A Better Way To Do Cataclysm

This may be a lost cause, but I will offer some ways cataclysm could be done better so it is “not” make it a complete train wreck.

  1. New realms only, no clones or transfers. It’s a new world with a new start.
  2. No stupidly fast leveling rate. Use the classic 1-60 speed. No boosts or buffs either. Heirlooms could be left in but no one would have any at launch.
  3. Unnerf the difficulty of questing and dungeons. Cataclysm made everything a complete joke until you get to heroics. This is unnecessary for a whole new world full of players.
  4. Get rid of outland/northrend. Crusade/wrath already have those. Put the new content at 60, with the new cap being 65. This is a new game. It should not try to be an expansion as well. This would also make the talent page reductions less stupid. 41p could have been ok with 60-65 levels. It is not ok with 85 levels.
  5. Remove flying mounts. The game would take place entirely on Earth with no outland/northrend. This means there’s no real need for flying anymore. Just modify the handful of new areas in the new zones to all be reachable from the ground. Blizzard even admitted that putting in flying was one of their biggest mistakes but missed a golden opportunity with cataclysm to take it back out. Well now you have this opportunity again.
  6. (Bonus) Don’t put in unwanted stupid mechanics for your extra dungeon difficulty modes. Just stat stick them.

Now that’s a cataclysm that might keep subs longer than 3 months.

Edit 1: People trolling and abusing the flag button, hopefully Blizzard will take the proper actions.
Edit 2: Blizzard finally got around to the case. They removed the false flag and SOME of the trolling.
Edit 3: Added point 6.
Edit 4: It’s nice to see some kind of actual discussion take place after the trolls have moved on (or been removed). Added some more responses.

“no transmog pls i get confused when ppl dont wear their gear they are suppose to be and it breaks my immersion.”
I’m indifferent to transmog so I didn’t list it. Some people want it, some don’t, really doesn’t matter to me. I like classes looking distinct, but I also don’t like being stuck in awful looking crap. Maybe some kind of middle ground can be found there, but I haven’t suggested one yet.

“Or. And hear me out… they let cataclysm happen the way it did at release so people enjoy it.”
The original cataclysm was hated and its rehost is doomed to fail if that is repeated as it was. Now I’m not saying cataclysm should be rehosted in the first place, but if it is going to be regardless, I have suggested a better way.

“I take the thread as trolling”
It’s not. Most of the responses are the trolling, ad hominem to be specific (attack the person, ignore the actual topic). Hopefully Blizzard will sort it out.

“Get rid of 50% of the game… right.”
Outland/Northrend are not 50% of cataclysm. Maybe look at the maps.

“Aren’t most cata zones heavily designed for flying in mind? Wouldn’t that just create choke points for endless PvP.”
Players on PVP realms would see the removal as a positive. They want to fight, not have enemies fly over them.

“Agree with all of these but lets be real here, cataclysm is unsalvagable without removing everything that makes it cata in the first place. Let cataclysm flop and enjoy classic+.”
I’m sure it will flop when/if they do it the way they plan to. I’m simply suggesting a better way it could be done. It’ll be yet another “I told you so” down the line.

“Flying never was a mistake”
Blizzard themselves said it was a mistake.

“Maintaining 83+% of your playerbase from a previous expansion and bring in new players says otherwise. Factually inaccurate.”
Actually, according to sub numbers, cataclysm had the first big exodus for the game from which it’d never really recover. That’s a hard fact. Calling it “factually inaccurate” is foolishness. Cataclysm is also among the most hated expansions to this day.

“But yeah nah, you want to remove Outland and Northrend which are 2 out of the 4 expansions base game included, is you wanting all of this removed…”
Having realized your original math is wrong, now you try to move the goal post. I’ve however already mentioned that outland/northrend is already in crusade/wrath and thus do not need a duplicate in cataclysm.

Edit: Thread locked without ever getting a word from Blizzard on any of these topics or numerous others. I think it is safe to assume at this point that cataclysm will be another doomed shovelware release. After it’s all over, at least I can say I fought for the games, which my history proves. Not many can say that, nor have thousands of posts over years of time to back it.


no transmog pls i get confused when ppl dont wear their gear they are suppose to be and it breaks my immersion.


Or. And hear me out… they let cataclysm happen the way it did at release so people enjoy it.


This is just classic+ with extra steps.



nah, not interesting. What you want is Era, go there.


Cata is happening though, and I am looking forward to it a fair bit.

I am unsure why you are replying to me with something that is not related to my post mocking the OP.

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No offense, but you know Classic Era exists right?

  1. No

  2. God, no

  3. Nah

  4. Why?

  5. Awful

Overall: contender for possibly the worst suggestions I’ve ever heard, gg


I take the thread as trolling, but this is actually a really weird fact of Cataclysm. Even 80-85 was conspicuously easy, only for players to be straight-up smacked with heroic tuning. Mismatch was probably from the production rush and I’m sure it contributed to Cata’s mixed reception.

The devs didn’t like how players steamrolled Wrath Heroics, and so made Cata ones more difficult. “Hey, where did millions of players suddenly go?”

Most players just want a relaxed, chilled experience. A lesson Blizz still hasn’t learned to this day.


Its Drain, what did you expect?

He literally always has the worst takes.

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All leveling power has been cake since TBC, heck i solo leveled my mage in Utgarde Keep on wotlk classic launch.


Oh, agreed – I just sometimes forget that leveling was ironically undertuned.

This thread is complete axe material.


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Not really a surprise that Drain makes a stupid post…





Summon the buff
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Cata was the worst expansion to date at that time. People didn’t enjoy it as it was the start of Retail and the downward spiral. There is definitely a lot wrong with Cata. Mistakes were made. Blizz acknowledges this. “Some changes” won’t fix everything wrong with Cata since the core game itself is the problem.

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. N/A
  4. No
  5. Yes cause I’ve never used mounts unless they are attached to a flight path.
  6. Yes Transmog cause I look good in my “average color coordinating gear”

Cata wasn’t as bad as people remember. Most of the ogs that left were because they were starting to ban people for being toxic. Cata is one of the few expacs who’s content still holds up.

People still enjoy Era and that was the actual start of retail.

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