Hi All,
Judging interest in starting an Alliance Re-roll guild on Heartseeker. This would be a casual to Semi-Hardcore Raiding guild at End Game. I’m writing this post preemptively to judge interest and in search of other dedicated players who might be interested in getting the Guild up and running.
This is an opportunity to Re-Roll to that Class you wished you played without needing to play catch-up down the road. You also have the opportunity to be an Original member and part of our Core Raid Group. You will progress with us from start to finish.
This is also an opportunity to get the true “Classic Raiding experience”. Rather than get carried through Raids that Guilds have on Farm, you can be a part of Guild First Kills.
Have an opportunity to level with and build relationships with other players along the way.
What will Raiding Be like?
- It’s early to say for sure. I wanted to put this in for how i envision loot being distributed. I envision an DKP loot system. This is important because individuals joining us as “Re-Rolls” will be awarded DKP upon achieving level 60. Additionally, Tanks and Healers will be eligible for a one time DKP bonus at level 60. The reason for this is to reward players who join us for the adventure from 1-60. Amounts of each award will be determined by Officers at a later date.
How to Join:
If you’re interested in joining- please respond to this message. I will be forming the guild this weekend (JUL 10th) and post a response then.
What Class Should I play?
You Should play the Class that most interests you. We don’t have particular needs at this time. I’m always of the belief that you should roll a class based off of interest, not need.
Are Transfers Allowed?
Certainly, We would welcome transfers to join the guild. Just remember that this is early stage, so it will take some time before raiding begins.
I’m interested - have this character and another low level one on Heartseeker, but would be interested in rolling a new one for the long haul.
Great to Hear! I will connect with you in game shortly!
I would be very interested. Plan on re-rolling Rogue. I would be down for the long haul as well.
Bumping this- Feel free to message me on Discord- going to move a toon there in the next day or so to start founding the guild.
DISC: Snekken#0953
I’m interested in the reroll. I created my character on the server already.
Warrior - Characters name is Miska
Fayeius #1697
Thank you!
Hello! This seems interesting and I have a few questions for you:
- What will the guild be called?
- What will the guild environment be?
- What is Heartseeker like?
- How are officers determined / is there a core group of people already allocated as officers who are starting the guild?
- When would you anticipate raiding to start / when should we hit 60?
- What would the raid times likely be?
All Great questions.
- Name i’m leaning towards is Vanquish
- I want to foster a mature environment, free of politics, religion, or other nonsense. I’d like to be able to build an environment where people can build friendships and enjoy playing the game together.
- I personally like Heartseeker, although fairly new. It seems to be a fairly populated realm, without being over populated and spammed like crazy. Also seems to be fairly balanced in terms of H/A.
- Officers would be determined through effort and expertise. I don’t have a core group starting the guild, so each player who joins would have an equal opportunity to become an Officer. I will certainly need help building the guild up- those who put effort into that, will be rewarded.
- It’s hard to dictate when we can start raiding because it’s based on peoples leveling speed/ role distribution etc… I want people to put RL first of course as well. I beleive a realistic goal to start ZG is about 2- 3 months and 40 mans like 3-4 months. I figure if we get a good group to Re-roll and pick up a few along the way, we could be set. I myself have a Warrior i can make a tnak if needed down the road.
- Raid times would be determined down the road for the benefit of the group. But in my mind i think between 7-8 EST to start and wrapping it up between 10-11EST.
Happy to answer any additonal questions!
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Thanks, I have created a character named Hundredtype. Let’s give it a shot and see how it goes! There seems to be a lot of interest in reroll guilds these days, so let’s see if we can get a good group going before we get rolling too far.
Great! I will be doing a transfer of one of my mid-level toons today to found the guild. I look forward to connecting with each of you and starting this out!
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I’m interested in joining the guild and rerolling. I’ve been wanting a chance to learn how to heal. Is there any chance you could use a Druid?
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We’d love to have a Druid! When you’re able to hop on- Feel free to whisper any member to join.
My toons are Varinn and Varn
We currently have 47 members, with the vast majority of us under level 20. Please come and join us! I myself am a slow leveler, and you are not going to be left behind. Raiding is months away, and most of the fun of this will be to level and dungeon together and make some new friends. Come and say hello!
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Just dropping by for a bump
We have 65 players now and have scheduled our first guild Deadmines run for tomorrow! It is not even close to being too late to join - you’ll probably catch up with me in no time
Come join us, and let’s make some friends and build something together!
Good to hear that it is not to late. I’d def be interested in this. I was part of a raiding guild on my original server that were reg clearing MC, no experience in BWL/ZG yet tho. Also I was wondering about attendance requirements. I work full time on a 12 hour rotation, 4 days on - 4 days off, which means some nights I wont be able to attend raids. If I’m not working tho I’ll def be there. If all of that is ok, I’m down!
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This is my original Rogue char that I was raiding with, prob wont be going Rogue this time tho.
EDIT: I’m Dennocan from above lol
Hey Hoolicat! Certainly feel free to join us! We’d love to have you-up to about 70 members and most are in the 17-25 range at the moment.
That won’t be an issue. I understand and fully support Real Life being a priority. I wouldn’t hold it against someone for that. I would just ask that you keep your schedule in mind when signing up for Raids and make a best effort to attend the ones you do sign up for. If you have something come up on a scheduled raid, just give us a heads up so we can fill the spot. It’s a game and i know we can crush content while still living life.
We’d love to have you!
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