Pagle LF friendly guild to join, I am big noob

My name is Dandord, I’m a low level dwarf priest and I’m looking for a guild to welcome me as their newest member. I’m looking for a friendly casual guild to maybe make some friends and I am a nice person

Hi Dandord:

We have the perfect community for you and we would love to have you! < Vanquish > started up about a month ago now, and we are getting fresh players every day. We have lots of low level players, and many experienced and inexperienced players alike. Just one tiny little problem, we are on Heartseeker PvP EST! I believe Pagle is PvE, so you would be unable to transfer your priest to Heartseeker to play with us. You could, however, start fresh their if you were so inclined! Contact me or any member in game with questions or for an invite!