[H] - Benediction - Hunter LF friendly but mature guild

Just started playing WoW again since my hiatus after Cataclysm came out. Not a fan of retail, but missed “old wow” and used to play it a good bit 10 years ago.

Topic says it all. I’m currently in a super casual guild where 80% if the members don’t talk to each other and are usually stoned or something…and prefer to talk about that kind of stuff. Also, no signs of raiding or anything in their future.

I’m looking for a more mature guild, with at least the potential for doing raids at some point. Right now I am off work, but when I go back I will be working shift work…so it’s hard to tell what kind of schedule I will have available. I also have a family, so as for weekly raiding, I may not be able to do that all the time consistently. But there would definitely be times I could.

Just looking for a guild with a future that I would be a fit for. Thanks.

Hey There! I think we have a great fit for you if you are willing to re-roll Alliance on Heartseeker EST PvP! We are a friendly leveling guild with raiding aspirations. Active guild chat and groups with over 170 members added since rolling fresh a few weeks ago!

Sorry, I prefer to stay on current server as I have friends who also play on it, I am just not cut out for the schedule and demands of their hardcore raiding guilds is all.

I hope you find what you are looking for!

I’m going to roll a new toon and your guild sounds good. I wasn’t going to go PvP but will for a friendly guild.

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Thanks. Also, that server is already like 98% alliance…so definitely not moving there.