[A&H-RP-PvP] The Scarlet Reclamation - THE OLD CRUSADE

Lmao acting superior XD bruh get over you’re high horse and go be a keyboard warrior somewhere else.


Yeah, nah. Without proof I don’t agree with any of that.

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I dont know whats funnier, people using buzzwords without knowing the real meaning of it.

Or the people answering to these people, turning an interesting thread into a nonsensical childish fight

We are now letting in Sin’dorei/Blood Elves from the Horde so GET READY FOR SOME AWESOME CROSS FACTION RP!

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Any true citizen of Quel’thalas would not dare join a band of filthy Scarlets!

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Would you join for… some mana crystals?

The Grand Inquisitor sat down at the Scarlet Monastery and felt the inspiration of the righteousness and sanctity of the hallowed halls of martyrs that had given their lives and that he’d became a cripple during the last Summertide Assault in its defense. Feeling great heart, he began to pen a fresh Scarlet Scripture sitting in the Scarlet Cathedral, titled, “Musings of the Grand Inquisitor”, which reads:

"Musings of the Grand Inquisitor:

"In the shadows of doubt, the Grand Inquisitor stands vigilant, wielding the sword of truth to cut through the veils of deception that cloak the impure. Let not your heart waver, for doubt is a seed that sprouts heresy. Embrace the flames of inquiry, and let them burn away the shroud of unbelief.

Interrogate the recesses of your own soul with the fervor of a relentless inquisitor. Cast aside the cloak of complacency, for in the crucible of self-examination, true devotion is forged. The pain of revelation is but a fleeting torment, and from its ashes rises the purified spirit, unburdened by the weight of falsehood.

In the pursuit of purity, let the fire be both scourge and salvation. Kindle it with the fervor of conviction, and let it consume the doubts that fester within. Pain is the crucible of faith, and through the Grand Inquisitor’s gaze, the impurities of the soul are exposed.

To resist the probing light of inquiry is to court darkness. Those who shield their minds from the Grand Inquisitor’s scrutiny harbor seeds of heresy, and like a surgeon’s blade, the truth must be wielded without mercy. Let the impure be purged, and let the flames of righteousness cleanse the land."


Taken from Kordeli’s sermon, penned into three parts that will be used at the pilgrimage to Southshore, Stratholme, and Hearthglen to see the sites spoke of below.

"Sermon 1: “The Undying Purity”

Brothers and sisters of the Scarlet Crusade, hear my words as we stand united against the blight that threatens our beloved Lordaeron. We are the chosen, the devout, forged in the crucible of the Third War when the ashes of our fallen kingdom cried out for redemption.

In those dark days, our founders met in Southshore, purifying a crystal into the holy Ashbringer—the beacon of our righteous cause. Led by the valorous Highlord Alexandros Mograine, we traversed the haunted lands, striking fear into the undead. But even in our triumphs, deception lurked in our midst.

The treacherous dreadlord Balnazzar infiltrated our ranks, manipulating us for his malevolent ends. Betrayals ensued, and even the mighty Ashbringer fell from grace. Yet, in the face of adversity, we emerged as the Scarlet Crusade, unyielding in our mission to cleanse Lordaeron of the Scourge.

Sermon 2: “The Divine Ashbringer”

Brothers and sisters, let us delve into the sacred history of the Ashbringer, the holy sword that symbolizes the might and righteousness of the Scarlet Crusade. Forged in the fires of our determination, it became a legendary weapon, wielded by the honorable Highlord Alexandros Mograine.

When darkness descended upon Lordaeron, and Arthas Menethil betrayed our kingdom, the Ashbringer’s destiny took a decisive turn. The death of King Terenas and Uther Lightbringer marked a crossroads for our order. Should we pursue Arthas or reclaim our fallen lands? The decision led us to Stratholme, Andorhal, and a fateful confrontation with the Scourge.

Yet, amidst our valor, Balnazzar’s deception unfolded. Mograine, a hero of the Silver Hand, fell victim to a son’s betrayal, staining the sacred streets of Stratholme with blood. The Ashbringer, once a symbol of hope, became a testament to the trials faced by the Scarlet Crusade.

Sermon 3: “Light’s Wrath and the Unseen Hand”

Brothers and sisters, heed the cautionary tale of Light’s Wrath, a staff of unparalleled holy might sought by the Scarlet Crusade. Our zealous pursuit led us to a relic imbued with shadow, a power meant to rival the legendary Ashbringer. Yet, the unseen hand of Balnazzar disrupted our sacred ritual, unleashing a storm of holy energy that claimed the lives of ten devoted priests.

This cursed staff, born of ambition and disrupted purification, became both a blessing and a curse. In the Battle near Tyr’s Hand, it turned the tide against the Scourge but claimed the lives of its wielder and many loyal crusaders. It became a tool for cleansing the plague of undeath from a village, yet its uncontrollable power turned the town square into a smoldering crater.

Even as we struggled to control the chaotic energies within Light’s Wrath, its fate slipped through our fingers, falling into the hands of a troll priest named Jakhar. Brothers and sisters, let this be a lesson-a reminder of the delicate balance between righteousness and the insidious influences that seek to corrupt our sacred cause."

Scarlets beware.

The eyes of Revendreth are upon you and your end comes sooner than expected. Should your pride blind you to your inevitable fate, know only that the Maw has seats open for those such as yourselves.

I do wonder what kind of delicious torture is in stock for each and every one of you.
Torture by fire as it sears the length of your souls. Or perhaps the chill of oblivion as you are frozen to the core.

The clock is ticking…

(Each bastion of Scarlet Crusaders can expect a visit.)

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I am shivering in my boots in anticipation.

Bump for some love.