What would you like to see in Cata that wasn't there originally?

Just for fun, not talking about serious recommendations (I mean unless you want them to be). Think like Cata+ or something. Doesn’t have to be features that were in future versions of the game, but all of mine are. Please don’t take it too seriously, I know some of these would be an absolute mess lol.

For me:

  • Flex raiding is probably the most realistic one I’d like to see, but I know that’s a controversial take. I’ve been in a few guilds where we had a lot of trouble filling to 25 with pugs but too many guildies for 10, though.
  • I know a lot of people didn’t like the proving grounds system, but I liked the implementation where it’d show up in your sign-up info but didn’t lock you out of content based on it. I remember I had fun getting healer endless 30 back in I think Legion or something. I like solo challenges that you can show your progress on to other people.
  • This would be utterly silly and probably completely unworkable, but I’d love to see Monk backported. BM is my favorite tanking spec, just a lot of fun to play. I’m sure there are ten thousand reasons why it’s a bad idea… but it’s still something I think would be fun.

Anything you guys would like to see? Maybe a different or revamped final raid?

Abyssal Maw


The focus regen from the final teir being baked into hunters baseline and the teir to get changed into something else.

That focus regen just helped make it feel good. Before it, the class just felt focus starved all the time.

Even if it ment a 1-5% nerf to an ability damagr here and there to even out the overall damage buff this would result in, it would just feel so much smoother.

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I made a whole thread about it: A Better Way To Do Cataclysm


The only ones for me are…

  • Retail’s Transmog system. The Cata system was terrible, there’s really no reason NOT to give us retail’s transmog system.

  • A rework of the Spine of Deathwing fight. This fight was terribly designed and was easily the worst part of Dragon Soul (aside from the content drought that followed its release)

That’s about it for me.


Good game design.


i would love to see Cata-classic without bots / hackers
which both was huge part in original cata especially the one kill hack lol

also a ban to any gold sellers asap.

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For me personally if we’re only talking additions then absolutely Abyssal Maw.


None of your things.
Abysmal Maw is probably the one thing I would like to see.

They’ve confirmed we’re getting Retail’s transmog system already.


Won’t anyone think of the children? The answer is Pandas. Nevermind that they have no starting zone.

Also, other very popular ideas from future expacs that could be implemented early include:
Making professions obsolete

Really? Sick. That’s honestly the biggest thing for me. Thanks for the info.

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replace 10man raiding with 40man raiding.


Built in Elitism Helper.

I want the XP rate of leveling up in old world zones to be drastically slowed down. You should have to do most of the quests in a zone before moving on, like in vanilla classic, or the zones of the current expansion. IIRC Cata made levels 1-70 fly by at a ridiculous rate.

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Wrong expansions. Still took a lot of time. MoP and especially WoD nerfed it a by a good chuck and WoD is where the meme levelling speed came from.

TBC + WotLk Era servers both with our character copies as they were at the end of the Live Classic versions of both TBC and WotLK.


Tol’Barad completely redesigned. Its so poorly designed its not even funny, its just… sad.

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A tab on the realm list reading “Wrath of the Lich King Realms”


What would i like to see in cata that wasn’t originally there?

Don’t allow PVE gear in arena

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