[Alliance | Lawful Evil/Villain RP] The Scarlet Chapter of Stormwind | A Call To Arms!

"Infidels! They must be purified!" - Scarlet Commander Mograine

Discreetly, pamphlets would be distributed underground through out the Southlands and the Northlands to all who would harken. These letters would not be on every street corner like the Scarlet Brotherhood’s propaganda, but great caution would be used in who might get hold of these letters. Perhaps they would get into the wrong hands - such is the way of life - but that would be far and few in between compared to the truly righteous ones who would receive these pamphlets they were intended to be distributed to.

Were you to read one of these pamphlets in your travels abroad the Eastern Kingdoms, it would be a parchment with black quill ink and a red wax stamped sigil of Crimson Lordaeron:

"Greetings to the eyes that lay upon this very sacred and righteous document. There is a great disturbance in the air that reeks of the arcid taste of evil that clashes against Our very existence of good. Anduin’s ties to his Banshee Lover have brought the death of Our rightful Princess, Calia Menethil, and Our hearts string with great loss. Our forces gallantly besieged the Capital City from Fenris Isle and our time was nigh; but Lillian Voss and our very Princess who we so adored in life conquered her forgotten scions of Lordaeron in death and stifled our righteous cause with the death of Scarlet Commander Frosythe. She has forsaken her race and we must press on for we know in our hearts, the Scarlet Brotherhood still has the last True Menethil Prince, Calia’s son, to inherit the Throne of Lordaeron. But great are the trials and few are the chosen to bear the Flame in this world FULL of darkness. From the streets of Stormwind, a great froth of filth spews from the mouths of those who have spake of great iniquities and conspired with dark magics and powers like lovers in holy matrimony… but nothing of these acolytes to their dark overlords is holy nor matrimony.

Our whole existence is dedication to the conquest of Lady Lordaeron and bringing a Crimson Reign to the Capital City; but at our very doorsteps of Caer Darrow, mere miles from Stratholme where the righteous Scarlet Crusade first formed at the Scarlet Bastion, our most holiest site of existence, a Lich stirs with his dark spawns and is condoned by the ghosts of House Barov and Darkmaster who yet lives and these Cult of the Damned actively defile the grain and have grown in great power. They defile the very graves of Uther’s Tomb and spit upon his holy memory.

What can We of the Flame do, you might ask? We must consolidate Our Crusade, our Brotherhood, within the Southlands we so admonish to avoid with great fervor. The Alliance that our forefathers and even us were apart of is not the one Anduin Wrynn leads now. The subhuman ilk have defiled our Alliance of the Human Race and the Seven Human Kingdoms from the Second War. The Cult of the Damned proactively recruits cultists and new acolytes. Anduin Wrynn has forgotten his father fled to Southshore after his Grandfather, Llane, was assassinated by Garona Halforcen in the First War and needed OUR help to recover and rebuild Stormwind. We never abandoned the Alliance but it abandoned Us, Brethren and Sisters reading this righteous call to arms.

What is the solution, you ask? A Scarlet Crusade in Stormwind; a Scarlet Chapter formed in great secrecy for the preservation of Humanity in the South. We must take a proactive fight to the forces of darkness. The very dreadlords they accused us of being manipulated by are now allies that roam the streets of Stormwind. Warlocks and the Acherus Death Knights of the Scourge wander the streets unchecked. The streets of the very Cathedral and holy grounds where Brother Crowley was so dutifully a Scarlet Emissary has been defiled by warlocks and the Cult of the Damned from Caer Darrow and Scholomance led by this Lich that attacked the Reclamation’s forces at Uther’s Tomb where we had made a pilgrimage to. These things are NOT what Uther died for.

We as the Crusade must unite in body and spirit in the Southlands to purge the subhuman and dark partitioning ilk from the streets proactively that they may not bring their Taint of the Scourge into our blessed Lady Lordaeron. We must stifle the Cult of the Damned’s efforts to recruit a new generation of Cultists. The Scarlet Crusade’s reach is far and wide; even Brother Anton went to the distant land of Kalimdor to form a Scarlet Crusade in Descolace. If he had such zeal for lands so distant, why can we not have such zeal for the Southlands that is a sneeze below us in the Eastern Kingdoms?

I beseech you to pray and feel great conviction. If you wish to be apart of the Scarlet Crusade Chapter in Stormwind and bring the Scarlet Inquisition down upon the unrighteous, seek out the Brotherhood in Tirisfal, Silverpine, or Gilneas and you will meet with your Chapter brethren and sisters in secret behind closed doors. We will never wear the Crimson Flame blatantly in the Southlands nor Stormwind; this is asking for certain death. Long gone are the days of us boldly wandering the Plaguelands in search of Scourge wearing our glorious crimson tabards and armor as we are freely able to do in the Northlands; the enemies we fight are not slowly shambling Undead in the Southlands, but very alive humanoids and spawns of evil.

In closing, I wish you to seek us out if your conviction is high to do righteous for the cause. We must recruit a new generation of Scarlet Initiates and Converts that will harken to the call of the Crusade and procreate the next generation of the supreme Human Race in Lordaeron! Do you want your sons and daughters to struggle for an existence in Lordaeron like we have for decades since Arthas plagued Andorhal and culled Stratholme… or will YOU take the proactive steps against these infidels to ensure that YOUR children never have to pick up the sword and board for the defense of Lady Lordaeron because YOUR sweat, YOUR blood, and the great MARTYRS that came before you gave the ULTIMATE sacrifice for a Crimson Lordaeron and the freedom of the Flame throughout ALL lands?"

<The page was stamped with the Crimson Lordaeron “L” sigil with a righteous scarlet wax.>

(( The OOC details: this is a project to form a southern Scarlet Crusade chapter where we would not be blatantly wearing Scarlet tabards as zealots but rather we would work with great subterfuge wearing perhaps Syndicate masks when we do our actions of brashness or Defias masks and blame it upon them where the Crusade would have no involvement. This is a very story driven RP leading up to the Gilneans taking Gilneas from the Scarlets come the patch in January so we’re going to be trying to do villain RP but in a non-toxic way. Just having fun and enjoying being a bad guy for a change. We might brand characters with Scarlet Flames with consent for example or if we find/think we have found a Cult of the Damned member or a Forsaken/Horde agent, we would give them a Scarlet Inquisition/Interrogation with the purpose that we think with the removal of the non-humans and all the races polluting the heart of the “good ole Alliance” that our characters were mostly apart of from the Second-Third Wars. We will also be preaching and recruiting in quiet and attempting to stir the hearts of those in the South towards the belief that the Scarlet Crusade is righteous in its cause and this is a necessary evil for the preservation of the Crusade in the North so that these evil-doers don’t come and cause havoc in Lordaeron itself. If you would like to be apart of this or possibly ICly investigating into this Scarlet Chapter please don’t hesitate to post on the forum and reach out! Could be Death Knights of Acherus that catch wind and want to put down the Scarlets so they don’t grow their ranks or especially come January, Gilneans and the Alliance might proactively be involved because the Scarlets are going to Gilneas and going to lose it to the Gilneans combined with Calia Menethil and the Forsaken. Argents might also be proactively involved because this would save them from getting attacked in Lordaeron by these zealots if they’re captured in Stormwind and brought to justice rather than escaping or slinking away in Lordaeron to the safety of Scarlet outposts and fortifications.

Already got a couple people we’re going to do storylines with such as a Dark Ranger of the Forsaken who is a defector. Muwahahaha. Can’t wait! ))

Xúnaka (Eredar Aspirant)
Lanasel (Darkfallen Ranger)
Alelasendra (Ren’dorei Vampyr)

I miss the old chapter of the Crusade back in Vanilla on Thorium Brotherhood. We dressed up in full regalia and used to patrol and harass everyone.

We were the villains in tons of character/guild storylines and it was a ton of fun for all involved.

A crying shame there’s legit no way to justify an elven crusader, because I simply can’t play humans anymore. The models are the worst.

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Did somebody say… Fellari Swiftarrow, the (High Elven) Ranger Captain of the Scarlet Crusade or that you know Arellas Fireleaf, (High Elf) High Wizard of the Scarlet Crusade and Citizen of Quel’thalas?

Yes, I’m calling on YOU!

Heck, that would help us blend in even more… nobody would EVER expect a Scarlet Elf. :^)

Please seek me out in game or whisper me or post on the forum! We would love to have you. Any Quel’dorei/Dwarves/Humans/OOC Worgen are gladly welcomed.

Even dead ones? I’m ok with being an aesetic paraiah in the ranks to be a zealot again. We’ll talk soon. :grinning:


We’ll call you a Death Knight and we’ll become the Scarlet Onslaught.


I have a mage concept that’s basically an undead elf style Arcanist Doan but he’s also a self-flaggelating death seeker who wants to turn his curse into a weapon against fellow undead and then be consumed by the Holy Flame at the apotheosis of his crusade.

You are the Death Knights the Onslaught never got. :')

The trading post set is good stuff. This scarf is the business.

Very sexy xmog. I use the scarf too. x’D