The Scarlet Compendium - Greatest Resource of All Time

I am going to create something that will essentially be the greatest resource for Scarlet Crusaders of all time. This will not be done in one session but over the course of many days as I come to understand more about the Crusade and its lore but I will only be using sources of lore and not headcanon or my personal bias.


It all begins in Warcraft 2… the Silver Hand.

Apprentice to the aged Archbishop Alonsus Faol who was the leader of the Holy Order of Northshire Clerics that guided the kingdom of Azeroth during the First War, Uther Lightbringer learned first hand that faith alone would not defeat the terrible
Horde. Many of the Clerics were slain during the First War, and so the Archbishop devoted himself to rebuilding the Order as to provide the citizens of Lordaeron with hope and faith. Knowing that this war with the unholy Orcs could not end soon, Uther
discerned that the Archbishop’s new Order must be able to defend the people as well as heal them. Thus, young Uther took up sword and shield and issued the call to the most pious amongst the Knights of Lordaeron. Many great Knights heeded Uther’s
beckoning and joined the Order which became known as the Knights of the Silver Hand. With the strength of arms - and faith - possessed by these Paladins, Uther hopes to bear witness to the free people of the Northlands that the Orcish Horde can be cast back into the stygian pits that spawned them.”

Paladins are a holy order of warriors whose purpose is to defend and shepherd the war-torn populace of Lordaeron. The Archbishop Alonsus Faol perceived that the pious Clerics of Northshire, who suffered such terrible attrition in the First War, were ill-suited for the dangers of combat. Along with many of the surviving Clerics of Northshire, he sought those of only the greatest virtue among the knighthood of Lordaeron and tutored them in the ways of magic. Led by the crusading Uther Lightbringer, it now rests
upon these Paladins - christened the Knights of the Silver Hand - to heal the wounds sustained in combat and to restore faith in the promise of freedom from Orcish tyranny.”

Warcraft 3: Paladin
The Archbishop, Alonsus Faol, prior to the Second War, founded the Order
of the Knights of the Silver Hand. The holy knights, or paladins, as they are
commonly called, led the battle against the evil orcs and helped to save the
lands of Lordaeron from ruin. Though it has been nearly fifteen years since
the end of the Second War, the paladins still work selflessly to protect
humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil. Empowered by the Light, these
mighty warriors brandish both their warhammers and holy fire in the battle
against all who would trample the meek and innocent.

At the tender age of nineteen Arthas was inducted into the Order of the Silver Hand under the command of Lord Uther. The kindly Uther, who had been like a brother to King Terenas for years, considered the Prince more of a favored nephew than a pupil. Though headstrong and somewhat arrogant, none could dispute Arthas’ bravery and tenacity. When the troll warbands of Zul’Aman began raiding the settlements along the
Quel’Thalassian border, Arthas was quick to hunt down the savages and put an end to their rampage.

Uther the Lightbringer
Occupation: Human Paladin - Leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand
Affiliation: The Alliance
Age: 64
Uther was the first of the paladins blessed by the Archbishop Faol, prior to
the Second War. He is a weathered veteran, respected as one of the greatest warriors in human history. Though it has been many years since war endangered his beloved Lordaeron, Uther has never tired in his duty to protect his land from demi-human threats and social unrest. The great-hearted leader of the paladins is perhaps the greatest general the Alliance has ever known. Only his wish to see Arthas become worthy of his father’s crown has kept him from retiring and taking his due rest.

Prince Arthas
Occupation: Human Paladin - Crown Prince of Lordaeron
Affiliation: The Alliance, Knights of the Silver Hand
Age: 24
The only son of King Terenas, Arthas is an idealistic, yet somewhat rash, young man who dreams of one day succeeding his father as King of Lordaeron. Arthas became an apprentice paladin at nineteen and has served as a favorite pupil of Uther the Lightbringer ever since. Though Arthas loves the kindly Uther as an uncle, he longs to take command of his own destiny and become a hero like those brave veterans who fought the orcs during the Second War. Despite the heartache he felt when his brief affair with the sorceress Jaina Proudmoore came to an end, Arthas has remained remarkably committed to his roles as both the Prince of Lordaeron and as a holy paladin. He has a deep reverence for the holy Light and wants nothing more than to safeguard his beloved people from harm.

" Uther: Remember, lad, we are paladins. We cannot let vengeance rule what we do. If our passions turn to bloodlust, then we become as vile as the Orcs."

Arthas: Glad you could make it, Uther.
Uther the Lightbringer: Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the prince, but I’m still your superior as a paladin!
Arthas: As if I could forget. Listen, Uther, there’s something about the plague you should know…
Arthas: Oh, no. We’re too late. These people have all been infected! They may look fine now, but it’s just a matter of time before they turn into the undead!
Uther the Lightbringer: What?
Arthas: This entire city must be purged.
Uther the Lightbringer: How can you even consider that? There’s got to be some other way.
Arthas: Damn it, Uther! As your future king, I order you to purge this city!
Uther the Lightbringer: You are not my king yet, boy! Nor would I obey that command even if you were!
Arthas: Then I must consider this an act of treason.
Uther the Lightbringer: Treason? Have you lost your mind, Arthas?
Arthas: Have I? Lord Uther, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown, I hereby relieve you of your command and suspend your paladins from service.
Jaina Proudmoore: Arthas! You can’t just–
Arthas: It’s done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me! The rest of you… get out of my sight!
The knights depart.
Uther the Lightbringer: You’ve just crossed a terrible threshold, Arthas.
Uther and Jaina begin to take their leave.
Arthas: Jaina?
Jaina stops for a moment, without turning around.
Jaina Proudmoore: I’m sorry, Arthas. I can’t watch you do this.
Jaina leaves.

The Silver Hand were disbanded at Stratholme as they proceeded to purge the city. According to Mathias Shaw in World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, he believes there could have been a better way to handle the plague that could have granted salvation to some, if not all.

"[A Careworn Letter]: Dearest Amelia, tonight I have seen things that will haunt me to the end of time.
Stratholme is aflame… and we are responsible.
Our Prince led us into the streets of the city tonight; he ordered us to break into the homes of the townspeople and… kill them in their sleep. They were plagued, claimed Lord Arthas, and had to be killed before they killed us.
It was a slaughter. Hundreds died silently to the swords of those sworn to protect them. I could stand it no longer; I fled.
Deserter I may be, but I could not commit such atrocities. In every home I could not help but see your face, or those of our children, upon the victims as they died. If standing against that means being a traitor, then so be it.
I hope to find my way back to you in time, but the roads are unsafe. Give our children my love in my absence. - James

“There are those that died tragically in the fall of Stratholme. Many took their own lives, opting to hurl themselves into the myriad flames of the smoldering city rather than become one of the Scourge (Quest: The Restless Souls).”

So as you can imagine, these were great atrocities that scarred the Scarlet Crusade.

Then, it got worse… Jaina took boats and left for Theramore.

“The Scarlet Crusade: Many Knights of the Silver Hand remained on Lordaeron for several reasons ranging from missing the fleeing boats, to a sense of duty to clear their homeland of the undead. With the destruction of Lordaeron in front of them and the
knowledge that Arthas had betrayed them, some knights actually went mad. They hunt the undead in Lordaeron with a zealousness that frightens many. Innocent mortals have been killed through misunderstandings, or simply “just making sure.” These paladins have a frightening policy: When in doubt, assume the person is undead and kill him. These knights would never admit that they walk the same dark road that led to Arthas’s damnation, but few of them continue to follow the three virtues. Those who question their leaders are assumed to be undead sympathizers and are slain. Many serve the Scarlet Crusade out of fear, as to speak up means instant death.” (World of Warcraft: the Roleplaying Game)

“Some Alliance forces, including the Scarlet Crusade, see no difference between the Forsaken and the Scourge and battle the Forsaken zealously.” (World of Warcraft: the Roleplaying Game)

“The Scarlet Crusade is what happens when mad zealots take over a good cause. While the Alliance is in agreement that the Scourge needs to be eradicated from Lordaeron so they can return home, few Alliance members would agree with the methods used by the Scarlet Crusade. The Crusade’s members are mostly soldiers — many are Knights of the Silver Hand — who saw such devasation wrought by the Scourge that they resort to extreme measures to destroy the undead. This includes killing any mortal they assume to be undead, killing mortals to get to undeador killing mortals who may sympathize with undead. “Sympathizing with the undead” is how Crusaders interpret someone arguing that their methods are severe. They are the natural enemies of the Scourge and the Forsaken, but they are also the enemy of anyone who cannot prove that he is alive — usually within ten or so seconds. The Crusade has indeed destroyed several undead
encampments on Lordaeron. They may end up alone on the continent — or more likely, die trying.” (World of Warcraft: the Roleplaying Game)

Don’t get it twisted; Scarlet Crusaders are not good guys by no sense - more of an “any means justified to restore our homeland” kind of people. Sure, their original intentions were pure, but they burned down villages and murdered those who they thought had the plague. Where’s that at, Kormed? Well that’s fantastic because I GOT YOU!

“The Memoirs of Lord Thorval:
It has reached my attention that some new death knightsmay be troubled by memories of their former lives. I entreat these restless minds to brood no longer, as no one can be filled with more loathing of his previous errors than I. Yet in the Scourge I have found absolution.
In my ignorance, I was once a paladin pledged to the hateful Light. Blinded with lies about hope, I left my wife and two young daughters at home whilst I scouted for Scourge presence in our area. Our petty band searched the woods for weeks, but every trail went cold. Winter set in and still we had learned nothing about the enemy. Frustrated, we turned homeward.
Ascending the final hill revealed a terrifying vista. The village lay burnt and deformed. I ran to our house. A makeshift bolt had been nailed across the outside of the door. Too distressed to wonder at this, I burst in to find the remains of my family prostrate at my feet, charred beyond recognition. I turned away in anguish, and beheld the gashes in the door where they had clawed in panic. The smallest scratches had belonged to the youngest.
I later learned that in our absence, rumors had flown that a plaguebearer was hiding around the village. The Scarlet Crusade had seen to it that every last inhabitant was rounded up and burned alive. Unthinkable though their cruelty was, I found that the same feeling now stirred inside my breast. I yearned to hunt down the Crusaders, to make them suffer the rage of my blade.
Eventually, I was made to reassemble with the rest of my party. I sensed my own despondence and fury in some of the others, but the leaders ordered us to continue to the nearest remaining waypost. Not long after nightfall, we heard the ominous cackling of the undead echoing from the trees, and a wave of Scourge overtook us.
Mechanically, I slew them. But for each of the fallen, two more crawled forth from the hills. We were caught in the same tide of Scourge we had been hunting, only now we were broken and unprepared. My allies were succumbing to wounds and exhaustion. There were too many Scourge to resist now.
As the blows came, I remembered playing in these woods with my daughters. It filled me with hatred. Why must such memories exist? They were an illusion, serving only to distract me from the reality of pain and dissolution. My daughters were dead and the field overrun with Scourge. Death is the only real end to any mortal tale. Wielding power to protect leads inalterably to failure. Success meets only those who use it for a different end…”

“Siblings and would-be members of the Scarlet Crusade:
Jarien and Sothos were two of the most intolerant people that I knew. Yet their skills as combatants were exceptional, and they came from money, which I suppose is why Anthion, the leader of The Veiled Blade, kept them on. The siblings eventually found themselves enamored with the teachings and philosophy of the Scarlet Crusade. They had always exhibited a certain zeal in vanquishing any of the Scourge that we ran across in our travels, and it was suspected that their family had ties to the organization. So it was that they found themselves facing the trials that are required of those that seek to join the Crusade. Of particular interest to them was a position of knighthood within the ranks; something that required more difficult testing apparently. For it was later discovered that Sothos actually failed his final test. Jarien would not have it though, and in open defiance she insisted that he be able to join her amongst the knights. From what we have gathered, Grand Crusader Dathrohan slew them both right on the spot in the middle of his chambers. Thus it is that another of these haunted loci is The Crimson Throne inside The Scarlet Bastion at Stratholme.” (Brazier of Invocation: User’s Manual)

Think the Scarlet Crusade is still good? We murder innocent families and (Nathrezim possessed Dathrohan) murdered siblings… so not exactly. This is a very grey area. It depends on who you talk to. Here’s some examples:

You try and gather your thoughts as the dust settles across the chamber. You go over the events that just transpired and still cannot comprehend the gravity of the situation.
The Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade a demon? And not just any demon but brother to Varimathras, arch lord of the Undercity?
You carefully stow the severed head of the dreadlord into your pack. Surely, none would believe the tale you would tell without proof.
Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff must be told at once!
What will this mean to the Crusade? Could it be possible that they have been under the control of this demon? Unwittingly serving as the pawns to a greater evil?" - Duke Nicholas Sverenhoff

Yes, we were/are unwittingly the pawns of greater evil.

It was getting so bad that the holy water was getting corrupt in Tyr’s Hand.

"Hmm… this is a rather small amount, but if we’re careful, it should be sufficient. You see, the Scarlet Crusade believes itself dedicated to the Light. I suppose they still are, in a twisted sort of way, and that’s exactly what I’m hoping to capitalize on.

Their misguided zeal has even tainted the blessing spoken over this water, making it ideal for my purpose."
Lord Solanar Bloodwrath in Silvermoon City wants you to bring him a vial of Tyr’s Hand Holy Water.
[Tyr’s Hand Holy Water]
wowpedia.fandom. com/wiki/True_Masters_of_the_Light

We have a single purpose here, to raise Sally Whitemane as a Death Knight of the Ebon Blade. Such is our goal and we will see it through.

However, the Scarlet Crusade has terrorized the people of Azeroth long enough. Therefore, our work here this day will not be done until every crusader has fallen, every stone has crumbled, and every banner burned.

Come, Deathlord, let us bring ruin upon the Scarlet Crusade. - Tharassian (Quest: The Scarlet Massacre)

During the Death Knight’s Scarlet Massacre to ressurect Whitemane:

High Commander Goodchilde says: The scourge has risen against us! Send the invaders back to their graves!
High Commander Goodchilde says: Should you fall, know that your sacrifice will bring me great glory this day!
Nazgrim is seen asphyxiating several Scarlet Crusaders.
Nazgrim says: Are there none among the Scarlet Crusade with the strength to challenge me?!
Thoras Trollbane
Thoras Trollbane is seen patrolling the hallway leading into the Chapel Gardens.
King Thoras Trollbane says: Those who terrorize the innocent have no place in this world or the next.
King Thoras Trollbane says: The Realm of Shadow offers little respite to the souls of the wicked.

Some say we terrorized people. Sure, that’s correct. Even King Thoras Trollbane despises the Scarlets but that was where their paladins trained. Don’t believe Kormed? Well, that’s why I made this post!

"The same Monastery in Tirisfal Glades that the Scarlet Crusaders now occupy used to be a major training ground for our [Stromgarde’s] paladins. Now the Forsaken loom over it from the Undercity and the Crusade prevents us from utilizing it to train the very soldiers we need to deal with the Forsaken!

Look, I don’t trust him, but Joseph the Awakened waits inside the graveyard. Go speak with him - although he is a crusader, he says he now rebels against them, providing us with an opportunity to take back what’s ours." (Quest: The Scarlet Monastery when Joseph’s Renegades were taking back the Scarlet Monastery)

“The Scarlet Monastery there served as a bastion for human hope when it was first created, but sadly, only zealots remain within.” (Alliance Player’s Guide)

While the Scarlets weren’t directly fighting, the ‘Scarlet Brotherhood’ (either a splinter faction of the Crusade or the continuation of it; we don’t really know) were posting propaganda. The propaganda posted was: The Traitor King, The Cursed Old Wolf, The Last Menethil, and The Would Be Queen. To summarize these because these are lengthy…

The Traitor King:
The Scarlets thing Anduin pretends to care about Lordaeronians/Scarlets but he doesn’t and doesn’t deserve to be king. He is a friend of the undead and not his living subjects. Calia Menethil’s death in Arathi was staged by Anduin Wrynn and Sylvanas working together and they’re lovers trying to get the Undead recognized. “Lordaeron belongs to the LIVING. It is our LEGACY. Do not be tricked by the FALSE king!” it says.

The Cursed Old Wolf:
Anduin is a traitor to the human race. Genn Greymane should be king even though he’s a Worgen because he hates the Forsaken [like the Scarlets] and his goals align with ours and has the forces to get the job done. We will turn on Genn and slaughter them once we take Lordaeron for the Forsaken and to hide your disdain for the Worgen mongrel. (This is subject to likely change because in the upcoming patch in January the Scarlet Crusade goes to Gilneas and Genn Greymane allies with the Undead to do it which makes 0.0% sense to me just spitting that OOCly this goes way against what this document just suggested. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, not the enemy of my enemy is my enemy. x’D Dumb Bliz being dumb Bliz.)

The Would-Be Queen:
Terenas Menethil was the last true liege. Arthas murdered him and raised up our families and loved ones a monsters. We clung to Calia Menethil coming back but Anduin and Sylvanas plotted her murder and Calia definitely was going to be a Scarlet Queen (or so we would like to tell ourselves). Anduin seduced Sylvanas into murdering Calia. And when we burn Calia Menethil’s Corpse, Lordaeron will return to greatness.

The Last Menethil: (Actually going to interject here Calia’s lover was a Lordaeronian footman not an Arathi nobleman so this seems like propaganda but just keep this in mind as I explain this. and take it with a grain of salt for truth unless Bliz does something with this.) We know Calia was assassinated by Traitor Wrynn and risen as Undead. But the Brotherhood has a “well-guarded secret” that Pricness Calia wed a nobleman of the Arathi bloodline. (Actually it was a Lordaeronian footman but just keep this in mind.) Arthas said to keep this hidden because he was the inheritor to the throne and had sired an heir which never happened (likely between Jaina and Arthas). But indeed, Calia Menethil had a child and gave birth to an heir of the Menethil throne. The princess was separated from this “very legit” Arathi nobleman and heir during a Scourge attack and presumed dead. But this child was saved. The young prince was rescued by a good-hearted Lordaeronian and kept sheltered and safe all these years by the Scarlet Brotherhood at a secure location. We were going to unite Calia and her son but Anduin and his Banshee lover murdered Calia and this abomination walking the lands is NOT our princess. “Retribution will fall upon these monsters! Lordaeron is for the LIVING!” Then we will purge the Undead, turn on the Worgen who we were allied with to take back Lordaeron, and the young king will be revealed. “The Traitor Wrynn will be exposed and our TRUE king will take the throne. The Menethil dynasty WILL be restored!”

“The Order of the Silver Hand was utterly decimated when Uther was slain.
The boy held out for as long as he could. Pushed to the war torn hamlet of Northdale, he made his final stand.
Were any of the Order left alive, he thought - and did it matter?
It was with that thought that Taelan threw down the standard of the Order and renounced all that he had known. His honor left upon the blood soaked ground of Northdale.
You must travel to Northdale and recover that symbol of lost honor.
It is as glorious now - even in its tattered state - as the day I looked upon it and took my oath of allegiance.
His redemption comes and perhaps mine with it…” - Tirion Fordring (Quest: Of Lost Honor)

"Sit and listen to my story, .
I must apologize for not being entirely truthful with you in regards to my identity. I had to be certain that you could be trusted - few people would have selflessly lent assistance to an old and forgotten hermit.
You have proven yourself as one of those people: A person of integrity and honor.

My son, Taelan, was only a child when I was found guilty of treason and banished from the Alliance to live a life in exile. I chose to remain here so that I could watch over him; to somehow insure that he would grow up an honorable man.
As I had hoped, he took my place as lord of Mardenholde; but in a cruel twist of fate, joined the ranks of the Scarlet Crusade. He is now their Highlord, .

Indeed. The Scarlet Crusade are an aberration of the Order of the Silver Hand.
You must believe me, ; Taelan is a good man. He needs guidance. he needs to remember… remember what it is to be noble and honorable. I know that in his heart, he knows what he does is wrong. Will you help him? Will you help him remember?" - Tirion Fordring (Quest: Redemption)"

Some would say we are an aberration of the Order of the Silver Hand. But still, the Scarlet Crusade is the original continuation of the Silver Hand. Yes, you can see they renounced their allegiance to the Silver Hand but Saidan Dathrohan (possessed as he might be from the start) was the Lord-Commander of the Silver Hand (Of Blood and Honor book series) and was Tirion’s superior. Tirion was excommunicated from the Silver Hand and goes on to form the Silver Hand that Uther never unexcommunicated him from. That means a heretic makes an order of heresy.

"The death of my son at the hands of these monsters will not pass without incident. Take solace in knowing that the Order is reborn.

I now take my place as Highlord of the new Order of the Silver hand.

These possessions of my past - they are all that I have to offer for all that you have done. Please, take these as a symbol of my gratitude; all have served me well over the years.

May we meet again, in better times, and reminisce of days long past… battles hard fought… dreams redeemed." - Tirion Fordring

On the contrary, the Scarlet Crusade’s original hierarchy were all members who were present at the forging of the Ashbringer in Hillsbrad Foothills (High General Abbendis - Abbendis’s dad, Fairbanks, (future Arcanist) Doan, (future and at this point not possessed Grand Crusader) Saidan Dathrohan, and (future Grand Inquisitor) Isillien who said: who says:
“A Weapon of righteousness? THIS IS NONSENSE! It is an instrument of wickendess and therefore must be destroyed! If you refuse to carry out that task, Mograine, then I WILL!” He proceeded to shoot Holy Light into the corrupted orb that was used to be put in the Ashbringer and it absorbed the Light, they noticed." The only non-Scarlet founder there was Fairbanks and Highlord Alexandros Mograine, future wielder of the Ashbringer after Mangi forged it with rage because he thought Muradin has been killed by Arthas and was forging the Ashbringer to shatter Frostmourne (Ashbringer Comic #1: Death is Contagious (2008).

So Tirion did purify the Ashbringer at Light’s Hope Chapel, I will agree to that, but he was excommunicated by Uther in life and never was unexcommunicated so I’m not really understanding how he made the Silver Hand as a self-titled Highlord when the Silver Hand were shattered after Uther’s death. The Ashbringer was essentially a Scarlet Crusade artifact because all of it’s highest ranking members were there when it was purified.

“Even though paladins are some of our most powerful weapons against the Scourge, with their holy power over undead, the paladins are not what they once were. Some have been driven into obsessive madness, forming the Scarlet Crusade and killing living and undead alike in their eagerness to eradicate the Scourge.” (Lands of Mystery)

People have also told me the statues at the Hall of Champions has been retconned with the Ashbringer comics and other sources (because there’s elven and dwarven statues) but actually that is false. How do I know, you ask? Because Ferren Marcus is in game so all the statues by extension are actually there unless Bliz would have removed the statues and DEFINITELY not put items belonging to these Scarlet Crusaders in Legion.

“Ferren Marcus
High Abbot of the Scarlet Monastery
Citizen of Stratholme
Killed defending the Scarlet Monastery at the First Summertide Assault”

There’s a spell and leggings from Legion.

"Ferren Marcus’s Fervor: a Protection Paladin talent tree ability.

Tyelca, Ferren Marcus’s Stature (paladin leggings):

  • “Power comes from strength, and true strength comes from strong legs bolting you to the ground.” (flavor text)

I’m sure if Blizzard retconned that in a 2008 book they would have never of added one of the Scarlet hero statues into Legion gameplay mechanics. Just bear that in mind.

“In the north, the Scarlet Crusade is always searching for settlers willing to make a stand on the edge of the Plaguelands and reclaim a part of humanity’s ancestral lands.” (Lands of Conflict)

"A crazed human group, the Scarlet Crusade, struggles courageously geously and vainly against the undead. I had heard about the human city of Tyr’s Hand and planned to use this as a base while I conducted my survey.

Stratholme was a valiant member of the Lordaeron Alliance in the Second War — I remember well fighting alongside its warriors. Arthas and the Scourge both ransacked the capital in the Third War, and the few survivors fled west with Jaina Proudmoore. When the Lich King summoned Arthas to Northrend, the traitor placed Kel’Thuzad
in charge of Lordaeron. The lich established Stratholme as his base, and the surrounding lands are completely under his rule. After the Third War, the Scarlet Crusade formed and mounted a series of small insurrections. The Crusade has been waging this dirty, underground war for several years now, and the fight has taken its toll. The Crusaders still attack the Scourge at every opportunity, however. (Lands of Conflict)


“A group of maddened zealots so dedicated to the removal of all undead that they commonly attack the living.
The priest Isillien was formerly a priest of the Holy Light in Lordaeron, assigned to be the liaison for the Knights of the Silver Hand. There he worked closely with High General Abbendis and his youthful charges, tutoring the young paladins in their quest for truth.
Priests and paladins fought as the Scourge attacked the city, but they fled as Lordaeron fell around them.
Some whisper it was the wounds both men received in battle, or perhaps just the shock of seeing their whole purpose destroyed, but since that day both Isillien and Abbendis have been quite insane. Isillien and Abbendis wandered the area as the Scourge defiled the land, destroying what undead they could, gathering what warriors would join
them. They had but one concern: eradication of all that had destroyed Lordaeron. They were joined by young Taelan Fordring, one of Isillien’s protégés, who adored his tutor and his general. He offered his family’s keep and land, untouched by the undead, for their base of operations.
The Crusade gained members whose lives had been ruined by the Scourge. Most members have seen a loved one die and, more often than not, be raised to fight alongside her murderer. Isillien became the spokesman for the group, his ravings gaining more followers than repelling them — and who could argue with the man that the undead were evil?”
Some had reason to pause when Isillien’s young page was found with Isillien’s knife through his heart, and the priest calmly reported that the page had died that afternoon while hunting, and the undead had raised him and sent him back as an assassin. He was so convincing that the incident cemented the fear for most: if a freshly killed and raised undead can look just like a regular human, they had no idea who among them may or may not be with the Scourge."
After a month of quarantine, all priests and warriors with the Crusade were declared clean.

Abbendis and Isillien felt that although they had a good base, they really needed to attack the Scourge where they were the thickest: in the Eastern Plaguelands. Isillien took on the title of Grand Inquisitor and control of the Western Crusade, while Abbendis led the majority of the forces toTyr’s Hand in the east to strike at Stratholme.

As they established their bases and took in many more warriors, they destroyed any undead they found. Frequently, groups of refugees fleeing the undead also fell beneath their furious swords. As the Grand Inquisitor claims, one cannot be too careful.
All undead — good, evil or neutral, Scourge or forsaken — are the rivals of the Scarlet Crusade. The undead are abominations and must be destroyed before the land and the people can heal.

They count the Alliance and the Church of Holy Light as their allies, but these organizations quickly distance themselves from these fanatics, and in- struct all travelers to give a wide berth to any Crusaders." (Lands of Conflict)

The Scarlet Crusade is structured much like the military. Abbendis and Isillien are the leaders, with Abbendis the official head of the Scarlet Crusade. He considers himself the arm of the Crusade while Isillien is the heart. Abbendis guides the military attacks of the Crusade from Tyr’s Hand in the Eastern Plaguelands, communicating frequently with Isillien, who guides the priests in the Crusade in their new roles as inquisitors, based in the Western Plaguelands. He is in charge of questioning undead and mortals alike to ferret out whatever information he can on the movement and settlement of the undead. Abbendis acts as the leader ofthe priests and guides the inquisitions in the east while Isillien controls the warriors through his impressionable paladin Taelan in the west.

The Crusade has thirteen generals leading the lower ranks: 2,000 troops based in Hearthglen and 10,000 based in Tyr’s Hand. The generals were not only chosen by the ranks they had in the war, but also by their dedication to the cause. Few make it very high in the ranks if they do not have a burning fervor to destroy all undead. Veterans who have fought the Scourge before are quickly promoted.
Any dissent in the ranks is considered to be caused by undead infiltration, for the Crusade cannot fathom a reasonable mortal having any disagreement with the elimination of the undead.

Such individuals are considered to be undead themselves, or worse, deranged undead sympathizers.

Thus the organization of the Scarlet Crusade is flawless, as the crusaders work with one mind towards one goal. If they do not work with total agreement, it is at least complete fear of their superiors that keeps them in line."

Membership in the Scarlet Crusade is high, relative to the human population of the region. The strong sense of abandonment, futility and fear runs high in all humans on Lordaeron, and the Scarlet Crusade feeds that fear with reassurance that the evil will fall while the good remain untainted.
The Crusade attracts mostly warriors, people who find in this post-war state that living by the sword is the only way to survive. They feel the need for a strong community where their skills will be utilized, and the Scarlet Crusade maintains that they need strong warriors for their cause. Some priests are drawn to the righteous eradication of the undead, but they often see the Crusade for the zealots they are and rethink their entry. This, of course, is considered suspicious, and they are often slain for their misgivings. (Lands of Conflict)

So now that we have gotten the backstory out of the way… are you ready to join our ranks? That is very good, because I’m going to tell you how!

"The Scarlet Crusade can use all the help it can get fighting the undead, though convincing them you do not carry the plague is tougher than it sounds. The Scourge undoubtedly hoards vast magical power and potent artifacts in its cities, but the danger is immense.

The biggest problem prospective members encounter is assuring the Crusaders that they are not undead themselves. Since the Grand Inquisitor was almost killed by his own page (so the story goes), the group is incredibly paranoid about the undead infiltrating their ranks. The supposedly common knowledge that undead are hideously deformed and easy to discern from the living makes no difference to these people; they believe necromancers are capable of disguising the undead as living. Thus, new members (if they survived alerting the Crusade to their desire to join) are quarantined for 30 days to see if they begin to exhibit signs of the plague or being an undead. They are visited by the Grand Inquisitor or the High General during this time and are “questioned.” No Scarlet Crusader discusses his quarantine and initiation. (Lands of Conflict)

Based on the quest (wowhead.c om/classic/quest=381/the-scarlet-crusade), Scarlet Initiates and Converts drop Scarlet Armbands so you could assume or imagine that once a Scarlet new joiner becomes a true Scarlet Crusader and passes their quarantine period, they may receive a Scarlet Armband as a sign that they are in fact apart of the Crusade’s actual ranks and separates the metaphorical wheat from chafe.

"I will be frank. We are at war with the Scourge. It is an evil that corrupts our people and infects our land. It must be stopped before it overwhelms us and drags our world into shadow. We of the Scarlet Crusade have sworn to fight the Scourge with body and soul.

If you are with us, then gather your courage and prove your allegiance—destroy the undead ravagers of Desolace, in the Valley of Bones to the south.

Do this, and the Crusade will embrace you.

You have proven your resolve, and the Scarlet Crusade commends you.

If you do not shy from righteous slaughter, then perhaps your path lies with us…" - Brother Anton (Quest: Down the Scarlet Path)

So you can see if your character would not shy from righteous slaughter and that Scarlet Crusaders have sworn to fight the Scourge with body and soul. (Quest: Down the Scarlet Path) This could be along the lines of the oath that Scarlets may take to join, such as when the Scarlet leaders gathered together in the Scarlet Bastion of Stratholme and swore their oaths. (Dark Factions)

Agent Dawn meeting with the Scarlet envoys at Light’s Hope Chapel (Vanilla WoW)
Scarlet Commander Marjhan says: Your message did reach us, Commander, but by no means is our involvement here sanctioned by the Grand Crusader.
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: Your leader takes residence at the doorstep to Naxxramas. Do you think he does not feel the pressure?
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer lowers the sound of his voice to a whisper.
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: Even demons are capable of fear… (speaking about Balnazzar)
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: Scourge activity in the Plaguelands has increased ten-fold. We are receiving reports of Scourge attacks from as far away as Kalimdor! Now how do you suppose this has happened? How have the wretched undead done that which was previously thought impossible? Is nowhere safe?
Scarlet Commander Marjhan says: The heathens will be forced to react. Orc, bull-men…
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: Tauren.
Scarlet Commander Marjhan says: Whatever. The revolting, unkempt Horde filth…
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: You lack tact, Commander. This is not surprising. However, you are right in that the Horde will be forced to act. But not just the Horde. They already come - heroes from across the world.
Scarlet Commander Marjhan says: Too little, too late. The dam has broken. We are a bump in the road at best.
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: So why are you here? What are we to do if there is no hope?
Scarlet Commander Marjhan says: There is always… Ashbringer.
Eligor rises from his chair.
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: So this is what you have come for? To try and claim that which is the reason for the Dawn’s existence and the Crusade’s downfall? You open old wounds with your words, Commander!
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: The Ashbringer (Alexandros Mograine) is dead and there will never be another like him. The lesser Mograine (Renault Mograine) is a far cry from the man his father was. You know this, Commander! It was, after all, your own leadership that was responsible for the death of the Scarlet Highlord Mograine.
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: It was your leadership that manipulated a grieving child to try and recover the sword. A child that has grown into a man with nothing but vengeance and hatred in his heart! And for what? You are no closer to the sword now than you were five years ago.
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: Yet you think that recovering Ashbringer will somehow turn the tide of battle? Let me let you in on a little secret, Commander: The power of the Ashbringer came from the man who would wield it… I was there, Commander. I watched him burn legions of undead in righteous fire before he would even unsheathe the blade. Alas, your grasp on history is … lacking.
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says: Now be silent and note where you are, lest I inform Lord Fordring and his Knights (Silver Hand) that you are no longer here on amicable terms. I am certain he would take great pleasure in seeing to your ‘atonement.’
Eligor sits back down.


:sparkle: Bump for a friend! :sparkle:

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