Features you hope are in?

Things that I myself hope are in are as follows

1: being able to toggle the uppkeep funktion, to where it does not lower the amount gold you get when having a large army. Could work for campaign and customgames

2: Higher unit count, instead of having the 100 unit limit that we have in the original game,we could get a 200 unit limit that could be toggled before a match. Personally I like having a massive army in rts games like in starcraft and it would be awesome to have one in this game.

3: Massive maps

4: Getting a new game plus after beating the game once. This mode would make tha game harder with more enemies and possible larger maps. The hero level would also increase to lvl 20 and you of course you get stronger abilities.

5: Getting skins for our units and heroes that we can use in both the singleplayer and multiplayer

No unit selection limit, being able to toggle every unit like in sc2 would be great instead of the 12 unit limit

This is mostly what I want to se in the future. This could possibly be added in a patch or dlc.
Now what do you all want in this game? =)

Sorry for bad english

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These can all be done already. Have you even checked the custom games section?

I am mostly waiting for the new revamped campaigns. Also I would love to see unit skins and seeing the armor and weapon upgrades on units. 12-unit-selection limit should be removed and I can’t wait to get my hands on the new World Editor. Other than that, I’m pretty open-minded and just happy to see what’s there to come.

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Being able to join custom games in a group is my 1


Import your character model of World of Warcraft to be a custom hero in the game.


as someone want changes…
these are not right ones to do XD

  1. Warcraft 1 and 2 campaigns as future DLC
  2. Race Skins (play as High Elves, Pure humans, Dwarves, ect)
  3. Adjust Upkeep
  4. Higher unit selection count (or just remove it)
  5. New Neutral Units if it doesn’t break balance
  6. FULL demo campaign included

rarely, mostly just play the campaign

Well I suggest checking them out, because according to your hopes, they may be more your thing. You can play around with the World Editor too just for your own fun.

Ahhhh you miss so much bro, W3 have best custom games, what do you think that we play only campaigns for 16years :laughing: All that maps and campaigns, try Curse of the Forsaken and Rise of Blood Elves custom campaign on hiveworkshop-com I can write all day what you can experience in custom. Just try.

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Coop Missions like in Starcraft 2. Thats all i want.


Will try, just have to figure out on how to play it
Thx mate for this =) never knew of this custom campaign

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Most of the stuff I would like to see relates to the functionality of custom maps.

  1. Scaleable Size of Inventory - I’ve enjoyed many custom games where managing a six slot inventory really tarnishes the experience. Allowing the map creators to scale allowable inventory size or even pick up bag ala WoW style to expand it would really add a lot to the fun.
  2. Equipable Unit Items - The more polished WC3 custom games had units be able to equip different items such as weapons, helmets etc. I’m almost certain these maps will be broken as there was no doubt some custom breaking going on to get those systems to work. With WC3:R this should be a standard part of the editor.
  3. Multiplayer Custom Campaigns - In WC3 if you wanted to play a custom campaign, you needed manually import the campaign files into the campaigns folder. With WC3:R I hope they embrace custom campaigns as a possibility and include them with the multiplayer custom map system.

Ultimately I just hope Blizzard embraces all the advancements of the last 17 years and puts more power in the hands of future map creators.


Greatly improved AI and pathing logic
Removal of the 12 unit cap (as an option)
Re-balance underused Heroes and Units
Bigger maps
Greater number of tile-sets per map
New Triggers to play with
Increase the 200 unit cap
Option to increased the number of hero items and abilities
Orb stacking
Integration or part integration of the W1 & W2 campaigns
Better matchmaking for groups
Clan Support
Improved graphics for the buildings and terrain from what we have seen
Greatly improved latency


Remove the 12 unit selection cap. For me that is the only critical change that the game needs, everything else is just a bonus.

Also the option to make bigger maps in the editor would be nice.


Remove the 12 unit limit, pleeease!


my ideas and suggestions:






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Add an upkeep control button, so you don’t manually have to maintain population below an upkeep level. You have enough houses for 80 max pop, but you want to stay at 50? Add an option that lets you toggle a soft cap, 50/80/100, depending on what upkeep you want to stay at, so you don’t accidentally break upkeep levels while queuing units.


This is actually an excellent idea. Nice little QoL improvement for macro.

  1. UUS and MBS.
  2. 3s freeze at beginning of regular game so peons can be ordered without lag affecting things.
  3. Linux (or at least make sure it works perfectly in wine, but native is best).
  4. Resumable, seekable, rewindable replays.
  5. RGB or HSL player color selection (maybe with minimum player-difference limits).
  6. Unrestricted horizontal rotation (yaw).
  7. (unlikely): Fog-based pathing.