Orcs who get her eye twitching, because that’s what her direct experience was. So after her initial alarm and suspicion she ended up talking to a few of them - at first, it was more of an interrogation! Since then she’s relaxed somewhat, although it’s still very much an “I’m keeping an eye on you” kind of situation, and has found herself defending some when people just lunged at them with the intent to kill right off the bat even though she’s generally annoyed that many of them flaunt their former affiliations, don’t seem at all interested in actual repentance, and hang out in the city like everyone should accept them instead of being more contrite. But that’s her IC view, not my OOC view. OOC, I think the Man’ari are neat! I’ve got one who’s a villain in many of the story arcs that I’ve played out with my friends, she’s a real piece of work!

Her husband is very much not on the same page, having had more direct very bad contact with the Man’ari in the past, and has been much more on the “kill them all” page. I imagine that that’s going to lead to conflict eventually! :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

But overall, yeah, the IC “why are you trying to murder people in the streets you zealot” take is a valid one…as long as it’s IC. I’ve seen plenty of OOC bickering about it that goes both ways, people declaring that it would be impossible for anyone to accept the Man’ari and that people who play characters who do are terrible people IRL and people who accuse other people of trying to push people out of city RP OOC because they don’t agree with it OOC using IC as a front, and that’s generally pretty uncalled for all around.

Characters are all going to react in different ways. All of the ways that characters react IC are fine as long as it makes sense in the player of that character’s head given the character’s history and personality. But it’s generally a valid thing for the sake of character developments and story arcs to let new experiences that a character might have change their views over time too. Given that I’ve seen Man’ari characters standing up to defend Niklos against the Harbingers in both of the planned events that you guys had in the city that I cruised by, I imagine Niklos might not hold on to “zealot” views that he might have forever!

See… That story was planned just so the RPers in our sphere have an easier time with the current situation with the manari. And even then right now for our storyline there is an extremely clean line between the manari that are actually penitent (thus given leeway and not kill on sight) and those who are still ‘yar har har I slew millions bite me’ and just taking advantage of the situation so they can walk around in Stormwind while still saying they are torturing people for breakfast… But will duck and turn tail and hide behind Velen the moment somebody takes a sword to them.

Blizzard wasn’t exactly good with the storyline, the man’ari weren’t given the Ebon Blade, illidari, or void elf treatment and their status is still… Something. At the end of the day, having what are successful genocidal universal bad guys since Warcraft III suddenly walking around in your capital city wanting to chill in your tavern because… Reasons. And everyone just has to shut up and accept it That’s really hard to handle.

My character will still slay man’ari or declare them all kill fodder if they aren’t penitent. He still believes there are zero reasons why these world destroyers NEED to be in Stormwind to ‘repent’ when honestly they can stay on some far off planet and live in peace for another 10000 years before even thinking about saying hello to perhaps the only survivors of their deeds. Let time heal the wounds a bit.

But hey, Rpers do what RPers do so we all have to make adjustments, pivot or shut up and deal.


It’s called “Stormweird” for reasons :rofl::rofl:


I think it’s important to not take IC opinions, those of our own characters and those of others, too…personally? Like, this shouldn’t be causing anyone any OOC anger or upset. It’s all just story, a story that we’re all telling together from multiple angles from a framework that was maybe not constructed in the most solid manner by the writers of a video game. You know?

Sometimes our characters will have a point of view that will be unpopular, even if it’s what we think is the “right” opinion. Sometimes other characters will challenge them on it, even knowing that their character is “wrong” or while agreeing with their character’s point of view OOC. Sometimes other characters will up and decide that our characters should stop breathing and act on it. As long as everyone is playing out their character’s point of view in good faith and not using their character as a mouthpiece for their annoyance with the flimsy structure of the story that Blizzard is telling, it’s all just story. One big collaborative glom that is always going to have a lot of takes and angles, as many as there are participants.

It’s not worth the spoons to be upset over the cats resisting or ignoring being herded in the same direction, or criticizing the directions that they’re running in. The cats are always going to be running in a million directions, that’s the nature of massively collaborative storytelling. The bigger the scale on said story, the more people participating, the less control over how it is interpreted and seen we’re ever going to have.

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Honestly I just sort of just… tuned all of Stormwind out - too many OOC drama, too much accusations of stuff going left and right for an entire bloody week; not even the Dracthyr were THIS bad when they came out - neither were Darkfallen as far as I recall.

It really WAS the perfect storm.


I had this exact situation happen a few years ago on WRA. My Broken Draenei Shaman was in Stormwind with a few guildies from this military guild he was in and he made a comment about how the Orcs are evil and shouldn’t be trusted. They all immediately turned on him and started threatening him with being court martialed and all these other things for “threatening to break the peace treaty with the Horde”. One of the people threatening him was a Draenei Death Knight of all things. I was just completely blown away by this. I stopped hanging around with the guild after that. It was just a really bizarre response that seemed to completely ignore history with the Horde and why someone may not like them.

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Really just feels like the eternal cycle of something new being introduced and people who don’t like it make it their whole personality for a while.

While it’s not as prevalent, I’ll still get IC and sometimes OOC comments about how being a Worgen is filthy and they should be ashamed of being in Worgen form because of being insensitive to other survivors.


So it just wasn’t one conversation. I did the questline recently and took my time with the quest and read it in full. Velen was called by Hatuun and Velen mind you was was not only surprised that Hatuun called him back to Argus, then was angry that he had help from a Man’ari and bound Arza’kal with the Light.

Hatuun was more “You’re an idiot. You call yourself the Prophet, fine. Prove it. Listen to him and help him.”

Velen said. Bet. He only went through with it because Hatuun challenged him.


The description says that it’s a relic for Draenei. I think by now most people would know what Ata’mal Crystals. Some would know they’re important to the draenei. Might not know what they do. But they’re important.

The kaldorei would know that they’re kind of dangerous and capable of altering Flora and Fauna. If left alone. So it wasn’t just oh he turned a 180. He tested Arzaal, to see if he could prove himself. He wasn’t expecting himself to sacrifice himself to get back something that was thought lost. It was that act by returning the Ata’mal crystal to Velen that made him change his mind. Which surprised Hatuun and made him pause thinking that there was hope.

And it’s not like Arzaal’s group is just sitting there. No they’re raiding Legion compounds and stealing valuable supplies and giving them to the Broken. And some of that is also finding lost Draenei artifacts which you can help with at the end of the questline.


As other folks have already said, being too openly hostile or having radical opinions definitely do get people feeling cagey and, at times, pretty hostile. That being said, I’ve played some more extreme Light-worshippers myself who have been well-received too! It usually comes down to how you plan to bend the lore and making sure to do your research into the Church of the Holy Light.

If you want to play an extremist that will be accepted generally, try and take a look at Wowpedia or some other lore sources to get a general vibe for the Church. A lot of poorly accepted extremist characters often take real life and historical doctrines from religions and just slap them into the game. However, the lore does mention old priestly/paladin bigotries! You could easily play a Paladin who doesn’t like Arcane users like mages or evokers, since that is mentioned in the lore!

As long as you ask OOCly before ICly attacking folks, and are able to ground your character’s more fundamentalist opinions in lore, you should be fine!


The Scarlet Reclamation as the last Scarlet Crusaders of the Scarlet Brotherhood. :fire:

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