You, and these 5 others are not the only people that would want it back or do want it back. So saying “I dont mind” doesnt invalidate what I have said.
I know that 2h right now removes things. But that isnt the point. People have said DPS doesnt matter, and its entirely aesthetics, or I want to look like the LK. With those wants you can play 2h right now. Its also showing that if you dont want to use it right now then there are actually problems. The problem being “i cant use these abilities”. Aesthetics is really just the look in this case. Its really the only sense that aesthetics would stimulate. Saying attacking too fast would look funny is a visual issue.
Blizzard has also removed choice and some of them have been removed because they dont want people to nerf themselves. Hybrid builds for example back in cata, I remember they were talking about it and even other youtubers, that hybrids were just dps losses. There wasnt a single build like a perma pet blood, that performed well at all. They were sub par and they limited it for new players or bad players. 2h would be a dps loss. You have to take everything into consideration. You cant just say “im fine with it so bring it back” if there are issues that would come with it. I dont know of any other reason Blizzard would say “we would like to” in terms of 2h which kind of implies that there is some “but” in there that they didnt say so you have to go off of past things that they have done. They want things within 5% of each other, roughly. That is their target, they dont want people nerfing themselves over that threshold, they want easy balance so they just have to turn a couple of knobs and thats it.
Green fire also doesnt change anything, its a color shift. Its along the same lines as asking for purple fire, or the warlock have water visuals than fire. It doesnt change the damage or mechanics. 2h would be missing some of these mechanics unless the argument is for Transmog which is then the same thing.
Razorice provides 15% frost damage when stacked up. Fallen Crusader gives a 15% str buff when it procs. The spec is balanced around these 2 things. The increase in damage is absolutely huge. Even with my poor excuse for gear (since the entire game isnt downloaded for me and I cant really go out of Kul Tiras, I have gotten almost 100k crits with Frostwyrm’s Fury while the base damage isnt anywhere near that for me. These things combined together make for a huge increase in damage, and stacking up pillar of frost before you do these abilities of course.
The 2h advocates, have been going on for what, close to 4 years now, complaining about how they lost the ability to use a 2h weapons, while trying to justify the return by bringing out false information and the like. I really dont see how I am a victim other than through character attacks and other insults that ultimately get threads shut down or posts hidden or just removed along with replies to those posts.
The only time I would say that 2h should not return is if it is through the MoP/WoD model. There were more issues with those models than a them being a balance nightmare. Like masterfrost or mastersimple which completely removed parts of the spec. Despite me saying that you can play 2h right now though its severely lacking, is just that, you can play it. However, if you did play as you think you should with DW through reading the abilities and so on, obliterate would be a dps nerf since 2 howling blasts at a certain mastery threshold would do more than a single obliterate.
Balance is important in an MMO whether people like it or not, or if they are willing to take a hit. Others might not. We should all know that progress runs or pushing higher keys will mean no 2h to be used. That shouldnt even be up for debate.
I also gave a different example that people just overlooked for some reason. If someone said “I want a more powerful engine in my car” and I came said “then you will need to upgrade your suspension and braking system” does that mean that they shouldnt put a more powerful engine in their car or that with more power comes the need for better brakes and suspension to handle that power? So if I point out that there would be a problem if 2h returned and that problem being its missing 15% frost damage, that does not mean that it shouldnt. Its basically saying “alright 2h is returned and now people are doing 15% less damage than DW due to this” some people on the forums wouldnt mind even though thats a lot of damage overall since everything but obliterate is frost damage and other people would. When something is so far ahead you are almost forced into it just from a community/guild standpoint.
I also think that its a “if you arent with me you are against me” mentality. Its everywhere. Not everything is either this or that since there is more to a lot of things than just 2 sides. There isnt just a 2h vs DW thing going on which people make it out to be continuously.
Again, its pointing out issues or telling people that 2h would not solve obliterates hitting hard again. That too does not mean 2h shouldnt come back its just that they shouldnt be surprised that if it does come back that obliterate wont hit any harder than what you see now. Thats it.