Pre-set Control Groups in Options

Original Thread:

This is an idea I have wanted to see tested for a long time. Its hard to explain but I know if it were to be implemented a lot of people would enjoy this… What if there was an option to pre-set our control groups? For those who prefer the original playstyle they could keep this option disabled, but this could be a great QoL improvement especially for new players

If you look at the left side of the screen you see the icons for each unit and building (this specific video is just for Terran, but the other races are there)

Now imagine clicking each of those icon and pressing a # to set each units Ctrl-Group, just as you would in a game except this is in the options menu. Imagine if we could choose to have Ctrl 1 as manual (default), but pressing 2 auto-selects all ranged units, and 3 automatically selects all non-worker melee units, and 4 could be set to air or siege or magic, even buildings, etc…

During a game, whenever a unit is trained it will automatically gets added to your control group. So if you train a rifleman, and you have 3 set to ranged, the new rifleman would instantly be part of group 3 without having to manually add it using Ctrl.

We could pick and choose how to set each Ctrl group in the options before the match, instead of constantly having to add each newly trained unit into a group. I know pro players would be against this idea, but many casual players would really enjoy this and it would improve their playstyle without giving them any sort of major advantage

Setting the Ctrl groups manually would still be possible so if you wanted to change your groups mid game, you could still do that by pressing Ctrl as normal. Then we could have Alt + # used to reset the group back to the original setting chosen in the options menu.

NEW: Maybe there could be an auto-group on/off button in each building queue, like you could right click on the set-rally button similar to auto-cast, and maybe it could have hotkey such as “set rally point without grouping when using shift” … this could be really useful imho

It would greatly increase accessibility for new players without giving anybody a major advantage! I hope I explained that simply enough :slight_smile:

Addendum: Unit groups should be increased to about 16-20 units maximum, just for LADDER only. Custom games should be uncapped