A Better Way To Do Cataclysm

Yes it is. Restrictive gameplay and talent trees. Destruction of the world. Game becomes smaller. Removal of good WPvP. Removal of stats. Introduction of the mastery system which is still in place in Retail today. (mastery system was a terrible idea)

Cata was a giant leap of bad ideas that saw a steady sub decline and drastic change of game philosophies that was the beginning of the end.

Completely false. If that were true after Cata ended there would of been a demand for Cata but that never happened. Cata is extremely unpopular and left a bitter taste for most WoW players.

This has been explained to you. There was the Golden Age of WoW (pre retail) then the start of Retail (Cata). Vanilla thru Wrath is the Golden Age. Cata onward is Retail. They are drastically different genres, worlds, games.

It isn’t complicated.

I’d even state that many will consider Wrath to be the last WoW expansion. Just like D2 was the last official Diablo game.


No it hasn’t, your attempts at it aren’t even valid or logical. Your personal views aren’t reality. All of WoW has been or will again be retail.
Unless you can present an unanimously agreed upon definition of “retail” WoW. Which you cannot. There are classic wow releases and there is the current expansion. Your views do not change the reality.

Apparently it is for you. Tribalism is bad and creates stagnation.

They would be wrong.

It was my favorite of the series for sure, but it was not the last official Diablo game.

You are consistently mixing your own personally held views with hard fact. It is why people here are openly mocking you.


PoE was the continuation of D2. The Diablo franchise has been long dead sadly. I’m playing some D2R right now actually. It’s a timeless game just like Wrath.

It has and I just did again.

It’s not my personal views. This is just how people differentiate WoW and it’s been like that for over a decade. Retail is a different type of game and you can see it by the systems and design. This is why people refer to it as Retail. If you don’t agree with that it doesn’t change the fact that is how it’s still viewed.

Wrath is my favorite expansion for the Golden age of WoW (pre retail). WoD is one of my favorite Retail expansions (mostly due to Glad stance) Very different games and design. One is Retail one isn’t.

Just how it is and again you can disagree all you want but that won’t change it.

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I’ve played for a very long time. It was not the golden age of wow. Was it popular? Sure. It also had more issues in it than people say. Their idea is story was crap. Undeniable. Base game had no main story. Burning crusade was interesting. Demon elf taking over a broken planet. Wrath’s story was essentially arthas walking in a brooding manner while others just mindlessly existed while sometimes doing things.

You don’t need a good story for an amazing MMO. You could almost have no story and still create one of the best MMO’s of all time. The story narrative isn’t what makes and MMO amazing. I do realize some people really enjoy the story though and it also “could” help. Just not required at all for a great game.

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This one is good:

Oh man, I wish Zaalg would actually be honest just one time:

Never stopped posting.


Whatever rationale you need to force upon yourself to keep up whatever no true Scotsman fallacy or tribalism is your choice. It does not however make anything you said the standard or universally accepted.

Rational people largely disagree with you.

I didn’t know blizzard made Path of Exile. This is your own rationalization/view. It is not the reality.

I believe you believe you did. You didn’t, because you can’t. which is fine.

Fam, all your posts have been your own views presented as facts. I joke a lot about “to bad they never made that 4th Indiana Jones movie” but that doesn’t mean it’s not a real movie in the series.

People call anything they dislike retail, it is a catch all term for a dislike of change.

While a lot of what you say is entirely wrong, it is all in your presentation. Notice I am not bringing up things you claim directly as your own feelings but am (a long with others) calling out your passing of those as hard facts.

All of WoW was once the main retail product, honestly I like that Era is a retail product again and is getting proper attention, just as I was happy when TBC and Wrath were again retail products. Let go of tribalism and enjoy living in a time period where we have numerous options to play a game we all like.


Wrong. Retail is a term to describe modern WoW design philosophies. People dislike Retail design. Retail WoW is a vastly different game, made by different Devs, in a different time.

I can explain this many different ways but in the end you either get it or you don’t. Ignoring what people consider Retail because of your personal bias isn’t a good way to go about it and is somewhat ignorant.

That’s all I can really say about it. Good day.


This is super nebulous and entirely my point. It has no static definition considering retail has been every release since day one of WoW.

Some do. Not all. Retail is still the flagship product and is healthy and doing fine. You are welcome to enforce your own tribalist narrative if you want it.

Sorry, I don’t blindly subscribe to vague hand waving and blindly accept your very loose reasonings and personal definitions. Critical thinking is important.

This is what you are doing and have been doing this entire thread. Your disconnect is why you are considered a troll in this topic and why nobody reasonable, and even those unreasonable, are agreeing with you and honestly you are probably doing it intentionally. Its not even a funny level of hypocrisy, its just lazy.

Good day/evening to you as well, be better.

If I can’t bring my Mage I’m not even going to bother with Cata Classic.

Most people want to skip the boring stuff (leveling) and skip to the good stuff (end game dungeons and raiding) so I don’t see this suggestion being well received.

Get rid of 50% of the game… right.

Aren’t most cata zones heavily designed for flying in mind? Wouldn’t that just create choke points for endless PvP.

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You know classic era exists right?

Literally everything you say.


The overwhelming majority of people in here suggest that OP’s opinions are just utter crap. OP thinks we’re all trolling.
PS. We’re not.

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Alternatively, everyone starts at 80… almost like… a boost. You want boosts.

Most of Cataclysm content is locked behind flying.

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As the wrath launched showed new realms dont last and what u are suggesting is you want players to start fresh and lvl 1 to 85 with no accelerated exp.

In other words you just want cata to be dead on arrival from the start.

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Agree with all of these but lets be real here, cataclysm is unsalvagable without removing everything that makes it cata in the first place. Let cataclysm flop and enjoy classic+.

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oh all those are horrible. God no. “How to ruin game 101”.



Or you can just not play it.

Instead of trying to force change other things to fit you, how about you accept that the thing was just not made for you?


Just go play SoD, Drain, if this is what you want. Plz leave my beloved Cata alone.


You realize blizzard has already announced they’re going to mangle Cata and unlike wrath Cata doesn’t have much room to be messed with.