Is it too late to start fresh?

good luck with that you have only one rp server in the us and its bloodsail i am on it i just cant wait to trensfer this server is a shame its a complet sh** …

What don’t you like about it? Are you Alliance or Horde?

alliance, and this server is not a rp server you have many dumb whoc ame for avoide queue and many dumb who dont want any competition, the rp population is completly herase by an insane number of a**

i did a huge error when ic ame back because i like rp but i had better experience on pve normal server

one reason i had better experience, players are more respectfull basicly because they are not in rp server if they dont care about rp

in bloodsail you have a massiv community who completly dont care about rp and have striclty nothing to do on this server

you have some players who troll rpers its a true shame…

this server is completly break…

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I get it. Blizzard really screwed up with the RP servers. RP servers need real, active moderation in order to stay true to their intent. You can’t automate those systems.

Yea too bad moon guard exist

Hi There:

We all started fresh on [A] Heartseeker PvP EST just a bit ago, and we are having a great time so far! We have over 140 members, the vast majority of whom are under level 40. We are a friendly leveling guild with raiding aspirations, come and give us a shot!

You can still come back, OP.

Go to a large, bustling PvE server to hit the ground running.

Go to a server where your faction is an underdog for a closer community and needing to scrape gold together (which is closer to how the game was at launch but may not be the experience you want).

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Most of our reputation is also due to off-server trolls. I’ve been on this server for longer than its weird reputation has existed.

RP servers are PvE servers where people make their own content. The ah…off-color stuff is a rarity for the people who actually make these servers their home.

If you want to start fresh and do dungeons, make a war or a bear. I’ve seen people spamming “LF tank for X and gtg” for hours, so it’ll help you get groups faster if you tank. If you’re not interested in pally anymore, you can keep it off on the side and maybe level it during off-time or just to do something different. Who knows, maybe you’ll come back to pally for TBC. In any case, I’d say it’s still worth coming back.

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What is guild name?

What’s sad is so many people don’t realize you don’t even need a “tank” for leveling dungeons if you have a single non-clothie on the higher end of the level range in the group.

Leveling dungeons are more like a D&D adventure where you don’t really need the trinity, but as long as you have some heals and someone not in cloth you are good.

I’ve done rogue, shaman, and hunter pet tanks up through BRD.

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It is never too late to play a game. It may be a bit harder/weirder, but it’s never too late.

Playing a Warrior solo is not too hard. Main things to remember is, First Aid and a Ranged weapon are your best friends. Rarely Charge into things without taking a look into what else might pull. Always keep 2 stacks of food around when out questing for a while and Try to get good weapons, even purchasing a cheap 2h out of the AH can be a big boost to damage and leveling speed. Once you get Sweeping Strikes and Whirlwind your level speed will drastically increase due to the ideal pulls being 2 mobs at a time.

One last thing is having a spirit set is nice on a warrior. You can put it on when running from area to area or mob to mob. It will greatly increase your health regeneration, and you just switch back to your normal stated gear before you start fighting again.

(On my server there is still a fair bit a players doing the leveling dungeons normally along with a fair bit of boosters.)

I consider myself “casual”, or less. It took me 8 months to get to 60 with about a 3 month break in there. When i got to 60 about 2 months ago my guild mates were like “Who the hell are you” lol because i was logged out for about 3 months. But i was lucky enough to have gotten into the raids at the very tail end. We have about 45 regular raiders so yes it was that close. If you get into a very large guild you will be fine. The game isn’t going anywhere.

< Vanquish >

Traditional leveling is more fun than raiding/raidlogging really, so I dropped out of raiding on my 60 Druid & Priest (who are now on hiatus until TBC Classic) & finally started a Warlock (a class I never played in original Vanilla WoW). Also have a 60 Hunter, but haven’t done more than ZG with her yet. I’m also leveling up a Paladin (currently 50). Depending on what server you play on, most of the non-60’s might just be speed-running boosters who rush to “endgame”.

How is it going? Give an update

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It’s not too late if you pick one of the largest servers. Larger servers absolutely still have people running dungeons, it’s just not as easy to find groups as it once was. Mage would be a great choice since leveling is extremely fast and easy. With some of the new p5 dungeon loot as well as the t0.5 sets, more and more people will find themselves running dungeons like BRS/STRAT/SCHOLO/DM again now. If you find yourself making a lot of extra gold than yeah, boosting is always an option.

So yes, if you’re going to start now it’s still OK, I’d just really emphasize picking one of the more active large servers. For PVP, that’d be servers like Whitemane, Herod and Faerlina. For PVE, I think Pagle is the biggest. I would not pick one of the low pop servers and expect to have a good experience. J can only speak for herod since that’s where I’ve been since day 1, but it’s still a highly active server with thousands of players. Horde favored though.

The only thing you’re late for is playing with the people who just wanted to hit level 60 and quit, the adventurers so to speak. What’s left in most servers are people raid logging and making the Rank 14 grind. If that’s not what you’re looking for it won’t be as fun as Phase 1. The game still can be played solo, and as others said leveling a Warlock or Hunter can be a great experience if you don’t want to wait hours for dungeon groups.

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I happen to be leveling both a warrior tank and a paladin healer on Atiesh. I do more guild runs than random pugs, but I’ve hopped into Stockades on my tank and BFD on my paladin.

Back to the guild runs, though, I’m in a very large, very social, leveling guild. It’s the easiest way to find groups. Many who tank do get burned out on random groups very early on, but still willingly tank for guildies.

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