New player looking for a guild

Hey everyone! I’m currently in the process of looking for a guild that can help me learn to be a better player. Right now, I’m running as a spriest (lvl 43) and while i dont mind the questing, i would like to start playing as holy and learn to be a better healer. Im currently on the server Kirtonos and im more of a casual player. Thanks!

Hey Cutemoms - I think < Vanquish > would be a great fit for you. Just one tiny little problem - we are on Alliance so you would need to re-roll Alliance. As someone who has tried many different servers I can tell you that there is nothing more important than finding the right group of people to play with, so if you are interested and willing to renounce your Undead ways (as I have been forced to do), come and give us a shot!

Thanks for quick reply and the suggestion! Unfortunately, I play with one of my other buddies and i really love the horde lol. But again, thanks for the suggestion its appreciated!

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