It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

With Unholy. Two-hand Frost wasn’t even in the competitive picture unless you were tanking in Wrath, and even that wasn’t really in the picture at the time ToT was added. Tanking was Blood or bust at that point.

He told the truth, for the most part. Two-hand Frost had one moment to shine in Highmaul. That was it. Take any amount of time to look at logs and you can see that your statement is demonstrably false. Dual-wield was almost always the superior spec due to the obvious design.

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Dual wield’s dps was so spit poor that people (correctly) complained on the forums ad nauseum until ToT was made, because there was no reason to go dual wield. Dude, the specs weren’t black and white back then like they are now. You dipped into each tree for a little bit of everything. Sure, you got the last trait in one tree (usually) but this whole “HURR DURR COMPETE WITH UNHOLY” thing wasn’t a thing.


If I remember correctly at least on my server most DK’s were either blood or frost. No one like unholy they said it did not have the dps that frost did. Of those frost dk’s there was only one or two that DW most where using 2h weapons. And I remember some of the top raiding guilds on our server had frost dk’s using 2h’s. and they were up there on the charts.


I have mained FDK since Cata and I can assure you 2H Frost NOT just good in Highmaul. Infact the only raid I can think of off the top of my head where dual wield was better than 2H frost was Hellfire Citadel. It was rare to see dual wield frost.

Unholy was the top dog through most of WoD.


Can confirm.


Without ToT Dual-Wielding did horrible damage. Frost Strike and Obliterate used to be main-hand attacks. The originally-stable mechanics with 2H got dampened so could start doing awkward left-hooks with our main abilities. It was 2H that was here first and it was better than DW. That is a demonstrable fact and anyone that says otherwise is being intellectually dishonest and/or didn’t even have the game with DK’s came out.


Remember when WoW was an RPG and you could choose how to build your character. I could choose either 2H or Dual Wield sure one would be better than the other from time to time but did that really matter? I got to play what I liked and enjoyed whats a few percent less dps if I can enjoy the way my class looks again.

Making stuff easier to balance should never come at the cost of player choice.


If it’s demonstrable, then please go ahead and demonstrate it. That’s a claim that you can show us this fact, so please do.

Well said

/10 char

Years of logs show this to be a very incorrect statement. Dual-wield was far from rare, and was much more frequently stronger than 2H if representation shows us anything. Seems incredibly unlikely that the playerbase in the competitive scene would stray away from the supposed stronger option.

It may have been rare in your anecdotal experience, but not at large.

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Apart from the developers having to add in a passive so Dual-Wielding would actually be used because it sucked so bad? Apart from over ten years of constant buffing and mechanical rearrangements to the spec that involved giving our abilities blanket damage increases so that Dual-Wielding would actually do something beyond tickling in combat? How is that working for us now? Apart from giving Dual-Wielding its own personal double damage buff with Frost Strike because even after the 50% buff it was still Buzz Lightweight? All of these changes occurring while the 2H playstyle had what, the occasional 5-10% damage fluctuation?


So… you can’t demonstrate what you claimed you could. Nice.

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Some people can’t have change they have to have their class their way and if its not then the class is ruined. That is why he is fighting so hard about dw being better than 2h. He doesn’t want their to be a possibility that dw could be out shined by 2h.


Are you asking me for in-game numbers from 10 years ago? If you actually played the game when all of this was happening then you wouldn’t need me to demonstrate anything. For someone that didn’t actually play, all you have to go on is video footage and patch notes. At least in the patch notes you can clearly see a consistent manner of buffs added to the Dual-Wielding playstyle in several failed attempts to make it proportionally attractive in comparison to 2H. I was there when it these things happened. Dual-Wielding needed god-mode buffs to catch up to 2H. DW was mechanically mediocre then, and it is proportionally worse now. Obliterate and Frost Strike max out at what, 30k?


Monkiy doesn’t even play Death Knight. She’s just a troll.


Figured as she is hiding behind a classic char.


Dual wield DK has been the better Frost spec for the great majority of the time Frost DK has been a spec, dps wise.

Saying anything else is dishonest or pulled out of thin air.

You may have played 2H the whole time but you most likely don’t do content that requires you to be good at your class or pull your own weight.

Just say you want 2H because it looks cool. Refrain from lying about the past.

I am just telling you what I see on my server so that is what I base my experiences on. you might have dw the whole entire time dose not matter to me. I just think we should have the option to have 2h frost back along with dw. And for them to both be viable.


I don’t Dual Wield or 2H. I don’t play Frost and I never have. I prefer playing Unholy, the REAL DK spec.

To be honest I never cared about aligning against Frost 2H weapons until the kids here cried for Unholy to become the dual wield spec. Your cause lost my support at that time permanently.

i played 2h right up till i couldnt. i like having a choice